4 2000 July 4 FireworksContractCITYOF 690 Ci~, Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z I900 General ]:ax 612. 937. 5739 £ngineering /:ax 612. 937.9152 Public S,~'~, Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ti. chanhasse,, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor (~ DATE: January 6, 2000 SUB J: 2000 Fireworks Contract, Annual 4th of July Celebration The City of Chanhassen was pleased with the fireworks show provided by Melrose Pyrotechnics at last year's Fourth of July Celebration. 1 have tentatively spoken with Melrose Pyrotechnics about this year's show and have given them our $20,000 budget figure to work with for 2000. I was pleased with the show last year and I feel comfortable with Melrose's staff, their safety standards and their reputation of providing a quality show. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the City approve the contract for Melrose Pyrotechnics in the amount of $20,000. The display will take place on Tuesday, July 4, 2000, at 10 p.m. at Lake Ann Park. The cost of the 2000 fireworks display is included in Fund 145 of the recreation program budget. T/se City of C/Janhassen. A gro~,ing commu~in, witt~ clean lakes, oz~alit], schools, a cha~niz:¢ dotvnto~v~, tt, rit'i~ businesses, a~d /~em~tiFtd /~arkv. A ~reat al, re t,/i,,e ,,',el, ,,,d ,/,v