3 Powers Ridge ApartmentsCiTY OF PRC DATE: 12/14/99 CC DATE: CASE #: By: Hoffman:v STAFF REPORT Z J fl., fl.. PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review for the Construction of 5 Multi-Family Buildings (344 apartments) on property zoned Planned Unit Development with an area of 21.34 acres. Pm~ers Ridge Apamnen! Homes LOCATION: Southwesl corner of Powers Blvd and Lake Drive West APPLICANT: Lake Susan Hills Partnership 7600 Parklawn, #200 Edina, MN 55435 (612)835-7600 Miller Hanson Westerbeck Berger 1201 Hax~thorne Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55403 (612)332-5420 Loucks & Assoc. 72001 temlock Ln Maple Grove, MN 55369 (612)424-5505 l.d PRESENT ZONING: PUD High Density Housing Development ACREAGE: 21.34 DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N -Lake Drive West/Industrial Office Park S -Planned Unit Development Residential and Sunset Ridge Park E -Powers Boulevard W -Sunset Ridge ParUIndustrial Office Park COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service area of Sunset Ridge Park and Lake Susan Park. The apartment site shares its southwest border with Sunset Ridge Park. Powers Ridge Apartment Homes December 14, 1999 Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN Residents of these proposed apartments would have access to trails along Powers Boulevard and Audubon Road. A new "east-west" connector is currently being constructed along Lake Drive West. COMMENTS This site was included in the 1987 PUD agreement for Lake Susan Hills. As a part of that agreement, the city accepted Sunset Ridge Park, Power Ridge Park, and Prairie Knoll Park. The trailway along the western shore of Lake Susan was also dedicated to the city. In return for these dedications, the city granted the PUD 50% park fee credit and 100% trail fee credit. This condition is still in force today. The applicants have included a variety of on-site recreation amenities including a commons area. playground, swimming and wading pool, gardens and a fountain. Each community building will off'er a multi-purpose room and each family apamnent building will provide an additional tot lot area. The applicant has done a nice job of providing access to existing parks and trails in addition to a full compliment of on-site amenities. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission affirm the condition requiring payment of 50% of the city's park dedication fee for inulti-family dwellings. The remaining 50% of the park fee has been credited in addition to the full trail lee. At today's rate, the 50% park tee would total $172,000 (344 x $1000/2: $172,000). PROJECT IaNFOILMATION - POWERS RIDGE APARTMENT HOMES 99007 12-3-99 1. Owner: Lake Susan Hills Partnership 7600 Parklawn, # 200 Edina, MN 55435 612 835-7600 2. Architects & Planners: Miller Hanson Westerbeck Berger Inc. 1201 Hawthorne Avenue Minneapolis, ,MN 55403 612 332-5420 FX: 612 332-5425 3. Engineers & Landscape Architects: Loucks & Associates, Inc 7200 Hemlock Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 612 424-5505 FX: 612 424-5822 4. Site location: Southwest comer of Powers Boulevard and Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 5. Site area: Approximately 21.34 acres (929.570 sq t't) 6. Zoning: 1987 PUD Agreement ~vas tbr a High Density housing development, not to exceed 375 apartments or a densiw or' 17.4 units per acre, with a maximum percentage of allowable impervious surface to be 32°,'~,. The Development, other than density, to be in accordance with R-12 zoning requirements. 7. Proposed number of Apartments and Density: 344 Apts / 21.34 acres = 16. i2 Apts per acre. 8. Description of proposed buildings and phasing Phase 1: Building "A" 106 apartments for Families. Phase 2: Building "B-I" a0 apartments tbr Families Building "B-2" 40 apartments for Families Development of Commons Area Facilities Phase 3: Budding "C" $8 apartments for Families. Phase 4: Building "D" 70 apartments for Seniors. The Apartment buildings w~il have 3 apartment levels over an underground parking level. The Community building ,.vii1 be one sto~ slab on grade structure. 9. Building's gross areas: Gara~ze level 3 At0t levels Totals Budding "A" Faro 46,808 140.424 I55,721 SF Building "B-I" Fam 21,102 56,658 77,760 Building "B-2" Faro 21.i02 56,658 77,760 Building"C" Fam 39,648 118,944 158,592 Building"D" Sen 27,154 81,462 I08,616 Community Bldg .... 2,020 Totals 155,814 454,146 580,469 SF Project Information - Powers Ridge Apartment Homes Page 2 10. Community spaces: The central Commons area will include a one-story 2020 sq ft community use building, swimming and wading pools, playground for younger children, picnic area, gardens, and fountain. Each apartment building will provide approximately 2400 sq ft community space for such uses as a multi- purpose room, exercise room, library, hobbies, etc. Each Family apartment will provide a Tot Lot area. 11. Apartment mix and Net Rentable Areas: Apt Types IBR(~800 IBRTDenO900 2BR~950 3BR~1200 3BR(D1275 Totals Bldg "A" Fam 27 3 38 26 12 106 Bldg "B- 1" Faro 11 * 8 9 12 40 Bldg "B-2" Fam 11 * 8 9 12 40 Bldg "C" Faro 24 6 18 28 12 88 gldg "D" Sen/ors 27 * 43 * * 70 Totals 100 9 115 72 48 344 12. Family apartment types percentages: 73 iBR = 26.6°,{, 9 1BtUDen = 3.2% 72 2BR = 26.2% [20 3BR -- 44% 274 Total Farmiy Apts. 13. Parking provided: Surface Garaze Totals Space per A~ Building "A" Fam 103 Building "B" Fam 67 Building "C" Fam 82 Buildin~ "D" Seniors 17 136 239 2.25 ii3 180 2.25 116 I98 2.25 80 97 1.39 Tomls 269 445 714 14. Impervious Surface Calculation: Buildings Parking & Apt entry, dr/yes Roads Sidewalks & terraces 153,402 SF 107,485 38,160 21,143 320,190 SF = 34.6%of 929,570 SF lot area.** This area exceeds the 32% max/mum impervious surface area requirement by 22,728 sq ft. Consideration for a variance to this 1987 impervious surface percentage is requested. The calculated area does comply with current R-12 impervious surface max/mum percentage of 35%. The current R- I6 zoning impervious surface maximum percentage is 50%. 15. Miscellaneous: Sidewalks are provided from the apartment buildings to the central "Commons Area" facilities and also to Sunset Park. The Chanhassen Trail System is located on the north side of the new Lake Dxsve West road. An area for a bus stop will be provided on Lake Drive West where requested by the Southwest Metro Transit commission. Park Road C, r m,d~\\ . I X~¢We c?e?, XA\~Is Dr 4 Dove Crt ljJ J!~lJ~ll!iiJlrl~lJllllll II ~h Q -! ,,,o(.)z ~ _Zr'n ~z