2 Video Presentation SkateParksCITYOF
690 GO, Center Drive, PO Box i47
Chanhassen, Min,esota 55317
Pho,e 612.937.1900
General Fax' 612,937.5739
13~gineeri,g Fax 612.937. 9152
h~b3 .S)~i,t), Fax 612. 934.2524
it% u,~,t~t ci.c/.,a,hasse,, m,.us
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
February 14, 2000
Video Presentation
1999 National Gold Medal & State Park Awards
Folks, we have gone from a flood to a draught. The four vears surrounding the
1997 Referendum were hectic. At the dawn of 2000, projects have diminished to
what seems like a trickle. However, in lieu of canceling our February meeting, I
am choosing to seek inspiration and humility.
The video entitled 1999 Nazio,al Gold Medal & State Park.4 wards raises the bar
tbr park and recreation providers. At a time when we are tempted to sit back and
proclaim, "Look what we have done," this 1 hour and 15 minute production blows
the lid off what can be accomplished in the public recreation arena.
Consider your February meeting a time for rejuvenatio~.~. Sit back and enjoy 'the
movie; I'll bring the popcorn and sodas.
A nomination form explaining the award progran: is attached.
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]'/se Oty ofi Ch,mh,me,. ,4 Zrowi,z co,;m,m'tl' with c/e~,/,zkes, ez~zh't~, schooh, a ch~m,i,e dow,tow,, thrivi,~ b,si,esses, ,md beautifid /~arks. A e;r,?t /~/,ce to live, work, a,d play.
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