2 tour of Chanhassen Skate ParkCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G9, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Ct, anhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 Genera/£ax 612.937.5739 E, gineeri,g tax 612.937. 9152 Public SafeO, Fax 612.934.2524 Web u,u,u:ci, chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director September 22, 1999 Tour of Chanhassen Skate Park Our contract with True Ride called for the skate park to be completed by Friday, September 24. Unfortunately, the owners of True Ride are stranded in Florida due to the hurricanes. The current plan is to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, September 27-29th. On Tuesday evening the Commission will see the skate park in assembly. I hope to arrange for one of the owners to be present to discuss the elements of the park with you. g:\park\th~skateparktour.doc The OO, of Chanhassen. A growing communiO, with clean lakes, qualiO, schools, a chmmi,g downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, u,ork, and play.