5 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM
Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Director
'Susan Marek, Facility Supervisor
DATE: October 20. 1999
SUB J: CRC Monthly Report - October
The Rec Center is bein~ prepared for the annual Halloween Parry on October 23.. Thanks to
Todd Hoffman for delivering cornstalks, pumpkins and hay bales. Room decorating will be
done this week and we have extra staff available for the party!
Mr. Jim Montgomery has rescheduled his art exhibit for December. Ms Nawal Maki will
exhibit watercolor brush painting beginning the last week in October.
YMCA Preschool Basketball has starred with capacity enrollment of 96 participants
Marvin Puspoki, YMCA Coordinator. has' scheduled preschool sports into 2001.
Rec Center Child Care began its Monday-Friday schedule in September. Child Care is
available 9:00 a.m. - noon at a cost of $1.50/30 minutes/child. A punch card can be
purchased for child care expenses which reduces the price to $1.40/30 minutes/child.. As
directed by Commissioners..the Child Care Program must operate as self-supporting. A year-
to-date summary' and history follows:
Time Period ' Revenue $ Expenditures. $ Net +/- $
04/96 - 12/96 2277.50 8134.00 -5.856.50
01/97- 12/97. 5102.50 12.533,00 -7430.50
01/98- 12/98 5353.25 '.' 8420.06 -3066.81
01/99 - 1.0/99 4324.75 3995.00 +330.75
Management changes were made in September 1998 and the Ch'ildCare Program did run
profitably for the last 4 months of 1998. However. the previous deficit in 1998 overshadows
the finances in that year. Through 10 months in 1999. our net gain is $330.75.
Please note. our Child Care patrons do purchase punch cardg for future child care expenses.
We have a'current outstanding unused punch balance of 410 punches or $540.00. This is
revenue we have collected but have not yet provided service. We assume the punch balances
going into 1999 and now in October are comparable and the outstanding values cancel.
We have 96 families kurrently using our Child Care Program. Brenda Larson. our Child
Care Coordinator. is planning a holiday party and free day for Dec'ember 21 !
Chanh;issen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard · Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065