6 Senior Center UpdateCITYOF 690 (Jitl, G',te;' l)~iz'~', PO &v 1-/7 (.'/~h(~.~se~, 3Iim~z'sota 55317 P/~o~te 612.932 I900 (;c,c~d >).x' 6 I2.93 7. 5Z~9 E~;[?i,eeri,~, 13~x 612 93 Z 9I 52 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman. Park & Recreation Director FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator ,FI.O/V/ DATE: October 20. 1999 SUB J: Senior Center Report Currently all winter programming is completed. Registrations tbr all Fall and earl3.' winter programs are close to being booked. The latest trips that have been sponsored by the Senior Center includes: Governor's Mansion Tour (60 people), Grotto of the Redemption Tour (34 people). Saturday Night Special - Italian Night (35 people), Chorgemeinshaft Walsrode Chorus at the Mayer Fine Arts Center (41 people). Daily activities continue to run smoothly. Listed below are the averages for each daily activity tbr the months of September and early October. Approximately 721 and 489 (as of 10/19/99) visits were recorded tbr the months of September and October. Daily Activities - Average Attendance Bridge - 32 people Men's Club - 9 men Foot Care Clinic - 3 people w/a 4 max. Woodcarving ~ 7 people Card Club - 28 people Art Club - 3 people Women's Club - 20 women CHAN-o-laires - 19 people Book Club - 6 people Bingo - 22 people Bowling - 8 people Free Movie Day - 12 people Trips - Upcoming trips include; Royal River Casino trip, Saturday Night Thanksgiving meal and entertainment and the "Annual Holiday Show" at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. Special Programs - On Friday, October 22''d fronl 9:00am - 11:00am flu shots will be available to all seniors in the area. A 4 hour defensive driving class is being held on Tuesday, November 2''d from 5:30pm - 9:30pm in the Senior Center, as well as an 8 hour defensive driving class on Tuesday & Wednesday, November 16~ & 1T~ from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. Miscellaneous - A group of senior volunteers have offered to paint the senior center and do some odds and ends to clean up the Senior Center. This project will be scheduled on a weekend in November. A stamping class has been added to the Senior Center schedule. This group will meet once a month on the first Friday of the month from l:00pm - 3:00pm. The CHAN-o-laires and Woodcarving Club have begun to meet again. The CHAN-o-laires have already performed t~vice since beginning practice September 21, 1999. g:\park~kara\senior ctr update 10.99