3 Rice Marsh Lake Park BB CourtCITYOF
Cha~lhmset1, 3~hmesota 55317
Phoebe 6129321900
Uo~eral Fax 612 932 5~39
b~gi~eeri~g Fax 612. 9 3 ~ 915 2
Pg~b lic S,~ff ~x 612934.2524
I~b u,u,u~d, 3anhasse~. m~. us
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
September 22, 1999
Rice Marsh Lake Park, Basketball Court
The 1997 referendum called for a second basketball hoop at Rice Marsh Lake
Park. This hoop was ordered from and installed by Earl F. Anderson, Inc. cost
associated with the installation include:
$558.00 for the unit
$400.00 for installation
$133.00 for freight
This second hoop was installed at a height of 9 feet; the same height as the
existing hoop.
This past week I spoke with Bob Myers at 8131 Dakota Lane. Mr. Myers'
recollection was that the commission agreed to set the second hoop at 8 feet. I
recall the discussion about the height of the hoop, but ! do not recall with certainty
the outcome. There are no minutes from the meeting, since it was a worksession.
The cost of breaking out the new hoop and lowering it to 8 feet would be
approximately $600.00 as a contract, or 1 day labor for two workers and $200.00
in concrete.
What would the commission like to do?
g: ,park ,th'RiccMar',h BBallCourt
The Gt¥ o£Chauhassen. A ~rou,i~e community with clean lakes, aualit~, schools, a cham~i,~ dou,ntoum, thrivinv businesses, anc/ bem~ti~d ~arks. A vreat ~/ace ta h've. u,o,q,, a,~d ~/a~