6a February FestivalCITYOF
690 C]ty Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phoebe 612.937. I900
Ceneral Fax 612.9325739
£ngineering Fax 612.937.9152
Public Safe~ ?ax 612.93(2524
Web wu,u: ci. cha~hasse,, m,. us
Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director
Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor (~
DATE: January 7, 2000
2000 February Festival
The City of Chanhassen's seventh annual February Festival is approaching quickly.
The event will be similar to last year's in both content and layout.
The schedule of events brochures were processed in-house again this year by
Norma, Gina and Karen. I am appreciative for their efficient coordination of this
process as I go through it for the first time.
Information and event brochures have been sent to all past participants as well as
to all of our 2000 participating sponsors. Our advertising schedule will consist of
three display ads(2-Villager, 1-Herald) and two schedule of events inserts in the
The fishing contest has many great prizes again this year! The fishing contest prize
layout will be similar to last year's with prizes given out for the 20 largest fish.
The fish prizes will total $2,000 in value and the door prizes, featuring a trip to Las
Vegas, will be valued at $3,500. Youth and adult fishing tickets are being sold at
$4.00 each. Tickets are being sold at City Hall, Festival Foods, Byerly's,
Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, Cabin Fever Sports and the Chanhassen
Recreation Center.
The Gty of Chauhasseu. A growing community with c[e,v~ [akcs. at~a[in, schooh, a cham~i,e downtown, thrivine b~si,esses. ,v~d tJem~tihd oark,. ~ errm vi, Tee/, ]iJ,/'. ,,,,4,. ,,d ,]~,