Correspondence SectionAdministrative Packet 9-2'~-99 Todd Hoffmon, cn-v ~.. My nome is Nick and Z om o 13 year old biker. I hove o question about the new 5kote Perk. Are you going to let bike riders ride the pork? The bikes don't thrash the romps any more than skateboards do and it would not be herd to let bikes in o couple of hours o day. I think you should still make riders wear helmets but o set of bike knee or elbow pods costs os much os $30-$100. If you hove the time it would great if you can write back. ~999 ...... ~ L.~v Respectfully Nick Dohl 8552 Osprey Ln CITYOF CHANHASSEN 612.932 I900 Ez.v 612. 9,7-. 5Z~9 September 29, 1999 Mr. Nick Dahl 8552 Osprey Lane Chanhassen, MN 553 17 Dear Nick: Thank you for your letter concerning the new Chanhassen Skate Park. Bicycles are not allowed at the park for a number of reasons. The pegs and pedals gouge the skate light surface. Thc park is small. The park is unsupervised which precludes the enforcement of special schedules. The park was not designed for bicycles. Nick, a copy of the rules for the skate park are enclosed. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns c: Park and Recreation Commission g: park,th,,dahl.doc CITYOF CHAN EI 6.90 C0, Ce~lter Drh'e, PO t~o.v 147 Pl~o,e 612932 I900 &',c;~d ~.v 612 932 5,739 ~i¢,i;~cc;i;;g ~z.x' 612 93Z 9I 52 h~b/i: ~g,~'(l' E~x' 612 934.2524 October 18, 1999 Mr. Robert Laprade 2351 Hunter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Laprade: Thank you for your letter of October 11, 1999. I appreciate hearing fi'om you. The City pursued the use of the power line right-of-way as a pedestrian trail some time ago. Northern States Power was willing to sign an easement over to the City. The problem is that Lundgren Brothers, and the vast majority of homeowners, oppose such a trail. Mr. Jerome Carlson, developer of the Highover Addition, lobbied very hard in an attempt to connect his development to the Longacres development using the powerline right-of way. The Park and Recreation Commission joined in this effort, to no avail. The reality remains that creating these trails past development is very difficult. Regarding the "dead end" trail, the City is not in a position to extend this trail until the property directly to the east is subdivided. Creating these dead end trails is simply an unavoidable necessity. The stand of trees on the northeast comer of Highway 5 and 41 should be preserved during development. Recently, Pulte Homes presented a plan for 420 units at this location. In this plan, the trees were preserved. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns g:~,park",th'~hunterdrivehr.doc ui:! 1 ;', 1999 CITY OF 20 Sidney Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Tel: 617.577.0200 Fax: 617.494.8366 Website: www.univparkhotel.com E-mail: welcome@univparkhotel.com DAVID MINGE 2xl) DISTRICT. MINNESOTA [ ~ I 5 LONGWORTH BUILDING W^SHIXGIO~., DC 20515 (202) 225 2331 UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE GI:NI RAI FARM COMMODITII S, COMMITTEE ON TItE BUDGET JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE October 5, 1999 Todd Hoffman 690 City Center Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: Thank you for writing me about the Land and Water Conservation Fund. It was good to hear from you. Historically, the Land and Water Conservation Fund has been greatly underfunded and annually receives only a small percentage of the appropriations to which it has been authorized. Since joining Congress in 1993, I have been a supporter of increasing funding levels for this important trust fund. Budget considerations are always a difficult matter. As an ardent supporter of our continued efforts to balance the federal budget, I believe it is important that we, as a nation, live within our financial means. Yet, in establishing our budgetary priorities, it is also important that we are spending our tax dollars on programs that truly make a difference. With appropriate offsets in our federal budget, we can and should significantly increase appropriations for this important trust fund. Again, thank you for your letter. If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to contact my office again. DM:cay Sincerely,, ........ DAVID MINGE Member of Congress - -- DISTRICT OFFICES: -- PAUL D. WELLSTONE MINNESOTA M~NNESOTA TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-800-642-6041 WASHINGTON~ DC 20~0-2303 COMMITTEES: LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES SMALL BUSINESS INDIAN AFFAIRS VETERANS' AFFAIRS FOREIGN RELATIONS September 27, 1999 Mr. Todd Hoffman P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Thank you for contacting me to express your support for adequate funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) . I appreciate knowing your views on this matter. I strongly support the federal government using the LWCF as it was intended: to provide matching funds to states that are interested in purchasing land to expand existing parks and wildlife refuges. When properly implemented, the LWCF provides an effective tool for enhancing the quality of our environment and preserving our natural heritage for future generations. You can be assured that I will continue to work for the proper dispensation of LWCF monies in the 106th Congress. Again, thank you for contacting me. stay in touch. I hope you will continue to Sincerely, Paul David Wellstone United States Senator PDW:bb 2550 UNWERSITY AvE NUE, WEST COL)R! INTERNATIONAL BUILDING ST PA'd., MN 55114 1025 {651) 645 0323 PRINT£D ot~ RECYCLED PAPER [] POST OFFICE BOX 281 105 2D AVENUE, Sou~rH VIRGINIA, ~,~N 55792 (218! 741 1074 (320i 231-0001 ROD GRAMS MINNESOTA BUDGET WASHINGTON, DC 20.510-2304 WASHINGTON OFFICE: PH 202 224-3244 FAX 202 228-0956 TDD 202224 9522 MINNESOTA OFFICE: 2013 SECONE) AVENUE NORTH ANOKA, FAN 55303 PH 612 427 5921 FAX 612 427-8872 1DD 612427 5902 September 20, 1999 Mr. Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director, CLP City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Thank you for contacting me regarding efforts in Congress to provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. I appreciate hearing from you. Like you, I believe wildlife conservation and the continued protection of our nation's natural resources are vitally important to both our standard of living and our quality of life. We must continue to work proactively towards habitat protection, farmland preservation, ocean conservation, and endangered species recovery. As legislation impacting the Land and Water Conservation Fund moves through the committee process and onto the Senate floor, I will continue to balance the needs of our natural resources carefully with budget concerns. I appreciate your counsel on this matter. I hope you will visit my Energy and Natural Resources website at w~",v.senate.gov/~grams/enr.html for more information. Please continue to get in touch with me anytime you have questions or concerns about an issue. Rod Grams United States Senator RG:jd SEP S 7 !999 ~tti, .', .'.','. ,;i,r~at 1]:>'~ gran,~. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ' Skate Park Design & Construction October 5, 1999 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd, Thank you for giving TrueRide the opportunity to work with you and the City of Chanhassen on your Skate Park project. Our Experience working with the City of Chanhassen has been very enjoyable and rewarding and we would very much like to continue a working relationship to provide the City of Chanhassen with safe, high quality skating equipment. We have already received a lot of positive feedback about the Skate Park from the kids of your community. Please extend our sincere thanks to all that were involved in giving the kids a great place to skate. Sincerely, Dave Benson CFO TrueRide Inc. TrueRide Inc. is dedicated to building safe solid ramps that are true to ride! RECE!VEr O0T 1. .5 1999 CI-EY OE' {;HANPIASSEN ~ xD~ 0 CITYOF CHANHAgSEN 690 G~. Center Drive, PO Box i47 Chanhassen, 34innesota 55317 Phone 612.935.1.900 General Fa.,: 612. ?3Z 5739 Engineering ?ax 612.95Z9152 Public SafeO, Fax' 612.93'~2524 Web u,wu~ cl. chanhassen, mn. m October 1, 1999 Mr. David Sebold JMS Companies 80 West 78th Street Suite 133 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Trail Repair - Forest Meadows - Project No. 95-18 Dear Mr. Sebold: [ am writing this letter as a follow up to our conversation regarding the damaged trail that occurred in conjunction with the project pond cleaning. As a~eed, the city contractor will remove the existing patch and restore the damaged area to a satisfactory condition. Upon completion of the work, the City will invoice JMS for the work with costs based on the bituminous patch work for city project no. 99-2 (524.00 per square yard). Hopefully the work should be completed within the next couple of weeks. This should clarify the terms of our agreement. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN Bill Bement Engineering Technician 1V BB:jms C: Anita Benson, City Engineer Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director \\c fs I ',~ ol2~,eng\projects',forest~,trail repair.doc The Ci7 of Clmnhassen. ,4 ~owing corn,ranio, with c/ea, lakes, qu,dhy :v/,ods, ,~ ,'/,amtin,d ,b~tt,,~tow,t, thrit,i~tg b,sinesses, a~td beautifid ?arks. ,4 ~great p/ace ~o lit'e, work, ~znd pIa. y THE LIONS CLUB OF CHANHASSEN P. O. BOX 484 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 September 10, 1999 Dear JenT, On behalf of the 1,ions Club of Chanhassen, I want to thank you for your generous donation towm'ds our annual golf tournament. It is due to your generosity that the tournament continues to be successful. Z~gain our thanks. Sincerely, CHANItASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 937-1900 PICNIC EVALUATION ~¢kiP (, ,9 1999 Ci~ Y or In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the following questions and give us some suggestions. Thank you! Excellent Group Name:(optional) Picnic Facility: Average (Please Circle) 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 · Fair Poor // / Good Overall impression of facility 1 Did facility meet your expectations 1 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. & 2 Procedure for reserving picnic ~ 2 Picnic Resen'ation Fee 1 2 Was facility clean 1 Comments: ~5~'~':,~(~x: ,,> :') What did you like most about your picnic facility? What amenities would you like added? \x,.qaat improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day! CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE - 93%1900 PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve participants using our picnic facilities, we ask that you take a few minutes to answer the follo~ving questions and giyg us some suggestions. Thank you! Group Name:(optional) ~----~[") Ldo(/ Picnic Facility: Excellent Good Ox~ ~mpression of facility (i// 2 Did facility meet your expectations '/[--'") 2 Were there enough tables/grills, etc. r,"~% 2 Procedure for reserving picnic 1 ) 2 Picnic Reservation Fee 2 Average Fair Poor (Please Circle) 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 \Vas facility clean (.~ ..J 2 3 4 5 What did you like most about your picnic facility'?. What amenities would you like added? What improvements could be made to better the facility? (over) SEP 2 7 999 CITY OF CI-iANHASSEN Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: ,...-- Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Have a great day!