5 July 4 ParadeCITYOF
690 City Center Drive, ?0 Box I47
Chan/;assen, Minnesota 55317
I)ho,e 612.937.1900
Genera/Fax 612.937. 5739
Engineeri,g Fax 612.937.9152
Public S,q~O, Fax 612.934.2524
Web wu, w. ci. chanhassen, m,.us
Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director
Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor
January 10, 2000
4th of July Parade Budget
At the December 6, 1999 Truth in Taxation Hearing, Deb Kind, 1999 Parade
Chairperson, was in attendance to discuss the future of the 4th of July Parade
budget. Ms. Kind has indicated that she would like to see the 2000(and future)
parade budgets incorporated in to the City's budget and also included as a part of
the City's Special Event Sponsorship Program. Currently, the parade is
coordinated by a committee of five resident volunteers and is paid for by local
businesses. These local business supporters are contacted separately by the Parade
Committee and are asked to help support the 4th of July Parade.
City staff has provided the Parks and Recreation Commission with some
background information on the other City special events that are currently included
in the recreation department's 145 budget.
Also, in reviewing this matter, Staff has provided the Commission with some
questions to think about regarding the 2000 parade budget.
If the parade budget were included in the City's budget, would the
budgeted dollars be put in Recreation Fund 145 or in another general City
If the parade is budgeted through the City and the parade committee
(made up of resident volunteers) disbands, would the Parks and Recreation
Department be expected to coordinate the parade?
Would businesses involved in the Sponsorship Program contribute more
support if the 4th of July Parade were included in this program? And would
businesses that currently give to both the parade and the City contribute
their parade amount to the City's sponsorship program?
If the parade budget were included in Fund 145 of the Recreation budget,
would City parks and recreation staff be expected to offset the expected
parade costs through the Sponsorship Program?
The GO, qf Cha,hasse,. A ~owing community with clean lakes, oualit¥ schooh, a champing dowmown, thrivin~ businesses, and beautihd aarks. A ~reat ~lace to IiJ'e. ,,ork. and
How much misconception and confusion currently exists with the
businesses and public who are asked to help support both the 4~h of
July events and the 4th of July Parade on two separate occasions from
two different organizations?
Would the "automatic" funding of the parade by the City enhance or
detract from the parade committee's desire to continue this annual event?
The City recreation staff invited local businesses to support its 2000
Sponsorship Program in December 1999. If the parade were incorporated
in to this program, staff would have to go back to all businesses and ask
for more support for a second time. Would this be an appropriate course
of action and would it lead to more confusion?
The Parks and Recreation Commission is asked to make a recommendation to the
City Council as to whether the 2000 4th of July Parade budget should be included
in the City's 2000 budget and/or whether it should be included in the City's Special
Event Sponsorship Program.
Attachments: Deb Kind Letter
Special Event Funding Report
Special Event Funding Report
4th of July
1998; 199P;
Revenue: $2,605.57 Revenue:
Expenses: $31,586.44 Expenses:
Total: -$28,980.87 Total:
Halloween Party
1998: 1999;
Revenue: $1,250.00 Revenue:
Expenses: $1,992.66 Expenses:
Total: - $742.66 Total:
Easter Ee~ Candy Hunt
1998: 1999:
Revenue: $0 Revenue:
Expenses: $1,060.18 Expenses:
Total: -$1,060.18 Total:
Tree Lighting Ceremony
1998; 1999;
Revenue: $0 Revenue:
Expe n~s: $618.74 Expenses:
Total: -$618. 74 Total:
February Festival
1998: 1999;
Revenue: $ 3,781.00 Revenue:
Expenses: $! 1,697.98 Expenses:
Total: -$7,916.98 Total:
- $898.79
Sponsorship Money Taken In: (through,Sponsorship Program)
Todd Hoffman, Park & Rec Director
As you know, I brought the 2000 Parade BUdget issue to the.city in July of 1999. I was
hoping it would be included in the city's 2000 Budget and that was the main reason for
my attendance at the TrUth in Taxation Hearing on December 6, 1999. At that meeting
we decided to include the Parade Budgetsopic on your January 25, 2000 Park & Rec
Commission agenda. So, I thought I'd send you a little background information to
include in tl~e Commission's meeting packets.
This July we will stage our 5th Annual'July 4th Parade in downtown Chan'hassen. In just
a few years the parade as become a very popular event and a tradition for thousands of
Chanhassen ~esidents and businesses. (Meeu Stra~'egic Plan Goal: City Onter 1,dentity ...
encourage public events that utilize our city center as a primary gathering place ... support
intergenerational activities that encourage people to come together as a community.)
The parade is coordinated by a committee of 5 resident volunteers and is supported by
the citY through the cooperation of Park &' Rec, Public Safety, and Public Works. On
parade day over 35 community volunteer, s help with the execution. We'recommend no
changes to this arrangement. (Meets Strategic Plan Goal: Community Involveme/lt-
encourage volunteers who selflessly devote time and energy to make our community better.)
The Seledtion of a parade "Grand Marshal" offers a unique way to recognize outstanding
contributors to our community. Past Grand MarShals include: Herb Bloomberg,
Al Klingelhutz, Dutch Pauly, and Miles Lord. (Meets Strategic Plan 'Goal: Community
Involvement - recognize residents who have made our community better.)
.The cost of the parade has been paid for by local businesses - but not through the city's
Special Event Sponsorship Program (the City invites local businesses to i:ontribute to the
fund each December). In the spring these same businesses are contacted by the Parade
Committee. Since the parade is an important part of our July 4th C$1ebration, I feel that
most businesses (and residents) assUme it is funded the same as othe. r July 4th events
(through the city). For clarity, simplicity, and to eliminate duplicate fund-raising efforts,
I would like to see this, misconception become reality. Plus, since -area businesses, have dug
deeper to fund the parade in previous years, I feel that if they were notified about the
fUnd-raising change, they would contribute their parade amount to the city's Sponsorship
Program. (Meets Strategic plan Goal: Cost-Effective Quali~y Services - review cost/benefits of
each city service to ensure that taxpayers are getting the best value.)
Thank you for your consideratiOn, See you at the meeting on January 25th!
Debra Kind , -~
2351 Lukewood Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~.~ ~' ~.'
Attachment: Projected 2000 July 4th Parade Costs
BlackShadow's Carriage (Grand Marshal)
Ken Mar Belgians (City Council) $300.00
Chop Stix & Top Chops $1,800.00
Waconia Band $1,800.00
Zurah Funsters $250.00
Other Music $2,000.00
Award Ribbons $120.00
Binders (judges & announcers) $40.00
Newspaper Ads $500.00
Misc. Supplies $25.00
No Parking Signs $50.00
PO Box Rental $15.00
Postage $200.00
Printing & Copies at Kinko's $200.00
Signs & Banners $500.00
Sound System
Total Costs