11a 2000 Park&Trl Acq & CIPCity of Chanhassen Five Year Capital Improvement Plan 2000-2004 2000-2004 Capital Improvements Program Table of Contents Chapter 1: Policy Capital Improvement Fiscal Policy ................................................................................ 1-1 Chapter 2: I: I1: II1: IV: V: VI: VII: VIII: IX. Tables Summary of Funding Sources ................................................................. 2-1 Summary of Expenditures by Program ................................................... 2-2 Expenditures and Funding Sources by Project Categories ..................... 2-3 Street Improvement Fund: Revenue & Expenditures Projections ........... 2-5 Capital Replacement Fund: Revenue & Expenditures Projections ......... 2-7 Storm Water Fund: Revenue & Expenditures Projections .................... 2-10 Park Dedication Fund: Revenue & Expenditures Projections ............... 2-11 Sanitary Sewer: Revenue & Expenditures Projections ........................ 2-13 Water Improvements: Revenue & Expenditures Projections ............... 2-14 Chapter 3: Municipal Buildings Library ................................................................................................................ 3-1 Fire Station #2 Expansion .................................................................................. 3-2 Public Works Expansion .................................................................................... 3-3 Senior Center ..................................................................................................... 3-4 Enclosed Salt & Sand Storage .......................................................................... 3-5 Fire Station #1 (Main Station) ............................................................................ 3-6 Lake Ann Cold Storage/Shop ............................................................................ 3-7 Chapter 4:Park & Trail Improvements Bandimere Community Park .............................................................................. 4-1 Chanhassen Recreation Center ......................................................................... 4-2 City Center Park ................................................................................................ 4-3 Curry Farms Park ............................................................................................... 4-4 Kerber Pond Park .............................................................................................. 4-5 Meadow Green Park .......................................................................................... 4-6 North Lotus Lake Park ....................................................................................... 4-7 Power Hill Park ................................................................................................. 4-8 Roundhouse Park .............................................................................................. 4-9 Stone Creek Park ............................................................................................ 4-10 Whitetail Ridge Court Trail ............................................................................... 4-11 Trail Development (Bandimere Park to Chan Hills) ......................................... 4-12 Trail Development (Hwy 101 North) ................................................................. 4-13 Lake Ann Park Road & Trail Reconstruction ................................................... 4-14 Chapter 5: Major Equipment Refurbish Aerial Ladder ..................................................................................... 5-1 Rescue Boat Replacement ................................................................................ 5-2 800 MHZ Radio System ..................................................................................... 5-3 SCBA (Air Packs) Upgrade ............................................................................... 5-4 Thermal Rescue Camera ................................................................................... 5-5 4-Inch Fire Hose Upgrade ................................................................................. 5-6 13A-Ir~h F'~re Hose Upgrade ............................................................................... 5-7 Fire Department/Air Bottle Supply ..................................................................... 5-8 Fire Department Computers .............................................................................. 5-9 Fire Departme~ -turnout Gear ......................................................................... 5-10 Fire Department Air Bottle Refiller ................................................................... 5-11 Fire Department/Refurbish Engine 211 ........................................................... 5-12 Replacement of PC's ....................................................................................... 5-13 Upgrade Telecommunications ......................................................................... 5-14 Light Duty Trucks ............................................................................................. 5-15 Dump/Plow Trucks ........................................................................................... 5-16 Engineer Vehicle Replacements ........................................................... 5-17 Sanitary Sewer Vac-Truck ............................................................................... 5-18 Vibratory Roller Packer .................................................................................... 5-19 Bobcat Skidsteer .............................................................................................. 5-20 Equipment Trailer ............................................................................................ 5-21 Tar Kettle ......................................................................................................... 5-22 Backhoe ........................................................................................................... 5-23 Crack Sealer .................................................................................................... 5-24 Line Striper ...................................................................................................... 5-25 Audio/Visual Equipment Replacement ............................................................. 5-26 Copier Replacements ...................................................................................... 5-27 G roundsmaster 580 Mower Replacement ....................................................... 5-28 Light Duty Trucks - Public Works ..................................................................... 5-29 Bobcat Snow B~ower ........................................................................................ 5-30 Tracks for E~obcat ............................................................................................. 5-31 Allis Tractor ...................................................................................................... 5-32 Bobcat .............................................................................................................. 5-33 Grounds Mower Replacement ......................................................................... 5-34 Tractor ............................................................................................................. 5-35 Tractor Broom .................................................................................................. 5-36 Trailer ............................................................................................................... 5-37 Grounds Mower Replacement ......................................................................... 5-38 Chapter 6: Street Improvements TH 5/West 78th Street ......................................................................................... 6-1 Century Boulevard ............................................................................................. 6-2 CR TH 101 Improvements (Townline Rd. to W. 78th Street) .............................. 6-3 Lyman Boulevard (West City Limit to TH 101 ) ................................................... 6-4 Lake Lucy Road Bituminous Overlay (Between Galpin & Powers) .................... 6-5 Saddlebrook Curve Bituminous Overlay ............................................................ 6-6 Lake Drive/Lake Drive East Bituminous Overlay ............................................... 6-7 Audubon Road Bituminous Overlay (TH 5 to Lyman Blvd.) ............................... 6-8 Coulter ,Boulevard Bituminous Overlay (Audubon Rd. to Pillsbury) ................... 6-9 West 78'h Street Bituminous Overlay (Powers to TH 101) ............................... 6-10 Minnewashta Parkway Bituminous Overlay (TH 5-TH 7) ................................. 6-11 Annual Street Sealcoat Program ..................................................................... 6-12 Chapter 7: Surface Water Management Program Rice Marsh Lake Watershed Project ................................................................. 7-1 Lotus Lake Watershed Project ........................................................................... 7-2 Lake Susan Watershed Project ......................................................................... 7-3 Lake Riley Watershed ........................................................................................ 7-4 Lake Minnewashta Watershed ........................................................................... 7-5 Bluff Creek Projects 4.7 and 5.19 ...................................................................... 7-6 Bluff Creek Projects 6.19 and 7.5 ...................................................................... 7-7 Bluff Creek Projects 2.13 & 4.12 ........................................................................ 7-8 Bluff Creek Projects 5.11 & 7.9 .......................................................................... 7-9 Bluff Creek Projects 2.3 & 3.1 ......................................................................... 7-10 Lake Lucy (Lake Project) ................................................................................. 7-11 Chapter 8: Water System Improvements Well No. 9 .......................................................................................................... 8-1 Well No. 10 ........................................................................................................ 8-2 Well No. 11 ........................................................................................................ 8-3 2.0 MG Water Reservoir (Lyman Blvd.) ............................................................. 8-4 Lake Riley Trunk I1 ............................................................................................. 8-5 TH 41 ................................................................................................................. 8-6 Manchester Drive ............................................................................................... 8-7 Minnewashta Loop ............................................................................................. 8-8 Water Improvements: TC & W- Lyman ............................................................ 8-9 Lyman Boulevard, Audubon Road-Powers BIvd .............................................. 8-10 Water Treatment Plant ..................................................................................... 8-11 Wellhead Protection Program .......................................................................... 8-12 General Repairs ............................................................................................... 8-13 SCADA System Upgrades & Maintenance ...................................................... 8-14 West 76th Street Tower Repainting .................................................................. 8-15 Lake Lucy Storage Tank Painting .................................................................... 8-16 Utility Rate Study ............................................................................................. 8-17 Chapter 9: Sanitary Sewer Improvements Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-7 .............................................................. 9-1 LC-1 Subdistrict Extension ................................................................................. 9-2 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-8 .............................................................. 9-3 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-9 .............................................................. 9-4 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension BC-2 .............................................................. 9-5 Sump Pump Inspection ...................................................................................... 9-6 General Repairs ................................................................................................. 9-7 Televise Lines .................................................................................................... 9-8 Repair Manholes and Infiltration/Inflow .............................................................. 9-9 SCADA System Repair & Maintenance ........................................................... 9-10 Sanitary Sewer Flow Meters ............................................................................ 9-11 Enclosure: Trunk Sanitary Sewer Map 2020 Capital Investment Program City of Chanhassen Vehicle/Equipment Investment Program Policy CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL POLICY GENERALPOLICY Chanhassen's Capital Improvements Program reflects an assessment of the community's needs and its ability to pay for major improvements. It is founded on the policy that reinvestment required for replacement, maintenance, or the increased efficiency of existing systems shall have priority over investments for expansion of existing systems or the provision of new services. FUNDING PRIORITIES Capital spending proposals will generally be funded on the following priority basis: 1. Those projects necessary for contributing to the public health and welfare. 2. Those projects which will help to maintain an existing system. 3. Those projects that will make an existing system more efficient. 4. Those projects representing the expansion of an existing system for new service or completely new public facility or service. FUNDING PRINCIPLES As a result, the following principles shall govern the implementation of the recommended Capital Improvements Program: 1. The city will make all capital improvements in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvements Program. 2. The city will develop a multi-year plan for Capital Improvements and update it annually. The city will coordinate development of the Capital Improvements Program with development of the annual operating budget. Future optional costs associated with new capital improvements will be projected and included in operation budget forecasts. 1-1 TABLES o ,~' c0 (:~ c0 I',- c,,I o ~ 0Z ,,-- ,--~ ,--- o (.'3 n 0 >- ~ ° .~oz ~ ooooooo o o!.1.1 ~¢3 IJJ! o c) o o o o o o E · E o ~ 2~. ~ 0 C) C) C) C) C:)~C3 ¢:D C:) (::D C) 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 0 o o o o o ooo ooo ,.o' ,.~ o. c~ o-c~ c~ ~-..' r.- o ,- ('3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 O00i O0 0 o o o o o o o o~o~o3 o o 0 0 0 03 ~ w- 0 v- O0 O0 O0 LO ¢~1 0 0 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 o ooo I.~ o o ooo oo~o o 0 000, 0 0 0 000 00~ 0 o~ ~o-o' ,.o- o' o ooo u~ c5 ,.o' co ~ooo ~ ~0 !~o ~o~ ~o o~ ® Z~ ~-, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' 0 00iO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ooolooo o o ooo ooo r..- -o ooo oo o o ooo oo o ,,,io ooo oo o o oo~o oo o _~o 000 O0 0 0 000 O0 nn~ co' o~ ~ ~,.o ,.o- ~ ooo oo ,,~ cO ~0~0 0~- O0 OD I'-- I'~ 0 t"q 0,~ ,4--' "" ~ O: l.u~ ,,, ,,, _ z _ ' ~ Z  > ~ ~; 0I --I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 %--- ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ o o H Z~o o ~ ~ ~ I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ .-- ~ ~ ~ > z ~ o ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~0 0 > ~ z g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o=o~o~ > w ~ z ~Sz .~.~.~o ~ o x~ < ¢:3 0 0 (:::) 0 ¢:) 0 (:3 0 0 0 (:3 03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z ~ 0 0 0 0 Om o o o o ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~0 ~ 0 ~ Z~ ~ oo o I ~ Z ~m c~ ~ ~ -- ~ '- < =- o o I Cci m Z~ , Municipal Buildings Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project provides for the expansion of the current library. Currently, the library has 5,800 sq. ft. Municipal Buildings Library $2,500,000 Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $0 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 Justification: The city has hired a Library consultant to review the needs analysis for the Library expansion. Scheduling and Project Status: To be determined as a part of the needs analysis. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: This work is consistent with the policy of providing timely and efficient preventative maintenance of the City's buildings. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: These projects generally improve building efficiencies. However, with the expansion, there will be a percentage increase based on the expanded footprint of the Library. 3-1 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cos:t: Municipal Buildings Fire Station #2 Expansion $ 75,000 in 2003 Funding Priority: Account Number:. Description: Upgrading of Fire Station No. 2. Station No. 2 was built in 1980 and has seen no major remodeling or updating since its original construction. This project calls for a $75,000 expenditure for a new roof, lawn sprinkler system, and interior remodeling in 2003. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $0 $0 $0 $75,000 Justification: This building has seen no major remodeling or updating since its original construction in 1980. Scheduling and Project Status: This project will be completed in 2003. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: This work is consistent with the policy of providing timely and efficient preventative maintenance of the city's buildings. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: This project will have no effect on operating costs. 3-2 Project Category: Municipal Buildings Project Title: Public Works Expansion Total Estimated Cost: $1,900,000 Funding Priority: 1 Account Number-' 459 & 710 Description: This project provides f~)r the upgrade of the Operations and Maintenance Department facilities located at 1591 Park Road. The building layout will be reconfigured for increased efficiency and centralized support. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $200,000 $1,200,000 Sewer & Water Expansion $ 500,000 Justification: Currently, the Operations & Maintenance Department has need for additional repair space, accessible meeting space, file and plan storage, supervisory office space, and equipment storage space. This is accomplished by centralizing activities around the current truck garage. Scheduling and Project Status: Plan development will begin in 2001 with construction starting in early 2002. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: The project provides for increased facility efficiency by centralizing activities. This concept was supported by the City Council in 1998. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: This project would increase operational costs based on the percentage of the footprint expansion. 3-3 Municipal Buildings Senior Center $25O,OOO Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project provides for additional space to our current senior center based on increased usage of the facility. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $250,000 Justification: Scheduling and Project Status: This project will be developed in 2002 and construction will be completed in 2003. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: This project will have a percentage increase based on the footprint size of the expansion. 3-4 Project Category: Municipal Buildings Project Title: Enclosed Salt & Sand Storage Total Estimated Cost: $2J30,000 Funding Priority: 2 Account Number:. 459 Description: This project provides for the construction of a building to house the winter salt/sand mix. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Year Capital Replacement Fund $200,000 Justification: It is anticipated that future EPA regulations may require enclosures for salt/sand storage. Scheduling and Project Status: Project is scheduled~for year 2004. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: The project would provide for an environmentally friendly facility and meet EPA guidelines. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: This project will have no effect on operating costs. 3-5 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Municipal Buildings Fire Dept./Main Fire Station $30,000 (2002) Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves refurbishing the Main Fire Station over a 2-year period. Phase I of the project involves replacing carpeting, repainting the entire building, refinishing the floors in the bay area. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $30,000 Justification: The building will be 13 years old and in need of routine maintenance when Phase lis proposed. Scheduling and Project Status: Phase I is scheduled for 2002. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Phase I should lower maintenance costs. 3-6 Project Category: Municipal Buildings Project Title: Lake Ann Park Cold Storage/Shop Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: The existing metal pole barn will be demolished in order to construct the Hwy 5 access boulevard. The expansion of this facility has been postponed for 5-6 years in anticipation of the road project. A maintenance yard will be prepared with a block/brick building and associated site amenities. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Capital Replacement Fund $600,000 Justification: Replacement/expansion of a displaced park maintenance cold storage/shop. Scheduling and Project Status: Existing building to be demolished in 2000 construction season. New facility need to be constructed prior to demolition. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Activity prompted by new access boulevard project. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Maintenance costs will be reduced do to increased efficiency of new building. 3-7 Park and Trail Improvements Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Park and Trail Improvements Bandimere Community Park 9405 Great Plains Blvd. (TH 101) $141,000 Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: Bandimere is a 30-acre Community Park. The following improvements are recommended and scheduled for the next 5 years. 2000- Play Equipment Phase I $60,000 Outdoor Grills $ 1,000 2003- Silo Restoration $25,000 2004 - Play Equipment Phase II $40,000 Hard Court Play Area $15,000 Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $31,000 $25,000 $35,000 Potential Youth Sport Association $30,000 $20,000 Contributions Justification: This project involves the implementation of the recommendations set forth by the Park & Recreation Commission. Scheduling and Project Status: The Park and Recreation Commission has developed a work plan for implementing projects as prioritized in the above schedule. Projects include play equipment, grills, silo restoration, and hard court play area. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: This project is consistent with the City's efforts to maintain its natural resources and the public's investment in their community parks. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $4,000. 4-1 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project consists of a monument sign identifying the entrance to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Park and Trail Improvements Chanhassen Recreation Center $15,OOO Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $15,000 Justification: This sign is in response to numerous complaints received from patrons trying to find the Recreation Center. It would replace a 4' x 8' plywood sign. Scheduling and Project Status: The sign will be constructed in the spring of 2000. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: The sign will assist our patrons in finding the facility and increase the exposure to future users. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: This improvement will not increase the maintenance costs of this facility. 4-2 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Park and Trail Improvements City Center Park $305,~00 Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: City Center Park is a 10-acre Community Park. This park is a collaborative effort between School District 112 and the city to provide an active park for elementary school children and Chanhassen residents. The Master Plan developed by the Park & Recreation Commission includes the addition of a Park Shelter Warming House, and Senior Garden. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $30,000 $275,000 Senior Park Shelter/ Gardens Warming House Justification: City Center Park is home to the largest outdoor ice skating venue in the City. Shelter would replace rental satellite building. Scheduling and Project Status: Improvement schedule recommended by Park and Recreation Commission. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: These projects are consistent with the general plan. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $2,200. Notes: The Senior Gardens is an amenity requested by many of the seniors residing in Centennial Hills. Major improvements associated with this project would include planting beds, decorative arbors and hard surface paths. The garden would be located inthe northwest corner of the park adjacent to Kerber Boulevard. 4-3 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: Improvements for Curry Farms Park are part of a five-year plan to provide playground replacement in 2004. Park and Trail Improvements Curry Farms Park $4O,OOO Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $40,000 Justification: Original wood equipment was installed in 1989 and is expected to have a 15-year life span. Scheduling and Project Status: Scheduled for completion in the summer of 2004. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Comprehensive plans call for an active recreation site within 1/2 mile of every household. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: No change. 4-4 Park and Trail Improvements Kerber Pond Park $10,000 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves the signage of an existing interpretive trail around Kerber Pond Park. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $10,000 Justification: Local history and its interpretation is an area in which the Park and Recreation Commission would like to expand. Scheduling and Project Status: Summer of 2003. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Improves the overall experience at this location. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: $400 Notes: Four or five locations would be selected for interpretive signage and other appropriate site amenities (bench/table) The sign material would most likely be metal with an appropriate frame and mounting standards. The project would only be completed if the signs can compliment their surroundings. 4-5 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This item provides for landscaping, grill, and playground replacement. Park and Trail Improvements Meadow Green Park $46,000 Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years ~Ce~fpi,~j~Ct'F~i~i~~ ~ ~ ~ ;~,,, 2~ ', 2001 = 2003 200~: Park Dedication Fund $6,000 $40,000 Landscaping Playground and gdll for Replacement new shelter Justification: The new shelter acts as a gathering or focal point. The original wood playground structure was installed in 1984 and is in need or replacement. Scheduling and Project Status: Summer of 2000 and 2003. Relationship to Genera] Plan and Other Projects: Consistent with general plan. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Negligible. 4-6 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This item provides for landscaping and a grill. Park and Trail Improvements North Lotus Lake Park 295 Pleasant View Road $6,0O0 Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $6,000 Justification: The shelter is the focal point and in need of landscaping. Scheduling and Project Status: Summer of 2000. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: In concert with general plan and other projects. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Negligible. 4-7 Project Category: Project Title: Park and Trail Improvements Power Hill Park Flamingo Drive $20,000 Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves the construction of a Phase II play area. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $20,000 Justification: The Power Hill Park Service Area is large and contains a high-population of children. The playground was designed to accept a Phase II expansion. Scheduling and Project Status: Summer of 2004. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Consistent with plans for all neighborhood parks. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: $400 4-8 Project Category: Project Trtle: Park and Trail Improvements Roundhouse Park 3950 Kings Road $40,000 Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves the renovation of the historical Round house. This $40,000 allocation would be combined with $40,000 from the 1997 Referendum, for a total project of $80,000. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years $~H .,oJect Park Dedication Fund $40,000 (Total Project: $80,000) Justification: The Roundhouse is a local historic landmark and namesake for the park. Scheduling and Project Status: A proiect assessment report has been prepared. Relationship to General Pian and Other Projects: Functions include park shelter, warming house, and focal point. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: $2,000 4-9 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves the construction of a Phase II play area. Park and Trail Improvements Stone Creek Park 2250 Stone Creek Lane East $2O,OOO Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $20,000 Justification: Stone Creek is a large neighborhood in need of a play area addition. Scheduling and Project Status: Summer of 2003. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Site is prepared to accept Phase II. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Negligible. 4-10 Project Category: Park and Trail Development Project Title: Whitetail Ridge Court to Lake Lucy Lane Total Estimated Cost: $40,OO0 Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project involves the construction of a trail segment from Whitetail Ridge Court to Lake Lucy Lane. ~nd Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $40,000 Justification: The Galpin Boulevard neighborhoods need a more direct link to Pheasant Hill Park. Scheduling and Project Status: Scheduled for 2004. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: With the trail, the 1/2 mile service area radius of Pheasant Hill Park would be greatly enlarged. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: $400. 4-11 Project Category: Park arid Trail Improvements Project Title: Trait Development (Bandimere Park to Chanhassen Hills) Total Estimated Cost: $20O,000 Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: This project calls for the development of a trail system from Bandimere Park to Chanhassen Hills. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $200,000 Justification: The trail is a missing link in the South Highway 101 Trail System. Scheduling and Project Status: Scheduled for 2001. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Identified in the comprehensive plan. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: $2,000. 4-12 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: Park and Trail Improvements Trail Development (Hwy. 101 North, South Shore Drive to Townline Road) $400,000 Construction of a pedestrian trail concurrent with the reconstruction of North Leg of TH 101. Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years T.I.F. $400,000 Justification: This trail segment ranks No. 1 in the Comprehensive Plan. Scheduling and Proiect Status: Planning meetings are currently being conducted. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Scheduled to be constructed with the Hwy 101 Upgrade. Effect on AnnUal Operations Costs: $3,000. 4-13 Project Category: Project Title: Total Estimated Cost: Funding Priority: Account Number: Description: Reconstruction of Lake Ann Park streets, parking lots and trail (original half of park). Park and Trail Improvements Lake Ann Park Road and Trail Reconstruction $485,000 Lake Ann Recommended and Scheduled for Five Years Park Dedication Fund $485,000 Justification: The majority of these asphalt sections are over 25 years old and displaying multiple signs of failure. Scheduling and Project Status: Concurrent with Access Boulevard reconstruction. Relationship to General Plan and Other Projects: Economics of scale can be realized if work is combined with Access Boulevard project. Effect on Annual Operations Costs: Maintenance costs would decrease. 4-14