4a 2000 Summer Softball ReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, Cemer Drive, PO Box' I47 Chmthasse., Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 Genera/Fax 612 93Z 5,L~ 9 Engine eri~g Fax 612.93L9152 Public 5~7 ~x 612. 934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent DATE: February 16, 2000 SUB J: 2000 Summer Softball Preview It's that time again! I have been receiving phone calls already regarding the upcoming season. I have sent out information regarding priority ranking, registration dates, league fees, playing nights and rosters to all participating teams from 1999 and other people who have requested information. The Thursday night Men's Open League will be the largest league again this year, forecasting 16 - 1 8 teams. With the popularity of the Thursday night league, I will be offering an adult Men's Open Double Header League on Tuesday evenings. The league will run for seven (7) weeks, playing 14 games at Lake Ann Park. I have had a few phone calls on the league and my goal is to fill the league with eight (8) teams. I look fom'ard to another softball season. Don Schwartz will also be returning as our Umpire Coordinator. It promises to be a fun season! g: park sb'00SeasonMenx) The (3'tv of Chmthmsen. ~4 ~rotchl~ co,,mmit~' u,it/, c/ea~ /,d'(s. mt,d/n, .~c/,ods, a char,,'~te downtown'n, t/,rit,i~ busb~esses, ,md beautt'fid om'ks./l ~reat dace to CITYOF ~90 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General tax- 612. 937. 5739 E, gi, eering Fax 612.937. 9152 &tb/ic Safeg tax' 612.934.2524 Web www. ri. ct~anhassen, m,.us February 1, 2000 Dear Softball Players: It is hard to believe that it's softball time already. The eligibility rules will be the same as last year and is outlined below. Resident is defined as a person living or working in the City of Chanhassen. Non-resident is defined as a person who does not live or work in the City of Chanhassen. Priority 1: Returning 1999 Chanhassen Resident Teams: a. Registering for the same league and night b. Registering for a different league or night Priority 2: New Resident Teams: a. Teams consisting of at least 50% Chanhassen residents Returning 1999 non-resident teams New non-resident teams with less than 50% Chanhassen residents Priority 3: Priority 4: Registration Dates: Priority 1: February 22-25 Priority 2: February 28-March 3 Priority 3: March 6-10 Priority 4: March 13-16 Regular Double-header League Fees: All Chanhassen Residents 1-5 Non-residents More than 6 Non-residents $390.00 $440.00 S485.00 $425.00 $450.00 $500.00 League Playing Nights: Corporme Women's "D" Men's Open Double-header Adult Over 40 Men's Open "C & D" Co-Rec 11/12 Mondays Tuesdays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Only complete registrations will be accepted and must include registration fee, conduct fee and form, and roster. Any team registering after their priority deadline will not get priority ranking. The registration deadlines are coming up soon. Please call me at 937-1900, extension 126, if you have any 'questions. -,. .-. c.~, , G:",~ark~,sb\OOJnfoltr.,