AgendaFile AGENDA PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY~ NOVEMt~_ ER 23, 1999, 7:30 P.M. CHANttASSEN CITY HALL, 690 CIYY CENTER DRIVE 7:30 p.m. - CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items at this time. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 'VISITOR PRESENTAI'IONS Commission Procedures all();;' for presentations fi-om tho audience al this time. Ifa motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to co~asideration. APPROVAL OF MINUTES I. Approval of minutes dated October 26, 1999 NEW BUSINESS 2. ** ITEM DEI_,EYED ** Replat of Outlot A, Lake Stlsan }Jills into 4 Ix)ts, Site Plan Reviexx fbr the Construction ot'4 Multi-Family Buildings (343 Apartmems), located at tl~e Southwest comer of Powers Boulevard and Lake Drive West, Lake Susan Hills Partnership, Miller Hanson Westerbeck Berger, Inc, 3. Request for Public Gathering Permit, Water Skiing Tourrlament at Lake Susan Park. 4. Use of Neighborhood Parks for Youth Athletics in 2000. OLD BUSINESS -- None REPORTS 5. Recreatior~ Programs: a. 1999 Tree Lightir~g Ceremony b. 1999 Halloween Party Evaluation 9. Self-Supporting Programs: a. Adult 3-on-3 Basketball Update Recreation Center. Senior Center. Park & Trail Maintenance Administrative COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET ADJOURNMENT g: park I hagen da lbrm.doc