9 Park&Trl Maintenance ReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN M EM ORAN DUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hot'fi'nan. Park and Recreation Director Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent December 7, 1999 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintcnancc Report Tile Park Maintenance Department is ready for thc winter season. We have checked all thc lights oil hockey and family skating rinks and replaced bulbs where ncccssary. Wc have warming houses and satellites being delivered tile week of December 13, 1999. Flooding trucks and tractvrs with brooms have been checked and arc ready to go. Thc new hockey rink behind the fire station has been completed so all wc need now is cold weather so we can start flooding rinks. Snow plowing responsibilities for thc trails, Bluff Creek Elcmcntary/Rccrcation Ccntcr and thc street routes that wc help thc Street Department clear have all been rex iewed and discussed with tile crew. Thc Christmas tree has been put in place and decorated, and tile lighting ccrcn'..ony went very well. I have purchased enough recycled plastic planks to rebuild ten picnic tables. These tables will bc placed in diffcrcut park areas so we can evaluate how they arc fuuctioning. If all goes well with these tables, we will look at changing some more over to this type itl thc future. 1 would like to wish everyone a Mcrry Christmas and a Happy New Year fi'om the Park Maintenance Stall-: