5 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM To: Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Director FROM: 'Susan Marek, Rec Center Manager DATE: SUB J: February 1.6, 2000 CRC Monthly Report - February'2000 CITY NEWSLETTER The' spring City newsletter has been distributed'and Rec Center staff Will once . again be detained with registration processing.. We look forward to many new program5 this spring!. DADDY/DAUGHTER NIGHT Tracy Petersen hosted Daddy/Daughter Nights at the Rec Center. This event continues to be popular with sell outs two months in advance. ART EXHIBIT Nancy Ryan will be our next exhibit artist' in March: Ms. Ryan creates realistic portrait images via pointillism. Pointillism is the practice of applying small dots to a surface so that from a distance, they blend together to form an ima~gb. sENIOR WOODCARVING CLUB Along v~ith Ms. Ryan, The senior woodcarving .c. lub will be. exhibiting'their carved objects in our display case. Please visit these new art exhibits. FITNESS ROOM'EQUIPMENT Fitness room equipment repair continues to be h lengthy process. Patrons are somewhat dismayed that new investments are not being made in fitness equip~nent..'Perhaps we can incorporate some replacements in the 20'01 budget. R:krecware\stafl\CRCMonthlyReports\Feb00.doC Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Ylinnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651