2 2000 GrpPicnicReservationFeesCITYOF CHANHASSEN C/,,~hassez~, 3 li~mesota 55317 ~ho~e 612.937. I900 Fax 6]2 93~ 5 ;39 ~,(fi'(3' ~x 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM, TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent , / / October 13, 1999 SUB J: 2000 Group Picnic Reservations Fees On an annual basis, the Park and Recreation Commission reviews the picnic fees for Lake Ann and Lark Susan picnic sites. I would like to establish the fees at this time. This year, 106 reservations were booked, totaling $9,836.89 in revenue. I originally recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission increase the 2000 picnic f~es by 10% for all groups. After surveying a few neighboring communities and Hennepin Parks, I found that our picnic fees are higher in comparison. Although we have very nice facilities and amenities, based on the picnic fee survey, I don't feel comfortable increasing our picnic fees at this time. Our picnic revenues are approaching $10,000 and another rate increase could possibly decrease our overall revenue. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the attached fees for 2000, which are the same as 1999's picnic fees. G:\park\j erry\2000Pic nic FeeRecommendation T/ye City of Chanhmsc~. CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 G9' Cemer Drive, PO Box i47 C/;anhassen, 3ti~nesoz 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 O~e~d Fax 612.93Z SH9 E, ji;~eerh~j Fax 612 9ZZ 9152 Public 5,~30' E~x 612934.2524 WFb totvtc, ci. cka~hasse~.,,~, us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent October 12, 1999 SUB J: 2000 Group Picnic Reservation Fees The 2000 fees are listed below for approval. All fees include tax. Lake Susan Park 2000 Resident Group $ 70.00 Non-Resident Group 200.00 Chanhassen Business 95.00 Non-Chanhassen Business 250.00 District 112/276 Schools 35.00 All Other School Districts 100.00 Non-Profit/Senior Group Discount 25% Refundable Damage Deposit 200.00 Lake Ann Park - Parkview & Lakeside 2000 Resident Group $ 35.00 Non-Resident Group 100.00 Chanhassen Business 45.00 Non-Chanhassen Business 130.00 District 112/276 Schools 20.00 All Other School Districts 50.00 Non-Profit/Senior Group Discount 25% Refundable Damage Deposit 200.00 Lake Ann Park- Picnic Pavilion/Recreation Shelter 2000 Resident Group $100.00 Non-Resident Group 220.00 Chanhassen Business 130.00 Non-Chanhassen Business 280.00 District 112/276 Schools 50.00 All Other School Districts 150.00 Non-Profit/Senior Group Discount 25% Refundable Damage Deposit 200.00 g:\park\jerryX2000GroupPicnicResFees Ire OO' of Chmthassen. A ~owin2 communiO, witl, clem~ lakes, quah'tr scl~ools, a chm~zi~:~, dmomou,~z, thri~,&e bus&esse.v, a,d beautihd varks. A ~reat ~/ace to/it'e, toork, a,d vla~