Correspondence SectionAdministrative Packet ITY 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safeg Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director January 18, 2000 SUB J: Commendation Date, I just hung up the phone from a conversation with a Minnetonka Youth Hockey Coach. He wanted to let us know that Chanhassen has the best outdoor ice he has seen in a long time. This gentleman has coached hockey in the Bloomington and Minnetonka area for 25 years, and firmly believes that access to good outdoor ice is essential. Please pass this note along to the crew. Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission g: park ~h Hoc kcy Rink, Commc ndanon The City of Chanhassen. A growing communio, w~th clean l~kes, q~/3o, schoola, ,; chamning downtown, thrivin, g businesses, ,znd beauti['ul parks. A ,areat o/ace to/ire, work, and p/av. Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning for the Future 12/07/99 Todd Hoffman, CLP Director Parks and Recreation Dept. City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Driver PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd ' The Metropolitan Council has been working with students in the University of Minnesota's Natural Resources and Environmental Studies program to complete a comprehensive inventory of parks and open space in the seven-county metropolitan area. The students coupled their inventory with data from a Metropolitan Council study of each county's residents leisure activities and desires. The Metropolitan Council will use the student's maps and inventory to create a GIS-based database that will be available to all municipalities through MetroGIS. The students have done a tremendous amount of work on this prOject. They will be giving presentations on their findings and recommendations on December 14"' and 16u' at the MN Commons Room on the St. Paul Campus (schedule and map attached). If possible, please attend the appropriate session. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about parks and open space in surrounding communities, to get an idea of what the general population thinks about parks and open space resources, and to network with other recreation and land management professionals. If you xvould like a copy of your county's report and/or will be attending either of the presentations, please telephone Dr. Dorothy Anderson at (612) 624-2721 or email her at danderson~forestry.umn.edu before December 14~'. Thank you again for your help with this project. I look tbrward to meeting you! Sincerely, ~//Jonathan Vlaming Senior Planner - Parks (651) 602-1750 2:'10 East Fifth Street SI. Paul. Mimmsota 55101 1626 (651) 602-1000 Fax 602-1550 TDD/TTY 2t~l 0904 Metro Inlk~ l.ine 602-1888 Comprehensive Parks Inventory Project: Findings and Recommendations Presentations Presentatiou Session I Date: Time: Location Study areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tuesday, December 14~', 1999 3:30 PM to 5 PM the Minnesota Commons Room in the Student Center on the St. Paul Campus (directions attached) Eastern Dakota County Western Dakota County Southern Washington County Northern Washington County Presentation Session H Date: Time: Location: Thursday, December 16"', 1999 3:30 PM to 5 PM the Minnesota Commons room in the Student Center on the St. Paul Campus (directions attached) Study areas: 1. Anoka County 2. Carver County 3. Western Hennepin County 4. Scott County Directions Note: The nearest parking lot is S109 (circled on the enclosed map). The parking fee is $1.60 per hour. When you enter the front door of the Student Center, the Minnesota Commons room is directly to your left. Plant Pathology Field Lab L~rpenteurAve. W ST. PAUL CAMPUS 300 Transportation and Safety Building 511 Washington Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN S5455 (612) 626-7Z7S FAX: (612) 624-8899 e-mail: parki~umn.edu http:llwww, umn.eduIparkingl nWeather Station F'-I Visitor/public parking, daily rates ~ Visitor/public parking, hourly rates [--1 Meter parking ['--I Carpool parking until 12:00 noon [--I Contract parking ~ Motorcycle contract parking area Disability parking area (number indicates capacity) ~ Facility entrance and/or exit 'C~' Campus/Emergency telephone Campus Shuttle System Routes ~ St. Paul Campus Circulator ~ Campus Connector ~ Campus Express ~ I~ I~ Bus stop (color indicates route) Copyright © 1999 Regents of the University of ~linnesota. All H~ts rese~ed. ~ -- ~ ~ ~ Routes begin and end here House ~ ~ Map scale: One inch is approximately 500 feet, ~ 3CI66~ ,f ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I Rnnex fern, without ~e prior writ- ~ ~ : ~ I , ~ ~C/~L~:~ ~~ Cereal andTr~spo~atlon Services ~Maintanance m$CI87~ ~ C ~ HendonAve. I(168~ HendonAve. Il i: [] Teaching[ [ ShaeI ~:: [ [ I [1 andRes.[ [ Resea~cl ~ __ ~ ~ ~CI13 Resomces U < ~ Gaffer SCI85~":'::::? ~ O O Buford Place ~(186[''~''] ~ Animal Waste  & Ag. Eng. ,., tr SC108 ~ erdgs. ~.. ~ · FAIRGROUNDS J N~E: The St. Paul Cam- u House ~""" ' ~pus Circulator and the ~Berw ~Campus Express have UHouse~ ~ ~ ; stops on Raymond Ave. at ]Como and ONLY the :PauICampusCirculator ~ ':': ....... I I lifi Irh .... top on Como Ave. --~D~ C YOF 690 Go, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 61293Z 1900 General Fax 612. 937. 5739 Engineering Fax 612. Y37.9152 Public S~O, Fax 612.934.2524 lF:cb u'ww. ci. chanhasse,.mn, us January 10,2000 Mr. Frank Scott Chanhassen Athletic Association 2450 Island Drive, #124 Spring Park, MN 55384 Dear Frank: The City of Chanhassen looks forward to opening Bandimere Community Park this spring. The construction of this public facility carried a $1 million dollar price tag, which unfortunately did not include a playground. While visiting the park, families participating in field play rely on play areas to engage younger siblings. The City's 2000 Capital Improvement Budget allocates $30,000 for a playground at the park. This is half the amount required to install the initial phase of a community playground. I am writing today to request that the Chanhassen Athletic Association consider making a significant contribution toward closing our $30,000 price gap. I have enclosed a copy of the park master plan depicting the location of this proposed playground. Appropriate acknowledgment of contributions would be made through colorful signage at the playground. I appreciate your consideration of this important request. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:gmb C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission gCpark\t h~Band imm'c Lt ~To At hAs,mc CITYOF 690 G{y Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ?hone 612937.1900 Ge,eral tax 612.937.5739 Engineering tax 612.937.9152 ?ubl/c Safety Fax' 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. cha,hassen, mn. us January 10, 2000 Ms. Kay Tumer Tonka United Soccer Association 18326 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 Dear Kay: The City of Chanhassen looks forward to opening Bandimere Community Park this spring. The construction of this public facility carried a $1 million dollar price tag, which unfortunately did not include a playground. While visiting the park, families participating in field play rely on play areas to engage younger siblings. The City's 2000 Capital Improvement Budget allocates $30,000 for a playground at the park. This is half the amount required to install the initial phase of a cormnunity playground. I am writing today to request that the Tonka United Soccer Association consider making a significant contribution toward closing our $30,000 price gap. I have enclosed a copy of the park master plan depicting the location of this proposed playground. Appropriate acknowledgment of contributions would be made through colorful signage at the playground. I appreciate your consideration of this important request. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman~ Director of Park and Recreation TH:grab C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission g:\park~,thXBandimerckl rToAthA~soc CIT¥OF CHANHASSEN 690 Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ~Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 P, blic Sa fo, Fax' 612.934.2524 lt3b wu,u:ci, chanhassen, mn. us January 10, 2000 Mr. Greg Blaufuss Chan/Chaska Soccer Club 7116 Utica Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Greg: The City of Chanhassen looks forward to opening Bandimere Community Park this spring. The construction of this public facility carried a $1 million dollar price tag, which unfortunately did not include a playground. While visiting the park, families participating in field play rely on play areas to engage younger siblings. The City's 2000 Capital Improvement Budget allocates $30,000 for a playground at the park. This is half the amount required to install the initial phase of a community playground. I am writing today to request that the Chan/Chaska Soccer Club consider making a significant contribution toward closing our $30,000 price gap. I have enclosed a copy of the park master plan depicting the location of this proposed playground. Appropriate acknowledgment of contributions would be made through colorful signage at the playground. I appreciate your consideration of this important request. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:gmb C~ Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission gSpoJ36th\BandimereLt rToAthAs.~e CITYOF 690 Cit.)' Cotter D6t'c. PO Box 147 lT;o,e 612 932 I900 (;c,c~d L~.v 612 9.3.~5239 December 9, 1999 Mr. Greg Havlik, President Chanhassen Snowmobile Club 630 Conestoga Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Havlik: Thank you for the invitation to participate in your December club meeting. I enjoyed the opportunity to socialize and share my thoughts regarding the future of snowmobiling in Chanhassen. The many conversations I had with members were informative. I now have a better understanding of the intricacies of your organization's work. Again, I encourage you to make a presentation explaining your club's activities to the Chanhassen City Council. You can contact the City Manager, Scott Botcher, at 937-1900 ext. 112 or at sbotcher.ci.chanhassen.mn.us to schedule an appearance. I would suggest a 20 minute presentation, leaving 10 minutes for questions at a city council work session in January or February. As promised, I will contact you or a member of your board of directors when "issues" arise. The City of Chanhassen appreciates all the work the club performs on behalf of snowmobilers in Chanhassen. Sincerely, ,-' 6/ .. . .~-5 ./ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council ~//Park and Recreation Commission Bud Olson, Carver County Sheriff Martin Walsh, Director Carver County Parks \\c Fs 1 \vol2\park\th\hax liklu'l 2-9.doc CITYOF 690 Ci5' &mcr Drit,c, I'0 Box 147 (.7,,m/,,zssc~;, ,'Ui,mesof,~ 553 I- I¢o~c 612. 9321900 (;,';~c~id l';~x 612 93 E 5~39 b';;fi,,~'cri;~ E~.v 612. 93 ]'~.3/,'c 3.~/,'?, F~.¥ 612. December 7, 1999 Excelsior Express c/o Mrs. D.C. Excelsior Elementary School 441 Oak Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Editor: I was impressed by the first edition of the Excel.¥ior E. xT)re.s'.¥, which my daughter Lauren (a first grader at Excelsior) brought home fi'om school. The eflbrt made in producing this newsletter shows throughout and you should be proud of your work. As you know. pm't of writing a newspaper is receiving Letters to the Editor. Letters to the Editor are used by readers to express their opinions on articles you have written or to provide additional information which may be useful to your readers. In this case, I would like to provide some additional information to your readers regarding a Skateboard Park. As you recall, an article on a Skateboard Park was on the front page of the Excelsior E. xT)ress. As City Manager of Chanhassen, I am pleased to infornq your readers that the City of Chanhassen completed a Skate Park in the summer of 1999 that is being used by many youth in our area. It is located immediately adjacent to City Hall near Chanhassen Elementary School. The basic rules for the use of the park are the rules you would use anywhere in life--no fighting, respect the property, and wear a helmet. As a number of your fellow students are fi'om'the City ofChanbassen, I would invite any and all Excelsior students to utilize the facility within the City of Chanhassen. We are proud to offer it to our community. Thank you tbr the opportunity to share my thoughts with you. Sincer_~~ Scott A. Botcher City Manager City of Chanhassen c: Todd Hoflhmn, Park & Recreation Director g:\user\scottb\cxcclsior express.doc