2 Request forRezoning MarshGlenCITY OF PRC DATE: 1-25-00 PC DATE: 1-19-00 CC DATE: 2-14-00 , HOFFMAN:k //- PROPOSAL: STAFF REPORT LOCATION: Request for rezoning 13.41 acres from RSF, Residential Single Family to PUD-R, Planned Unit De'velopment-Residential, a land use plan amendment to change the designation of low density residential to medimn density residential, and preliminary plat to subdivide 13.41 acres into 30 lots; Marsh Glen APPLICANT: The property is located east of TH 101, north of Mission Hills and south of Villages on the Ponds MSS Holdings. L1,C 8905 Cove Point Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 PRESENT ZONING: RSF-Residential Single Family ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N: Open Space/Villages on the Ponds S: PUD-R; Planned Unit Development-Residential E: RSF: Residential Single Family W: Highway 101 COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this development as lying within the Park Service Area of Rice Marsh Lake Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The Comprehensive Trail Plan identified a trail within this proposed plat. This trail segment will connect this development to the Rice Marsh Lake/Lake Susan trail. Construction of this trail section will give residents the opportunity to visit Rice Marsh Lake Park and gain access to the citywide trail system. The applicant has designated a path connection to Mission Hills Lane from the "Rice Marsh trail." The western portion of the trail as shown does not need to be constructed. 1 have deleted this segment on the amended trail plan developed by staff. Marsh Glen January 25, 2000 Page 2 In order to complete the trail connection from Marsh Glen to the Rice Marsh Lake trail, an additional section of trail will need to be constructed. I will recommend that the applicant be responsible for the design, engineering and construction of all the trail work identified on staff's plan. The applicant would receive reimbursement for all costs associated with construction of the "city" trail. The applicants would be responsible for costs associated with the section of trail linking Mission Hills Drive to the "city trail." Monies collected as park and trail fees for Marsh Glen (approximately $48,000) would be used to reimburse the applicant. Appropriate documentation of the engineering and construction bidding and payment documents will be required. Without the aid of a formal construction estimate, it appears that the $48,000 in park and trail fees from Marsh Glen should cover the costs associated with this project. In the event that costs exceed $48,000, the Park & Trail Dedication account reserve would be utilized to settle the account. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for Marsh Glen: 1. Collection of full park and trail fees per city ordinance. 2. The applicant dedicate by fee title a trail outlot for the purpose of constructing the trails designated on the attached map. 3. The applicant shall be responsible for the design, engineering, and construction of this designated trail in its entirety as a part of their public improvements. The city will reimburse the applicant for all design, engineering, and construction costs associated with the "city" trail. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the "trail connector." Bid documents for all phases of trail construction shall be presented to the city's Park & Recreation Director for approval prior to work being initiated. g:\park\th~narsh glen.doc l \\ st. inn ~kota Looe MISSION WAY HILL Marshland Trail BLACKBIRD CRT Headland Crt 5 MISSION WAY HII 6 RICE CRT 7 MONK C~