7 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportCITYOF
690 C/0, Center Drive, PO Box 147
Ch~M;asse~, ,¥/&,esota 55317
Phone 612.93~ 1900
G'~e~d 3~x 612.93252~9
E, ginee~i~zg Fax 612 93? ~152
5~b/ic,~('O, t:~z.v 612 934.2524
Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director
Dale GregmT, Park Superintendent
October 19, 1999
SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report
This fall has proven to be a busy time in thc Park Department. The four new
shelters received dirt work and sod was installed to finish them off:
We have.just fin/shed thc last fertilization of all parks, and we finished mulching all
thc trees at Bluff Crcck Elementary/Recreation Center with the help of thc STS
(Sentence to Service) crew.
We removed dead trees along thc Minncwashta Park so the Minnewashta
Association can replant. We also removed thc dead trees at Bluff Creek
Elemcntar3dRecreation Center.
We recently finished pulling out all docks and fishing piers for the season.
Wc are currently working by thc concession building near Field 4 at Lakc Ann
Park to make a larger area for spectators and to install a blacktop trail from thc
concession building to thc parking lots to thc cast.
Thc LRT trail connection off Pioncer Trail and Highview has been blacktopped
and is ready for usc.
We contracted with Plchal Blacktopping to overlay approximately two milcs of
existing trails and two parking lots. We also had tennis courts in four parks and
one basketball court rcsurfaccd by Blacktop Repair Service.
The Citl' of Cha~d;asse~;.