11d Engineering ExcellenceAward~AN-10-~000 12:03 HR GREEN CO, THE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL CEC/M ENGIHEERIHG EXCELLEHGE AWARDS BAHQUET to be held 651 644 2349 P. O2/O2 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2000 THE HEW SCIEHCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA 120W. Kellogg Blvd.,St. Paul, Minnesota You andTour spous~ and/or £uest are/nv#edto ~ttend lt#s ~lgn#7can/ [uncl/bn, P/ease complete the enclosed banquet reserval/on form a/your earliest convenience. Enjoythe Museum 4:30 p.m. / Museum Engineering Tour 6:00 p.m. Cocktails 6:45 p.m, / Dinner?:30 p.m, JDIH US FOG A BDilHI).-THE-SCENES ~GIHERIHG TOUR OF THE HEW SI)fENCE I~$EUM! Interested in learning what makes the Science Museum tick from a mechanical engineering point of view? Join us for a rare opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at the new museum with Rex Rundquist, project mechanical engineer with Eilerbe Becket. Rex wilt toad you on a tour of the HVAC, fire protection, plumbing and temperature control systems in the building, The tour will depart from outside Discovery Hall (the site of the banquet) on Level 4 near the Human Body Gallery promptly at 6:00 p.m. and will conclude by 6:45 p.m. in time to enjoy the pre-banquet social, If you are interested in attendlng, please note your participation on the appropriate line of the enclosed RSVP form. Any q uestions, contact the C ECIM office. fl'RN-10-2000 12:02 HR GREEN CO. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 651 644 2349 P. 01/02 January 10, 2000 To: From: Page(s) including this page MR, TODD HOFFMAN MR, Sc01'r BOTCHER CITY OF CHANHASSEN FAX 612 937 5739 David E. Nyberg, P.E. Project Manager 651-644-4389 or 888-368-4389 FAX: 651-644-9446 t 326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 Copies to []Yes follow: If you have received this fax in error, please notify Howard R. Green Company IMMEDIATELY by phone at t-888-368- 4389 and return the fax to us via U.S. Mail. This fax contains confidential information intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the recipient of this fax is not the addressee, or a designated responsible party thereof, you are notified that any dissemination or replication of the information Is strictly prohibited, FAX TRANSMITTAL Notes: Scott and Todd: Received word this morning that the 1998 Chanhassen Trail Project received an honorary award for engineering excellence from the CEC/M Awards committee. This is great news for the City of Chanhassen and Howard R. Green Company. I have attached a copy of the awards banquet invitation. We would be delighted if you could both join us at a table for the award presentation. Your spouses are also invited. If you are interested let me know and I can RSVP for all of us at the same time. A plaque wilt be presented to the City of Chanhassen at the banquet along with showing the slides and reading the project statement prepared for the contest. Hope you can make it. O:~PROJ~9OO755CSM~f-ax. hoffinaxt.doc