1 Approval of MinutesCHANHASSEN PARK AND
OCTOBER 26, 1999
Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Fred Berg, Mike Howe, Jim Manders, Jay Karlovich, Rod
Franks and Dave Moes
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Tracy Peterson, Recreation Supervisor
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Howe moved, Franks seconded to approve the Minutes of the
Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated September 28, 1999 as presented.
Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item.
Lash: Okay, does anybody have a question or comment for Jen'y? Okay I do. Just a couple
questions. I'd be just interested in seeing sometime figures of the percentage of residents versus
non-residents so we get a feel for how many who are coming fi'om outside the community. And
also I'd be interested in seeing, you know it's not a big rush. Just sometime before we would
want to relook at the fees. Also, some kind ora printout that shows us dates that are booked
versus open dates. Are we booking 75% of the time? 80% of the time? When does it appear
that there are busiest things because if we want to think long range down tile road about another
shelter somewhere, I think it'd helpfl~l Ibr us to have an idea of really what the demand is the
peak times are and tilings like that. St) have that info to base that decision on.
Ruegemer: yeah, we can print out calendars of all the facilities presently so I can put that in the
admin packet or something for next time.
Lash: Okay. It'd just be interesting to see i think. Anybody else have anything?
Franks: Well, I wasn't going to bring this up but now that you brought that up, because I thought
it was maybe a little far fetched but in thinking about increases, have you considered doing like
targeted increases for the future? As a way to, during the peak times to maybe have a premium
on time and that may also create an incentive for people to spread their reservations out in those
non-demand times as well. 1 wasn't so sure if that was a realistic approach but you would need
that kind of breakdown anyway to determine that.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting ~ October 26, 1999
Hoffman: Similar to the resort business.
Franks: Similar to the resort business. In fact it was our experience in dealing with Ruttgers on
Bay Lake that made me think of that. Looking through their brochure so.
Lash: Anybody else?
Manders: Do you have any sense of what the breakout is of this $10,000 across those sites?
Ruegemer: Lake Ann and Lake Susan would be the highest. Or Lake Ann would be number
one. Lake Susan second. And then really Parkview and Lakeside are really, I'd say not existent
but a very, very small percentage. Some of the companies have been, like in the bigger
companies that have been coming in like Lucent Technologies had a big one this summer. They
rented out the Lakeside site and the pavilion and the Parkview site and had really the whole park.
That's unlikely. You know it's not all the time but companies are doing that a little bit more than
they used to. But Lake Ann and Lake Susan pavilions are by far the most popular.
Hoffman: And simply because of the fee structure, non-residents make up by far the most
Ruegemer: Non-resident companies make up the most, yeah.
Lash: Non-resident companies make up the most?
Hoffman: You've got, because of the rate increase.
Lash: But that's what percentages would, you know figures and percentages because that would
be more telling so if it shows that 75% of the rentals are to residents but 75% of the fees are from
non-residents, that also helps us to see the whole picture I think. Okay, anybody else? Anything
on this? Okay, thanks Jerry.
Ruegemer: We need a motion.
Lash: Oh, I'm sorry. Yep, we need a motion.
Berg: I move we approve the staff recommendation to maintain the 1999 picnic fees for the year
Lash: Is there a second?
Howe: Second.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Berg moved, Howe seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that
the 2000 Group Picnic Reservation fees remain the same as they were in 1999. All voted in
favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Peterson: Thank you Chair Lash and commissioners. You have the memo before us. I guess the
date's been set for Saturday, February 5th. And obviously the challenge for me again, just like
the 4th is going to the event for the first time so if there are ideas or suggestions that you have, if
you want to let me know that would be great. Since I'll need to figure that out in the next coming
months so the date's been set and the Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the fishing contest
again so unless you guys have anything, we'll get started on that and we wanted to get the date
out there for those groups that are going to be helping us out.
Lash: Anybody have suggestions or anything for Tracy?
Berg: Have plenty of people to rcdrill holes.
Karlovich: I was there last year. I just thought it was a lot of fun and 1 think having the fishing
contest, you just bring a lot of people out there.
Lash: I thought it was great. I mean evcry year there's fun things so.
Karlovich: ...get my fish at Byerly's but it's still a lot of tim to be there.
Lash: But I assume you're talking about the dog sled deal and all the same kinds of things.
Peterson: Exactly. Otherwise we'll probably keep it pretty similar I xvould guess.
Lash: Were we able to have skating last year?
Franks: Yeah, there was an area for skating. And the sledding, little course that was made up on
the hill was pretty popular at the time that I was there.
Berg: The bonfire was very popular.
Franks: Especially when you're wet.
Berg: From digging fish holes.
Lash: Last year was the first time we had the medallion hunt too and I think that was fun for
some people who. It was tough though. I thought those clues from the library were tough. That
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
wasn't for the average intellect. Way too hard for me. Well, and you really had to know books
and authors and yeah, literature. Yeah, that's the word I'm looking for.
Ruegemer: Friends of the Library.
Lash: Yeah I know. It was great. It was just nice because then there was a nice mix of activities
for people who really aren't fisherpeople. So when you're looking for volunteers Tracy you
Peterson: I will do that.
Lash: Anybody else have anything on that?
Hoffman: We'll drill the holes the day of the contest Fred.
Berg: That will be good.
Manders: We've done some kind of a golf thing, winter golf in the past haven't we?
Ruegemer: The Jaycees, yeah the Jaycees had done it 2 or 3 years in a row and just kind of,
never really took off. Kind of petered a little bit and the Jaycees now are no longer in existence
so, but that doesn't mean that we can't try it again.
Hoffman: The Arboretum called. They'd like to be involved.
Lash: I was going to ask about the cross country skiing. Did we have that last year?
Hoffman: We struggled for.
Lash: Couldn't we just do that through [~ake Ann'? That trail there.
Ruegemer: There was really never a whole lot of snow.
Lash: I know it's hard to know.
Ruegemer: We're doing it a little bit earlier now but conditions were always pretty bad.
Lash: It's hard to predict a lot of that I guess. Did we do snow sculpture last year?
Ruegemer: No.
Lash: I don't know that we had enough snow.
Hof£man: It was spread out. Snow sculptures in people's yards. We were at the Arboretum.
We were at Lake Susan. And it just became a little bit too spread out so.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: Could you just not do it down there?
Hoffman: Sure.
Lash: In the park. It'd have to be somewhere in the park.
Hoffman: On the lake.
Lash: Okay.
Peterson: I have the memo here. And actually the dates on the, part of the first sentence actually
should be the 11th and the 12th. They were one offso I apologize for that. Again, those were the
rinks that you had last year for the 98-99 season so I don't know if Jerry had any, was planning to
make any changes but at least right now those would be the sites that we would have for 99-
2000. The ones we would maintain so if there's any additions or deletions on those, to let us
Karlovich: I'd like to bring an item up lbr discussion, l've got mine marked. I live over by
Pheasant Hills and I had a little circle around Pheasant Hills Park. It would serve a lot of the
community there. In our area though a lot of, at least the holding ponds serve that as long as the
residents keep the areas clear but when you say a pleasure, does that mean they just go out there
and flood it then?
Lash: And plow it.
Karlovich: Do they...because well, I guess 1 would push for something in Pheasant Hills just
because last year I didn't plow the pond behind our house very well and it just got iced over and
too much snow. But just an open item lbr discussion. I don't knoxv how much actually that costs
or if we've even, maybe there's some other sites that are more deserving.
Lash: No other park would be more deserving than yours. Fancy you should say that because
when I looked at the map I thought there was sort of a glaring hole in our service areas there. I'd
be interested in knowing, you know when we started with Minnewashta Heights Park you know
because we had stopped that one. And then a request to flood it again. What were the
maintenance guys feeling last year when they went to plow? Did they feel like there was enough
usage to continue? To keep that going?
Hoffman: ...
Lash: None? Or a couple.
Franks: Last year was a bad year to gauge I think because the skating season was just so poor.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: And we did get figures at one point about roughly what we thought it cost to have a rink
for the reason°
Hoffman: I don't recall the number.
Lash: Does anyone remember? We just went through this like last year with City Council.
Hoffman: It's not cheap, It's thousands of dollars.
Lash: I was thinking it was like $7,000 but I could be offbut. Do you think that's high?
Hoffinan: Pheasant Hill has some history on the ponds, as Jay said. The City actually plowed
one of the ponds in the neighborhood there for some time and then decided to stop that and they
still skate on that pond. But it's not a public rink or not a municipal rink,
Karlovich: The thing that always drives me nuts is you know taking the kids down there and
then it's just during the freeze thaw area then, it's always kind of dangerous but.
Lash: It's all lumpy.
Karlovich: I don't know how much, you know just at Pheasant Hills you do have a large, that
large kind of just area there where it's kind of flat. You could just flood it.
Lash: Part of the problem with Pheasant Hills will be that there's no parking. So access to it will
be pretty tough. Because where would we even do it.°
Hoffman: You can park on the street.
Lash: Yeah, but I mean where would you flood then?
Hoffman: Just inside that trail on that open field. Straight in.
Lash: Would you have to plow some kind of access from the street back to the rink.
Hoffman: Go down the trail and then to the rink.
Franks: They plow the trail anyway.
Lash: What do you think Rod about the one in your area? Because when I looked at the
numbers for Chan Hills, you've got a warming house right?
Franks: Right, warming house and now lights.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: I mean the numbers there for having a wanning house are I think fairly low compared to
the others when you look at the head count.
Franks: And every time we were down there there weren't a whole lot of people.
Lash: The peak day there was 27. Wanning house is, what does it cost to have one of those
warming houses? Those aren't cheap. $I,200-$1,5007
Ruegemer: Yeah, $ 1,200 to $1,400 a year.
Berg: What would make that wanning house?
Karlovich: I don't think you'd.
Lash: No, but I was just even wondering if it's worth having the wanning house at Chan Hills...
offset some of the cost.
Franks: There's kind of an overlap, Site 5, 4 and 6.
Lash: Well 5 is City Center, right? Oh no, that's Meadow Green.
Franks: Meadow Green and then Carver Beach. North Lotus.
Lash: What do you suppose would happen if we quit having the one at Carver Beach and moved
it over to Pheasant Hills instead?
Hoffinan: You'd get some calls.
Berg: I think you'd have some people upset.
Lash: Because they really are pretty dose to being in the service area of 8 or 5.
Berg: Skating rinks are not like tennis courts though. They're little kids and they don't really,
they can't get in a car and go.
Lash: No, they can't do that but you know what, they don't really walk.
Berg: They don't?
Lash: They don't in the winter walk somewhere with the skates and then put their skates on all
by themselves.
Berg: But if they're right from the neighborhood where the skating is, the kids are Carver Beach
wouldn't go skating if they didn't have that one there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: Well I'm saying I don't know that they'd just go all by the themselves. Don't you think a
parent would take them to start with? Just get them there and get their skates laced up and stuff.
Berg: Probably, but I don't know, well. I don't know. I don't know if they'd go all the way to.
Lash: I mean the other two both have wanning houses at them too. City Center and, oh no,
that's not at Meadow Green.
Franks: Do we have it within the budget? Offhand to add in another pleasure rink without a
warming house?
Hoffman: The budget is all personnel. So I think you can add it and they can make it happen.
It's just things, if the dollars going into the personnel starts to stretch thin, the number of times
they maintain each individual rink just slightly decreases so you can add a rink without too much
danger of losing the whole program.
Franks: My concern was that if we find out that it is too much of an effort, once we add a rink
into a park we're going to have a lot of difficulties taking it away I think. So we should be pretty
clear that we're really looking at adding this in for the long tenn.
Lash: I can see that down the road we would eventually have one there. Just because of the
service areas and then one at Bandimere and I feel like we'd be pretty well covered if
Berg: If we make a decision in November, is that enough time?
Hoffinan: Sure.
Berg: So you can get back some figures on what exactly the cost would be and.
Hoffman: Sure. I can have Dale comment on it too. Dale's responsible to maintain these rinks.
Howe: Is it a compromise if we go back to plowing it ibr the time being? Plowing that pond or
is that just a bad idea?
Hoffman: We don't want to be on the pond. The year we quit a Bobcat went through. $10,000
insurance loss for a private citizen. That's why we quit. Danger of taking a pick-up through.
Berg: Good reason.
Franks: Would the most likely location to cover this service area where the obvious hole is,
would that be Pheasant Hill Park?
Hoffman: The only, yes.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Franks: The only place, okay.
Lash: You wouldn't want to put it in Curry Farms.
Hoffman: No.
Lash: That's the only other park out there. I could see down the road if we were to take, think
about taking the wanning house out of Chart Hills and putting a warming house at Ban&mere.
And then basically just the ones, that's not true. I was going to say just the ones at community
parks, the bigger sites would have warming houses but North Lotus has one and Roundhouse has
one but those are really extreme locations in the city. But it would make for a nice balance to
have Roundhouse then, North Lotus, the Rec Center, City Center and Bandimere. Those be the
ones with the warming houses. When do we have slated down the road to have that at
Bandimere? Skating.
Hoffman: Skating? Well we could put a skating rink out on one of the fields at any time. We
talked about hockey boards in the parking lot.
Lash: This year?
Hoffman: No. We don't have hockey boards programmed in fact for Bandimere at all in the five
year plan. If you want to put hockey doxvn there, take part of the parking lot, put up a hockey
rink for the winter. It'd be very easy to do at that large parking lot.
Lash: What kind of an effect do you think Rod it would have in Chan Hills to take that, because
it's just a portable one there now, right? Could we put a rink at Bandimere this year with a
portable warming house?
Howe: I wonder how much it would get used when people don't even.
Manders: I mean I wouldn't put it down there this year. Maybe think about it for an upcoming
year but I wouldn't do it this year yet.
Hoffinan: Chan Hills is actually a better program now that we have the skating light there.
Power for the trailer. We don't have those. We have plenty of power at Bandimere but it's not
outfitted for a warming house and we don't have lights there. Either in the parking lot or on the
Manders: I think once you get some scheduled activity out there through a season, then people
will. But I like that idea of using the parking lot. 1 mean that shouldn't create a lot of damage or
anything would it?
Hoffman: No. The lighting is going to be an issue. You're going to have to have lights out there
and so. That's the expensive part.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: Okay, well should we just get some figures for our next meeting? On what it would be to
put one in out at Pheasant Hill and see.
Hoffman: Sure.
Franks: I mean we can but it sounds like we're pretty committed to filling in that gap anyway.
Do we just really want to look at go ahead and voting to approve a pleasure rink in at Pheasant
Hills now and they can start all their planning?
Lash: I just want to make sure there's enough money to maintain it. If the whole programs going
to take a dive because there's not enough money in, then none of them will get plowed as often.
That's a concern. Is it a concern do you think?
Hoffman: Dale has a concern any time we add an additional rink so. We want to put so,ne
thought into it.
Lash: Okay, so do we need a motion on that or'?
Hoffman: No.
Lash: Okay.
Ruegemer: Our Chanhassen adult leagues did have 42 teams this year, which has declined the
last couple three years and that's really across the Twin Cities again. I think it's time to really
take this winter and look at new ways, how we can attract some nexv teams. A lot of people have
been asking about double header type of leagues so I want to look at to implement that at sorne
point in time during the week next year. Adding a new league obviously we have concerns with
umpires. Umpires across the Twin Cities is decreasing as well. So it's been challenging at times
to find umpires but we'll certainly look at that. Also really looking at potentially doing like a
match type of it to eliminate the umpire and have the mask behind the plates to call balls and
strikes is certainly an option for some leagues. Not all leagues but those seem to work out.
They're big in some parts of the country. Not so much in Minnesota but that's something to take
a look at as well. The softball league once it starts really does seem to run itself and it seems like
teams do have a good time. While I was looking for new ways, the evaluations to players, that
type of thing. Looking, solicit comments on how we can improve. I can't improve an umpire's
balls and strike calls but, it's all judgment but we certainly can take that into account and talk to
our umpires to stay consistent with that. But just some general comments. On the back page
there's, a lot of the things that's working and some things that we can take a look at too for
improving. Nothing real major. Real major things. People really like the weather line. When
it's rainy days to call that. I always update that by 3:30. People really seem to like that. They
can really give the number to their softball players on their teams and that saves the manager, you
know anywhere from 10 to 15 phone calls on a rainy day which helps them out as well so.
Really this winter's really going to be really need to kind of beat the bushes again for the local
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
corporations to try to get them involved again. And other types of groups around the city. The
eligibility has helped in many cases...that we should keep. But there's always ways of can take a
look at getting some new people. I think double header league would certainly help.
Manders: I'd second that most definitely...
Ruegemer: We've looked at that in the past and with the pressure that we've had and with the
youth associations at Lake Ann, I never really felt that I could expand but now with Bandimere
coming on line I think we can, I think I can take a look at that now.
Manders: How would that work? You wouldn't play as many nights then? Every other week or
something or would you.
Ruegemer: For the double headers? I would do two games a night. Say it's Monday nights, you
play two games and do it that way. There is.
Manders: For as many weeks or'?
Ruegemer: For as many weeks.
Manders: You get twice as many games.
Ruegemer: Yeah, and they would play 28 to 30 games. Some communities do it that way where
they play txvo games every other week. But I think people like playing two games a week. And
the league fees would be anywhere from $700 to $1,000 bucks a year l suppose. We'll take a
look at that too so, People are xvilling to pay it, I know they are.
Manders: What are the league fees lbr the different leagues? Softball.
Ruegemer: Ours is on the sliding scale based on how many residents you have on your team. If
you have an all resident team it's $375. 1 to 5 it was $425. And more than 5 or 6 it was $475.
Lash: Okay, does anybody else have anything?
Manders: How does this compare xvith the other cities around?
Ruegemer: We're, if we're on the $375 we're on the low end but if we're the $425, fairy on the
average we're in the $425 to a little bit higher so we're about in the middle of the pack.
Manders: So I mean somebody who lives in Eden Prairie and they're saying geez, I could play in
the Minnetonka league instead. We're asking what Chanhassen...
Ruegemer: A lot of people like Shakopee has a per player fee as well. A city type of fee. It's
$40.00 per person and so it adds up and they have different fees associated with that too. I think
softball association fees plus city fees...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Lash: ...really should be commended for doing that. I think she did a great job of straightening
that out for us. So Todd would you do that, or Jerry or whoever. We want to make sure to thank
Susan for doing, getting this child care thing all.
Hoffman: Straighten out?
Lash: Yep. She just did a great job of turning that around. Keeping it alive.
Hoffman: She feels very strongly in it's service so she wants to preserve it.
SENIOR CENTER. No comments.
Hoffman: Dale continues to do an outstanding job in coordinating a good deal of work. Both
daily in-house work and then also coordinating a variety of contracts. We completed over
$50,000 in asphalt maintenance this fall. Dale coordinated all of those professional contracts.
Tennis courts, trails, parking lots and so we were successful in securing those maintenance
dollars in Dale's fund. They go a long ways in preserving the integrity of those improvements if
you, for example Meadow Green parking lot was just in really terrible condition. Replaced the
park entrance driveways. Repaved it and for a cost which was reasonable, we're back on track
with a good product. The same with Kerber Boulevard trails. Trail going through Rice Marsh
Lake. We also tried an innovative product there. We had some root infiltration. The willow
roots and so they cut vertically down along side the trail 3 feet and then put a root barrier in so
now when the roots try to grow back underneath, they can't get back underneath the trail so it's a
long term maintenance item. So some of those things. As we increase the mileage of our trails
we also increase the maintenance cost and the contact with the public. People either call me to
plant trees or cut down trees. It's one or the other so we're either dealing with sight line
problems or we don't have enough trees. I had a call which humored me in that the person was
concerned that they were just being waved at too much and would appreciate some trees.
Lash: That rates right up there with the berm peekers. We've got to get a little crabbier
neighborhood. I know it's not me. I go like this, I'm pointing. Get off the road. Get on the trail.
Hoffman: Dale continues...service. We have 30 Westwood Church youth coming out this
Saturday to work with Dale in picking up the downtown. And so anytime we have the
availability of community service labor, we're using that. You'll see a trend in park maintenance
towards more contractual labor. Contractual services. More seasonal labor. It's very difficult to
secure those full time positions and so as we increase our system, we're changing our ways and
will simply, instead of spraying for weeks in-house, we'll contract for that service. Contractual
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
costs will go up but in budget processes in the municipal sector, it's not as difficult to increase
contractual services or seasonal labor as it is to increase full time employees and the equipment
that they take so we'll change with the times and you'll just see more strange vehicles running
around our parks doing those type of services.
Lash: Okay, anybody have comments for Todd on any of these things?
Manders: I'd like to ask a question about trail maintenance, particularly the Lake Ann trail. Is
there anything that can be done? Typically it's in the spring or you know when it's thawing.
You go on that trail, you've got to walk through a foot of water. That there could be some kind
of drainage trough or something cut in to some of those, a couple of those low spots so that
would drain off. Typically what happens is that it's kind ofdamlned up because of the dirt. The
trail is lower than the surrounding dirt. I don't know if it's squeezed out or whatever.
Hoffinan: We can probably continue to band aid it. It has a variety of tiles in it already. It is
really in need ora total reconstruction.
Manders: It is, but I mean there's a couple spots, and tile other ones aren't really that bad but
there's a couple of low spots that bank up with water.
Hoffinan: For the use it sees it really is too bad that it is not in better condition.
Berg: I think we should just budget some money and do it tile right xvay. Find out how much
that would cost.
Lash: Well isn't that supposed to be part of the Lake Ann project?
Hoftinan: Yes.
Berg: Maybe xve could sneak it in.
Lash: We're trying to sneak in the whole project.
Hoffman: A half of mile of trail, that reconstruction cost is $60,000 to $70,000 so.
Berg: That's tough to sneak.
Lash: It's almost as tough as $500,000.
Hoffman: There are some big issues at Lake Ann with maintenance. Not only the asphalt but
then the maintenance building also will be, well it's going to be an embankment for the new
frontage road where the building is currently right now. And so the storage shed and the storage
yard, the maintenance yard will all disappear sometime in the near future with the frontage road,
the access boulevard going through. And the issues sun'ounding the relocation and
reconstruction of the maintenance building have not completely been thought out because there's
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
competing interests involved. From what I understand, early conversations with MnDOT which I
was not a party to, included such conversations as we're building an access boulevard and paying
for it in large part with State Aicl funds. Federal funds and building a trail for the city, building
pedestrian underpasses for the city and we're going to have to take parkland and we're also going
to have to displace your building and your maintenance facility and so, but we would not
normally do these other things so it's your responsibility to take care of this building and
relocation and those type of things. But there's obviously some trade offs there but the cost of
relocating that maintenance yard is half a million dollars or more. Reconstruction of a building is
not going to be a tin shed. It's no longer the accepted norm for a maintenance facility. It will be
block and brick and a new yard will have to be reconstructed so you can add onto our halfa
million dollar road project, a half a million dollar maintenance yard reconstruction. And I'm not
certain where both of those are going to fall out in the wash. But they're in this 5 year CIP for
the council and City Manager Botcher to consider and we'll continue to work on it so.
Everything seems to be going well but there are some dark clouds on the horizon.
Lash: Any other comments about this? One quick question. It says we removed dead trees
along the Minnewashta Park so the Minnewashta Association can replant. Are you talking about
Roundhouse Park?
Hoffman: Highway 7, Minnewashta Heights Park.
Lash: So the Association has just volunteered to go in and replant?
Hoffman: Yep. It's City right-of-way across from Minnewashta Heights Park. And they did a
beautiful job in replanting and redesigning that. And a couple, well one in particular of the
neighborhood took some heat for taking down what was there but it was aged and not doing so
well and replacing it with this new plants so, it looks very nice. If you drive by Highway 7 you'll
notice it.
Hoffman: Chair Lash, members of the commission. The bank account seems to be doing pretty
well and that's large, well due in part to all of the commercial industrial development which has
been taking place. And so the fund currently stands at $1.2 million. Community park projects
have been completed with the exception of a $6,500 retainer. The asphalt maintenance we also
previously talked about. The skate park has seen consistent activity and is getting high marks for
it's enjoyment. They're.just having a great deal of fun. The weekends, MEA week. MEA week
was first, the north half of the community with the Minnetonka schools down and then Thursday,
Friday the Chaska schools. Compliance with rules has been about 75% to 80% on a normal day
and all of us walk over there and remind them of the helmet rule and not a lot of other incidents
at the skate park.
Lash: How do you, do you ask them to leave? How do you remind them of the helmet rule?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Hoffman: We go over there and ask them where their helmet is. And ill recognize them more
than once, or later on in the afternoon, then I ask them to leave.
Berg: Did someone crack their head open?
Hoffman: Not that I know of.
Berg: Because one of the kids was telling me that somebody split their head a little bit. You
didn't hear anything about it? Okay.
Lash: Any problems with the school?
Hoffman: No. Council has, individual members of the council have made positive comments
regarding the skate park. They're happy it's here. Like to see it being used.
Karlovich: What level of usage is a lot or 1 guess I don't recall, what did we expect or is this
more than we expected?
Hoffman: This is about consistent with what I would hope for. 30 to 50 on an average school
day and the weather is, it's not summer weather so there's been some of that to factor in. And
then weekend use. If you take it as a 100 x 100 foot area ora park, it obviously receives some of
the highest usage by land mass in our park system. So if that's any characterization, other than
Kerber Boulevard trail there's no other higher usage area by land mass.
Howe: How long will you keep it open?
Hoffinan: As long as it is serviceable. Once we get ice on it then we'll close it.
Manders: Have you gotten any feedback from businesses?
Lash: The Chamber at the meeting say anything?
Hoffman: Scott talked about it, but the Chamber members have not said anything. It's good for
business. These kids eat and shop downtown and they're, not all of them are from town
obviously so they're coming from, I had a parent from Eden Prairie call. Where is the restroom?
Where is the emergency phone? Where is the fast food? My kid's coming for 4 hours. I'm
dropping him off.
Lash: You're right next to a fire hall.
Hoffman: Fire hall, Wendy's, restrooms in City Hall. She was happy as can be. My kid's set for
4 hours.
Lash: Aren't there Satellites out there too? Not even on the, I thought we had Satellites up.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Berg: So Scott talked in favor of it at the Chamber?
Hoffrnan: Yes.
Manders: I was just thinking more in line of lack of people skating on their doorsteps.
Hoffman: The one comment we received was the Deputies asked that we turn the lights on
because the kids that they were talking to down on the Mall that were skating after hours said
well we can't go up to the skate park because it's dark and it's closed. So next year we'll be
working on a lighting system for the skate park.
Lash: That shouldn't be too hard because that will be lit for ice skating anyway, right?
Hoffman: Yeah, it's just the timer mechanism that's how do you get it turned on and turned off.
Lash: And I know you've had a couple incidents of bike.
Hoffman: Biking.
Lash: Over there. Which brought to mind that I was supposed to bring up at the last meeting and
I forgot when we were at Bandimere at the Grand Opening, a gentleman from somewhere down
in that area stopped me and asked if we'd be willing to consider in some park of just bringing in
a big old pile of dirt and having it set up so that kids who wanted to come with, not dirt bikes.
Not motorized but.
Hoffman: BMX bikes.
Lash: Yeah, could ride their bikes which would be what they want to do out here but can't. So I
told him I would bring it up.
Hoffman: That request has been on the docket for many, many years. The hard part of that
process is determining which park is appropriate for a pile of dirt and.
Franks: Herman Field.
Lash: How about Curry Farms?
Franks: They'd all disappear.
Lash: Just a huge, big mound. Fill in the whole thing, yeah.
Hoffman: Herman Field would be just a little too private.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: But it is food for thought. You know he just, he really went on for a long time about how
it's very cheap and it would fill the needs and not every kid plays ball and you know, so that was
his message is that he thought we needed to fill that.
Berg: Maybe you could ask Dale that as long as you're asking all these other questions about the
skating rink. Ask him what park he thinks would be appropriate for that. If he does.
Hoffman: Well if there was a park that I thought was appropriate, I would have been asking for
it a long time ago. I don't think we have a site that's appropriate. Mankato has a very nice park.
It's known nationally and in the State for BMX biking but it's.
Lash: But that's like out here. That's all xvooden ramps and stuff isn't it?
Hoffinan: No, no.
Lash: Oh, because that's what l've seen down there.
Hoffman: All dirt ramp. Dirt ramps and, you just need a place that is public enough but also, are
you going to take any Lake Ann or Lake Susan. You can't do this in a neighborhood park. Or
Bandimere. You could take a soccer field in Bandimere Park and turn it into a BMX track.
Lash: No we couldn't. Well Bandimere has some, like an outdoor kind of out of the way areas
doesn't it?
Hoffinan: We could do it over the, well we can't do it over the pipeline. You can't pile dirt on
top of the pipeline.
Karlovich: Back by the silos'.)
Lash: Yeah.
Berg: Back by the little park that used to be there. Put it doxvn there.
Hoffman: The neighborhood wouldn't, I doubt.
Lash: Well, throw it out to Dale and just see. Let him kick it around.
Hoffman: It's like the archery range. That location is the only location that you could ever have
an archery range. I would like to put a trail through there from Powers to Lake Susan but if you
do that you have kicked out the archery range and you don't have that use.
Franks: I'm just laughing because there's signs that they've been archerying and I've been
running and I've wondered is it time to duck now or.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Hoffman: I'll finish my report. City Center Park hockey boards. They marked it out today.
They'll go up in the next two weeks. The south LRT trail, both Eden Prairie, Hennepin, all three
actually. Eden Prairie, Hennepin Parks and the LRT Commission are happy with the connection
as is the public. It's asphalted and being restored and if you haven't seen it it's very, very nice.
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference is next week. All three of us
will be in attendance in Mankato. And the Park and Recreation operating budget with the
Council, Year 2000 is on Monday night and both Scott and I will be presenting that to the City
Lash: Just a clarification on that. Now is that your annual operating budget. That's not the one
we do. That's the one.
Hoffman: Operation and maintenance. It's not the capital budget. The capital budget is also
being talked about. I made note in there under hockey boards that the Council moved up the
second set of hockey boards from, I think we had it at 2003 to 2000 so they, and their reason for
doing that is they wanted to see that service that was there and brought back to the level that it
was before the park was ripped up so.
Lash: Okay. Then we've got a commission member committee report.
Franks: Well some of us were before the City Council last night informing them of the Dave
Huffman Memorial 5K that's going to be taking place next fall. And they all had smiles and
were enthusiastic and while they're awaiting the exact details of what the City's actually vested
involved would be, they basically pronounced their blessing on the event and so that's a good
positive. Out' time line I think as a race committee is to really have things firmed up and
presented to the commission by February Mike'?
Howe: Yes. Or sooner with the commission. Probably January.
Franks: February to the City Council.
Howe: We've got to start training now.
Hoffman: Walk or run.
Howe: Rod made a very stirring summation speech for the Council.
Lash: Stem?
Howe: Stirring.
Lash: Oh stirring.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Howe: Stirring. I felt like running. But Jerry shared some news with me today that Councilman
Engel's wife is a big runner and he heard the report last night and went home and got her out of
bed to tell her there's going to be a race and she's all excited. We've got, we're going to out
source a company to do all the timing and the certification. These guys do this for $215.00. This
is nothing. He does everything. So this is really taking shape and I, Jerry's done a great job. The
Americlnn people are very committed. I think this is really going to happen. So we'll keep you
posted. So sta.rt running now. You've got a couple of warm days left.
Franks: This person who contracts out for the timing, give me 15 people and I can do...
Howe: He can do it volunteers. 15 volunteers. But we'll have more than that butjust...
Lash: That's going to be exciting. This is going to be a major PR event. We have to make sure.
Hoffman: City Manager Botcher characterized today at the Chamber meeting in his speech as
the biggest new event of the year.
Franks: Well when you think about involving Southwest Metro, Americlnn, Chamber
involvement, the City, and a lot ofcomnaunity people, it is going to be a pretty big event.
anticipating 200 runners our first year.
Lash: How about the, we were at one point...Vikings and KFAN.
Franks: One of the ideas is once it gets established and it's set and it's for sure on the calendar to
happen, then they've discussed setting up a PR subcommittee of the race committee that would
really then tackle all that stuff but they didn't want to go so far as to start looking at possible
commitments without it really being a for sure thing.
Hoxve: There's plenty of time for that yet. We're ahead of the curve I think as far as planning.
The guy from the out sourcing company said you guys have done all the work. There's not a lot
left for me to do and so I think we're really.
Franks: We keep learning more all the time. Like wejust found out that as far a getting all the
numbers, as long as we let Runners World magazine, put Runners World on the bibs, they send
them out for nothing. So we just keep learning more and more and more of this stuff as we go
through the process so now we know why people are making money on these races.
Hoffman: I sat next to the Southwest Metro representative today and he said more than happy to
bus people across the highway. And the pedestrian bridge was the butt ora fewjokes at the
Chamber meeting but they were glad to hear that the race is going to go over the top.
Lash: I thought we couldn't use it.
Howe: Well we've got to throw out the course yet.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Lash: I want to hear the course. I've got to start practicing.
Howe: This is exciting.
Lash: You came up with a course Jerry?
Ruegemer: Actually Todd.
Lash: Oh you guys are good.
Hoffman: Let's pop it right up here.
Franks: We're going to have to trim the weeds off the pedestrian bridge though.
Howe: We think this course incorporates a lot of the best parts of Chanhassen. It starts at Lake
Ann, runs right by City Hall, City Center, through downtown and then over the pedestrian bridge
and to the AmericInn.
Lash: Don't have to stop traffic on 5.
Franks: Correct.
Howe: By that time the race will be spread out so you, the pedestrian bridge is fairly wide. You
can get 3 or 4 people abreast and even if the race got the bigger I think by that time in the race,
the end of the race, it's strung out.
Berg: Are you going to have wheelchairs?
Ruegemer: Yeah, can you get your wagon up there'?
Howe: Lake Ann parking lot, somexvhere in here to start. Come down and follow the frontage
road there. We come out to Powers.
Ruegemer: Up the big hill.
Howe: That's a pretty steep hill. Go up that hill.
Hoffman: Past the senior center.
Lash: That's by the Oaks, what's the name of that place? Yeah. The ones that with all the
trouble. Okay. So that street.
Hoffman: The entire senior center will turu out on that coruer.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
Howe: Come down Kerber. 78th Street and down there and then all the way by the Dinner
Theater. Then we turn where the car wash is. Pick up the pedestrian bridge. Come across the
pedestrian bridge and then head right into East Lake Road...and finish at the Americlnn canopy.
Lash: So the first people when they come off the bridge, they'll have like the tools and stuffto
clear the way or?
Howe: I thought it was a sidewalk there?
Lash: Is there? I thought you said there was nothing there.
Franks: No, there's a nice trail.
Howe: Sc) that's the course.
Berg: That's 5.
Franks: 3.1 miles, 5 K.
competitive runners.
The course will be certified for the distance so that will attract a few
So it goes up past the senior citizens and then Kerber so we'll have to close offKerber.
For that stretch. And then just main street for that.
It's a nice mix.
Lash: And you can have lots of people along main street cheering. Get water for them...
Howe: It's really exciting. I think tile council was too.
Moes: What do you think the total time for the race will be'? The runners, tile walkers.
Lash: Fred, how long is it going to take us?
Franks: An hour.
Lash: Hoxv long is it going to take us, he wants to knmv.
Hoxve: ...a person can walk a mile in 15 minutes.
Berg: So we're looking at couple hours tops. You've got to stop at Axel's for a beer.
Lash: I'm looking at all the different places we could be stopping here. Let's see. Okay first we
could stop at Byerly's. Stop at Byerly's for a couple of ice coffees. And then we could hit,
there's that little place up here. And then High Timber. You can stop there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - October 26, 1999
So that's our course.
Great you guys.
Plus it's going to grow to be something really big one day.
This will be really big one day.
Howe: I hope so.
Lash: Yeah, this is going to great. This is the most exciting thing I think we've got.
Howe: We'll see. It's taking shape. I'm excited about it. I know Rod is. His speech was just
stirring. Summed it up very nicely.
}-Ioffman: I'll get the minutes.
Lash: Yeah, I'm almost willing to subscribe to cable just so I could watch it on TV.
Franks: Scott did commit though, 1 don't know if you heard. He did commit to running.
Botcher: He challenged the whole staff.
Hoffman: He thought it was 10 miles.
Lash: Tell him we'll hold off the h'onman.
Hoffman: Well that's the one thing about a 5K. Anybody who even doesn't run can say l'nl
going for it.
Howe: That's what we thought.
Lash: Any other committee member reports'?
Howe moved, Franks seconded to adjourn the Park and Recreation Commission meeting. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
TO: Todd Hofflnan, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Jerry' Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
DATE: November t6, 1999
Public Gathering Permit, Water Skiing Tournament at Lake Susan Park
Ms. Para Mueller, State Coordinator for the Minnesota International Novice Tour (INT)
is requesting approval cfa Public Gathering Permi~ to hold their tbm~h annual water-ski,
wake-board and knee-board toul-nanlenl at Lake Susan Park, Julys and 9. INT is a
non-profit company that promotes organized water-skiing, wake-boarding, and knee-
boarding. The company started six years a? and currently has support in many states.
If approved by tile Park and Recreation Commission, tile tournament I'oi' tile water-
skiing would be Saturday, Juh' 8, fi-om 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The wake and knee-
boarding tournalncnl is planned lbr Sunday, .luly 9, Ii'om 9:30 amm. to 4:00 p.m. 1NT
plans on having 3 boats in tho water with only one boat pulling a skier, wake-boarder, or
a knee-boarder al a time. One boat would be used as a satkty boat. The slalom course
would be scl up 40-50 yards south of thc sandy beach area, just west of the public access.
fliNT would like to hold their tournanlent headquarters in tile picnic pavilion at Lake
Susan there would be a reservation fee of 5250 per day'. \Veekends in Jul,,,, are very busy
and if the City is setting aside the picnic area for these types of evci~ts, we llal. lSt generate
In order to proceed with their tournalnent, INT must receive approval from the
Chanhasscn Park and Recreation Commission and then tlao City Council. If the city
approves thc permit, INT is also required to seek approval cfa temporary slructure
permit fi'om Carver County to allow placement cfa slalom course in a public water body.
This permit process hasn't been a problem in the past and shouldn't be now.
All lakeshore property owners have been notified oflNT's request. Ms. Mueller has
again been very cooperative in answering questions regarding the tournament and she or
another representative will be attending tile meeting to answer any questions. The three
previous tournaments were very well organized.
It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission approve INT's
request for a public gathering permit to host a water-ski, wake-board, and knee-board
tournament at Lake Susan on July 8 and 9. It is also recommended that INT pay the
reservation lee ofS250 per day to reserve the Lake Susan Pavilion. Staff also
recommends that a S 1.000 deposit check be submitted prior to the event to cover any
unlbreseen damages. INT hasn't had any problems in tile past and if none occur this
5,ear. the deposit check will be returned promptly.
G; park jc:'r> 200()\Vatc~ Sk iToumamct.doc
W~te~$ki ' Wakeboard ' Kneeboard
A rnateur Torlr
November l, 1999
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Dear Sir.
1 am writing this letter to request permission to hold an International Novice
Tournanlent (IN]') League at IJake Susan in the month of July. We have had a tournament
there tbr tile past 3 years. I have worked ver}, closely with JerD' ill making sure that we
are sensitive to the homeowners on tile lake. I feel that we make ever}, efibrt to leave tile
park in better shape than when we arrived. We use aver}' small PA system, and point the
speakers towards the pavilion. We never have excessive volumes, at any time. We use
boats from difl'erent manufhctures, but there is only one boat in motion at a time. I love
using tile Lake Susan Park because it is in my hometown area. and it's fun to see
participates fi'om tile area compete. I hope you will give this careful consideration, il'you
have any questions fccl free to call me tX? 612-361-9577.
Para Mueller
Minnesota State Coordinator
1951 Waterford Lane Chaska, MN 55318 612-361-9577
_Jerry Rue~lemer
Monday, October 25, 1999 1:40 PM
Re: 2000 INT Toum in Chanhassen
Dear Jerry:
I would love to have a tournament at Lake Susan in Chanhassen
in the 200 year. It is wonderful to have a tournament, close to home. I
have talked to all my Chanhassen residents and they are all willing to go to
bat for me if needed. I felt that we really tried hard to accommodate the
homeowners on the lake. It would be really sad if one person could keep us
from having another tournament on the lake. After all this would be the 4th
year of the "The Chanhassen Bank Challenge." The Chanhassen Bank is the
title sponsor. Thanks for all you do for INT League. I will send a letter
of intent today. Thanks-Pam
November 16, 1999
Dear Resident:
At their November 23, 1999 meeting, the Chanbassen Park and Recreation Commission
will be reviewing a request lbr a Public Gathering Permit for a water-skiing, wake~
boarding, and knee-boarding tournament on Lake Susan, July 8 and 9, 2000. The
tournament will be hosted for the fourth consecutive year by Minnesota International
Novice Tour (INT), which is a non-profit group that promotes organized water-skiing,
wake-boarding and knee-boarding. INT was oreanized five >,ears ago and currently has
support itl many slates.
INT is proposing that tine water-skiing tottrnament be held on Saturday, July 8,
fi'om 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and the wake-boarding tournament is planned for Sunday,
July, 9, fi'om ():00' a.m. - 4:00 p.m. INT plans to utilize three boats, but will have only one
boat pulling a skier, wake-boarder, or knee-boarder at a time. One boat will be used as a
safety boat. Tile slalom course will be set-up 40-50 yards south of the sandy beach area
just west oi' the public access.
INT will usc tile picnic pavilion at Lake Susan Park as their tournament headquarters.
The City will work with INT to ensure that adequate safety personnel, rel\tse containers,
restroom facilities, etc. will be available.
StatThas recommended that tile Park and Recreation Commission approve INT's request
for a Public Gatherin2 Permit. StalThas also recommended INT pay the reservation fee
of S250 pet' day to reserve the Lake Susan Pavilion.
The Park and Recreation Commission will consider this item on November 23,
at 7:30 p.m.. itl the City Council Chambers at City Itall. You are welcome to attend the
meeting and comment on the request. If you have questions prior to the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting, please call me at 937-1900, extension 126.
Rect'eation Superintendent
Todd Itoffinan, Director of Park and Recreation
Chanhassen City Council
Smooth Feed SheetsTM '" Use template for]5_.16~O®
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CHANHASSEN. W/lq 55317
Hi Todd.
My name is Gene Klein. I am a resident of Lake Susan and I was calling regarding the waterski
tournament that took place over the weekend. I just wanted to inform you of some of the
situations that occurred on the lake. This is the third year the tournament has been there and
we've never had a problem on the lake before; but this year the tournament took place and there
was a little bit of controversy. The people running the tournament were telling people at the
landing that they could not put their boats on, they wanted them to go to different lakes. I live on
the lake and I was on the lake with my boat, and I was approached several times and they got
very hostile telling me that I was making too many xvaves on the lake and that I was interrupting
their tournament. Now, it's my thought that this is a public lake and my boat is on the lake at all
times and residents should be allowed to put their boats on. Ijust wanted you to be aware of
some of the situations that happened. My number is 934-8977. Please give me a call, but I
would sure like to address this issue because if it was up to the residents on the lake or anybody
around there, they will not be issued a permit again. There's no way people can treat us like that.
I don't like being flipped off when I go by in my boat, especially when I have four children in
the boat. So please give me a call. I'd like to discuss this further with you. Thanks very much.
July 19, 1999
g pu~k th klein.doc
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - February 23, 1999
Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item.
Lash: Was this at Lake Susan before Jerry?
Ruegemer: Yes.
Franks: ...how the lakeshore residents were notified about... Are you planning just the one
event this summer? I know in thc past you've considered having two events.
Joe Mueller: Well it's actually three events in one. There's wake boarding, knee boarding and
slalom skiing. What's happened with us in the past is we're pulling close to 100 to 150
competitors per weekend and we had held practice on Saturday and Sundays was our tournament.
\Vell we were running into the evenings, into the night sometimes which we don't like to do fl0r
safety reasons so we decided to go Saturday from like 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 with practice
and then we'll be doing our slalom skiing throughout the afternoon Saturday and Sunday will be
basically knee board and wake boarding, which is the big events for the kids. So it is a frill two
day schedule.
Franks: Tha! includes the practice?
Joe Mueller: That includes the practice. And chances are at the Lake Susan, we've got a
professional womens WAL tournament coming the 17th, that following weekend so that's not
going to be an open spot for tls because we're also sponsored by the local marinas in the area so
we're all going to be at a womcns WAL tourl~amcnt down at the Aquatennial with our boats and
staff. I lost track of what I was gctitng at.
Lash: 17tl~?
Joe Mueller: Oh the 17tt~, correct. Thank you. So it is a two day tournament.
Lash: Other questions for Mr. Mueller? For staff?....motion.
Howe: I move we accept staff's recommendation to approve the INT's request for a public
gathering permit...$250.00 per day and recommend that a $1,000.00 damage check be submitted
to cover any damages.
Lash: Is there a second?
Roeser: Second.
ltowe moved, Roeser seconded that the Park and Rec Coinmission approve the INT's
request for the public gathering permit to hold the water skiing, wakeboard and kneeboard
tournament at Lake Susan on July 10th and 11th. It's also recommended that the INT pay
the reservation fee of $250.00 per day to reserve the Lake Susan Pavillion for their
tournament headquarters. Staff also recommends that a $1,000.00 deposit check be
submitted prior to the event to cover any unforeseen circumstances or damages. All voted
in favor, except Berg who opposed, and the motion carried 4 to 1.
Lash: Fred, do you want to just clarify your vote.'?
I did have a resident or two, some residents talk about tile disruption that live on Lake
They did register their complaint with me about the noise and the...usc the lake for those
Lash: Okay, thanks we'll move on.
City Council Work Session - March 8, 1999
e. Approval of Bills.
Councilwoman Jansen sent a note asking about monthly statements for the accounts payable. Acting
City Manager Gerhardt clarified the new format for the bills. Councilman Senn asked if it was possible
to have a monthly income/expense statement. Acting City Manager Gerhardt asked for clarification
regarding activity or department. Councilman Senn stated a monthly summary of budget, income,
expenses by activity and department codes with monthly and year to date information.
f. Approval of Minutes: No questions.
~o. Alaor0ve Easement for 1998 Bike Trail Proiech Nicholas Lucas. No questions.
h. Accept Donations from Minnesota Valley Electric Trust, Meals on Wheels Program.
Councihnan Senn asked if the donation was the total cost. Kate Aanenson stated yes. There are no
matching funds from the city.
i. Accept Cash Donation from Chanhassen Athletic Association for the Purchase of Spectator
Seating at the Recreation Center.
Mayor Mancino asked if the bleachers conformed to tile new state regulations. Todd Ito£flnan said that
riley would.
j. Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to Pro~'ide~Accessible Entrance to the
Chauhassen Library.
Councihnan Senn questioned reimbursement which Kate Aanenson clarified.
!. Anthorize Advertising for Bids. Shore Drive Storm Se~,[rer and Water Qnalitv Proiect.
Mayor Mancino questioned if there was enough money for this project. Kate Aanenson stated that there
was. Councihnan Labatt asked is the city entered into an agreement? Kate Aanenson stated that the city
has maintained the boat ramp to help with erosion problems.
m. Approval of Public Gathering Permit for INT Water Ski Tournament, July 10 & 11, Lake
Susan Park, Pam Mueller.
Councilman Senn and Councihnan Labatt asked if there were any resident complaints from last year's
tournament. Todd Hoffman stated that no one showed up for the public hearing at the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting, but stated that A1 Klingelhutz had complained about all the practicing
that was done on Lake Susan last year. Councilman Engel stated that one weekend event was fine, but if
they had asked for two events, he would not be in favor of that.
The work session was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
Acting City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim