4 Fall Programming ReportCITYOF
690 Gq Ce,tee Drive, 70 Box' 147
Chanhasse,, Mi,nesota 55317
lYsone 612.93? IQO0
Genera/Fay 612 93Z 5739
E,gineeri,g ~x 61Z93Z P152
P~b& &~O' Fax 612934.2524
l~3b t~,wz~ cl. ch, ml,,zsse,, mn. z,
Todd Hoffman, Parks 8,: Recreation Director
Tracy Petersen, Recreation Supervisor~
September 16, 1999
Fall Programming Report
Halloween Party
The Annual Halloween Party is scheduled for Saturday, October 23 from
5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. l will have a volunteer
sign-up sheet available at the meeting for any commissioners who are interested in
volunteering for this event.
After School Sports Classes
After school flag football and soccer will begin the week of September 20 out at
the Recreation Center. A general sports class and a basketball class will start in late
October. We have had great response to these classes and are already being asked
to do more of these types of programs.
Bluff Creek Elementary Open House
Our department was present at the Bluff Creek Elementary School Open House in
late August. It was a wonderful way to meet our customers and to showcase our
recreation programs and the Recreation Center.
!n-Line Skating Programs
We completed our last in-line preschool class this fall. Due to consistently low
enrollment fi)r the majority of in-line skating classes, staff will be re-evaluating this
program with Robichon's In-Line Skate School over the winter.
Winter Newsletter
As we approach October, staff will begin working on programs for Winter 99/00.
G :~arkWracylPXFallProgUpdateTH99
The G0, of Chm2hasse,. A growi,g co,mm,i9, with dean lakes, q,,/iO, schools, a chmmi,?, dow,tow,, thrivi,f busi, esses, a,d bemm~d /;arks. A freest p3we to h've, war3. m~d pJri(