8 Senior Center ReportCITY OF
Todd Hoflh~an, Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
December 6, 1999
Senior Center Report
The Senior Center lnosted its "Annual Holiday Social" at the Clnanhassen
Recreation Center on Saturday, December 4u'. There were 100 seniors in
attendance. A sandwich and soup luncheon was served by Greg Anderson / Part}'
Planners. Entertainment was provided by Don Carruth and Jim Shannon, a
saxophone / keyboard duo. Overall everyone enjoyed the day. Otlner activities
scheduled tbr tine monttn o£ December include a trip to tine Chanlmssen Dinner
Tlneatres and a sweatsbirt stamping class. Listed below are the averages for eacln
daily activity for tine month of November. Approximately 879 visits were
recorded for the month of November.
Daily ActMties - Average Attendance
Bridge - 36 people
Men's Club- 10 men
Foot Care Clinic - 4 people w/a 4 max.
Woodcarving - 9 people
Card Club - 30 people
Stamping Club - 15 people
Women's Club - 20 women
CHAN-o-laires - 21 people
Book Club - 6 people
Bingo - 23 people
Bowling - 8 people
Trips - Upcoming trips include; "Annual Holiday Show" at tine Clnantnassen
Dinner Theatres on 12/08/99.
Special Programs - Carver County Social Services Volunteer Coordinator. Teri
Clay and myself are in tlm process of organizing a schedule for the Tax Aide
Assistance Program for the monttns of February, March and April 2000. Dates
slnould be released within the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Miscellaneous - All daily activities (except the Bridge Club) at the Senior Center
will be taking time off for fine holidays between the weeks of December 20'h and
January 3rd. The floor stripping project in the Senior Center has been completed.
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