4 Use of Parks For Youth AthletCITYOF
TO: Todd HoflSnan. Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
DATE: November 17, 1999
Use of Neighborhood Parks for Youth Athletics in 2000
After completion of tile athletic seasons, tile Park and Recreation Commission
wanted to look at the use of neighborhood parks for scheduled athletic association
games and practices. The City and athlelic associations have been waiting for the
day when Bandimere and City Center Parks will be ready for play, which should be
in the spring of 2000. Although the nexvly developed facilities will help out
tremendously, we must be careftd not to put ourselves in a bad position in the fi~ture
by eliminating all use of neighborhood parks. For example, if we eliminate play at
Rice Marsh, Carver Beach, North Lotus, and Meadow Green, those participants will
bare to play somewhere - most likely at our newly developed facilities. Which, in
part will be a wash, because we haven't gained that many additional fields by
eliminating some and adding others. The rate that the athletic associations are
growing every year is greater than the rate that we're adding facilities. Totally
eliminating the use of fields xvill certainly have a big impact.
I am recommending that since we do have some flexibility with new facilities
coming on line next spring that we look to limit play in these neighborhood parks.
Limiting the organized activities will give a break to the neighborhoods and protect
our best interest in the future. Throughout the years the neighborhoods have
tolerated the organized activities during tile summer. By totally eliminating play
and then trying to add it back in the future would be very difficult.
I am recommending that the associations use the following schedule at
ncighborhood parks in 2000:
Meadow Green
North Lotus
Carver Beach
Rice Marsh
4 days/week
4 days/week
1-2 days/week
1-2 days/week
2 soccer/2 baseball-softball
2 soccer/2 baseball-softball
The use of all the above listed facilities are subject to demand. I have been in
contact with the athletic associations and they will make every effort to not schedule
theses parks if not absolutely necessary.
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
November 17, 1999
Page 2
It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission allow
organized athletic play at Meadow Green, North Lotus, Carver Beach, and Rice
Marsh. It is also recommended that organized play be limited to the number o£days
listed above.
G:',park\j en .'y\Neighborhood Park Use-2000.doc