6b July 4 CelebrationCITYOF
690 OSv Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937. I900
General tax' 612. 937. 5739
Engineering tax 612.937.9152
Public Safe~. £ax' 612.934.2524
P~3b www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us
Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director
Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor ~
January 11,2000
4th of July Update
The City of Chanhasen's Fourth of July Celebration will be held on Monday, July 3
and Tuesday, July 4. All activities will take place at City Center Commons on July
3ra and at Lake Ann on July 4.
I will begin coordinating specific event activities in February. The Casablanca
Orchestra has been booked for the Street Dance for July 3. I am also planning to
work with Melrose Pyrotechnics for our July 4 fireworks display pending the
approval of the Melrose Pyrotechnics contract at the January 25 Parks and
Recreation Commission meeting.
I will once again work with Deb Kind to design the 2000 Fourth of July logo for
all of our promotional material and our t-shirts.
Finally, I will begin the processing of inviting food vendors back from last year and
will also seek out one or two additional new vendors for 2000.
The Gry ofl Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, aualii3, schools, a cha,ning downtou,n, thrit,in¢ businesses, and beautiful ,ark,. A vreat ,/are to li,e. ,,arb. a,d ,/av