9 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportCITYOF t' ,,d~c:i~(L t'3:612.9 ~ I5/,::, x,,./,:~/2v 612 ')~ ~,:,', :,, z ,:, 1',::1',;::: ,, MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan. Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent I)ATE: Novc;nbcr 15, 1999 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report Thc weather has been unseasonably nice tbr November, which is allowing us to get a lot of work donc this fhll. At Bluff ('reek Elcn;cnta~T/Rcc Center we haxc spent a grcat deal of time raising thc sprinkler heads and relaying sod around them. We filled many low areas and holes ill thc play area where possible il!juries could occur. We went around all tile sidewalks, concrete curbs and tile area under tile picnic shelter/warming house to correct any possible trip hazards. Wc had a company called Metro Concrctc Raising come to correct all thcsc areas. Duc to nmnbcr of burned out bulbs, wc rc-larnpcd thc parking lot on thc Rcc Center side. Brush and leaf drop offdays were bold at Lake Ann Park on Saturday, October 30, and Saturday, November 13. Both days were very successful with a lot of brush and leaves collected both days. We have just completed moving thc last 30 trees fi'om the City tree farm to various parks. We planted trccs around thc nc,,,,, shelters and replaced a few of thc large ash trees that have died around the ball field at Lake Ann Park. We currently have all thc usable trees moved from tile tree titan, so will not lose any trees to thc Highway 5 expansion when it starts. We arc still working by thc concession building and field 4 at Lake Ann Park. Thc trail has been cut in and rock fill put in place. A retaining wall was built to enlarge the area by tile player bench. Wc plan to leave this over winter to let thc ground settle, and in thc spring we will blacktop thc trail and sod thc entire area bcforc thc ball season starts. We have a schedule to move and decorate tile City of Clmnhasscn Christmas tree in fi*ont of City tqall bctwccn November 22 and November 24.