Correspondence SectionAdministrative Packet PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Janet Lash, Chair 4/89 - 4/02 Fred Berg 1/92 - 4/01 James Manders 1/93 - 4/01 Rod Franks 4/97 - 4/2000 Michael Howe 4/96 - 4/02 David Moes 2/98 - 4/2000 Jay Karlovich 4/99 - 4/02 7001 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 474-1272 Work: 447-4139 Fax: 447-4159 6910 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 474-8394 Work: 361-5470 Fax: 448-8627 6791 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 470-9983 Work: 519-4633 Fax: 519-4591 8694 Mary Jane Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 949-2903 Work: 348-3780 Fax: 348-6332 Tues - Fri 2169 Stone Creek Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 474-7270 Work: 673-1803 Fax: 673-1850 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 470-1699 Work: 837-1607 Fax: 470-6327 (h) 1910 Whitetail Ridge Court Excelsior, MN 55331 Home: 470-3946 Work: 651-451-1831 0 0 Hoffman, Todd From: Sent: To: Subject: Botcher, Scott Tuesday, January 25, 2000 3:23 PM Hoffman, Todd; Potts, Dave FW: Snowmobilers Trespassing For your information. You two may want to get together and formulate response. Let me see it before it goes out. Thanks. (The meeting is for me .... the letter is for you.) Scott ..... Original Message ..... From: LCJansen2~aol.com [mailto:LCJansen2@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 1:10 PM To: sbotcher@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Subject: Re: Snowmobilers Trespassing Scott, I'm going to try copying the text into a new e.mail for you...just to see if it works. Let's say Thursday 9:30 am, unless something changes. Thanks, LJ Subj: Snowmobilers Trespassing Date: 1/24/00 2:16:00 PM Central Standard Time From: yngart@email.msn.com (Mary Weingart) To: ljansen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (Linda Jansen), slabatt@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (Steve Labatt), mayor@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (Nancy Mancino), mosenn@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (Mark Senn), mengel@ci.chanhassen.mn.us (Mark Engel) Dear City Council Member, We are writing to you regarding the issue of snowmobile use within Chanhassen. This year, as in past years, we have been having problems with trespassers on snowmobiles tearing up our property. We went to the extent of putting up a locked gate with signs stating "No Trespassing" and "Private Driveway", and planting spruce trees and Dogwood bushes to deter access to the property. However, these snowmobiles have come off of Lake Lucy via Lake Ann and other routes and continue to violate our property rights. The trees and bushes we planted have been run right over. Approaching the drivers in person is impossible as they speed away before we can reach them. And many times these violations take place at night. We know that not all snowmobilers are this inconsiderate, but unfortunately, we only get to experience the irresponsible ones. We have tried, at a considerable cost, to deter this behavior. Some residents along Lake Lucy Road have gone to the extent of putting up [ences to keep the machines ~rom chewing up their lawns. This would be very expensive [or us to do, and, as we have already have invested in landscaping as a more aesthetic way to protect our property, we are not ~inclined to resort to fencing. Nor should we have to -- we already pay taxes for the privilege of owning property in Chanhassen. We know snowmobilers have always been given [ree reign in Chanhassen because of the rural setting. But the city has grown significantly in the past few years. Isn't it time to ban or restrict snowmobile usage in at least the more populated neighborhoods? Surrounding towns have had to do this and have received applause ~or it. Please consider this request or let us know how to better deal with the trespassing. We have not reported this to Public Safety yet because we feel that their time can be better spent on safety issues. Thanks in advance for your consideration, A1 and Mary Weingart February 1, 2000 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Metro Waters - 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106-6793 Telephone: (651)772-6152 Fax: (612) 772-7977 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffinan: It is my pleasure to announce that the Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestay and Metro Trout Stream Watershed Protection Initiative have received a $66,000 grant from the U.S. Forest Service for 'Improving Water Quality in Trout Stream Watersheds through Forest Stewardship.' The purpose for the grant is to help communities and landowners integrate forest stewardship into watershed plans and programs with an emphasis on improving water quality and enhancing natural resources. The target watersheds for this grant are: Brown's Creek, Valley Creek, Vermillion River and Assumption Creek. The goals for this project are to: 1) increase the number of private landowners who are implementing forest stewardship and related forest management plans; 2) implement demonstration projects; and 3) improve water quality. The following three components will help to achieving these goals: 1)Watershed/landscape scale assessment - complete land cover maps for each of the targeted watersheds; 2)Management planning and guidelines for landowners - write stewardship plans for larger (20+ acres) rural landowners and write management and project plans for smaller (5-10 acres) landowners and groups of adjoining landowners; and 3)Site specific demonstration projects - implement at least six tree planting and forest/timber stand improvement demonstration projects in the four targeted watersheds. This grant provides a great opportunity for interageney cooperation. We will form advisory workgroups for each of the targeted watersheds. These workgroups will be responsible for guiding the implementation of this grant by developing strategies for local collaboration and identifying potential projects. We anticipate the workgroups meeting 2 or 3 times fids winter/spring, and then as needed over the year and a half of the project. You may be asked to participate in one of these advisory groups. The overall focus of the grant is to provide watershed residents with the information and tools to make sound land management decisions to protect and enhance natural resources. On behalf of DNR staff, we look forward to working with you on fids exciting project, ffyou have any questions about the grant, please call me at (651)772-6152. Sin~rely, . ' Kevin Bigalke Watershed Coordinator Metro Trout Stream Watershed Protection Initiative DNR Information: 651-296-6157 · 1-888-646-6367 An Equal Opporlunity Employer Who Values Diversity · TTY:651-296-5484 ° 1-800-657-3929 Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Minimum of 10% Post Consumer Waste CITYOF 690 Ci{y Center Drive, £O Box 147 U~anhassen, Minnesota 55317 ?hone 612.937.1900 General?ax 612.937.5739 Engineering £,x 612937.9152 l~ublic $'~9' ?ax 612.934.2524 II;~'b ,,~,~:E. 3a,hassen. mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Steven Torell, Building Official~__~"~ February 4, 2000 Minnesota Bleacher Safety Act I have inspected the bleacher modifications at the Recreation Center. The bleachers now comply with the Minnesota Bleacher Safety Act. I will mail the Certification of Compliance to the Commissioner of Administration and have enclosed a copy for your records. Thank you for your prompt attention regarding this matter. Cc: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Building file, 2310 Coulter Boulevard Enclosure: Minnesota Bleacher Safety Act - Certificate of Compliance G/safety /slJmemos/misc/bleachers2 The Cin, o/'Cha,hasse,. A rrowin¢ co,,,n,in, n,ith dean {aker. aua/it~, scl~odr, a ct~tm, inr downto,,n, thrivi, r h,rine~r,'r. ,nd hemai/~d ,xzrl'~ 4 rr~'xt /J,u'e to live. work. and ~/ax Department of Aclmirfistration BUILDING CODES & STANDARDS DIVISION 408 Metro Square Building, 12I 7& Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651.296.4639; Fax: 651.297.1973; TrY: 1.800.627.3529 and ask for 296.9929 Minnesota Bleacher Safety Act -- Certification of Compliance In accordance with Minnesota Statute 16B.616, Bleacher Safety, this certification is required to be completed for each bleacher structure and submitted to the Commissioner of Administration by January 1,200 I. 1, Name of Facility where bleachers are located CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER 2. Location of Facility (e.g. address; city/tow-ash/p; orientat/on direction; field no.; visitor/home) 2310 COULTER BOULEVARD, CHANHASSEN, MN. 55317 3. Description of Bleachers Checkwhere applicable: Indoors × /Outdoors ; Length70' ; No. of rows 5 ; Materials: Foot & Seatboards NOOD Understmcture STEEL 4. The open space between bleacher footboards, seats, and guardrails do not exceed four (4) inches. *Initial_~ · If approved safety nets are installed instead, initial here Detail on attached sheet(s) description of nets. ~clude type of net material used and how fastened. Digital photo would be helpful. 5. Bleachers have vertical perimeter guardrails with no more than 4-inch spacing between rails. *Initial..~/ or;' · If 2" nominal cha/n 1/.nk fencing of at least I I gauge is used in guardrail system instead, initial here · If other approved guardrails are used that address climability and are designed to prevent accidents, initial here Detail on attached sheet(s) a description of this "other approved guardrail" used that addresses climabihty. Include type of material and how fastened. Digital photo would be helpful. o The bleachers are structurallv sound, i.e. no broken, badly deteriorated or unconnected brackets, no rotten or missing boards. *Initial~ Contact Person/Agent for owner: TODD HOFFHAN Phone612-937-1900 X-121 I hereby certify that the information in items 1-6 above is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am a Minnesota Certified Building Official (certification number or N/A :1.511 ) or Minnesota Licensed Design Professional (registration number or N/A ) STEVEN TORELL Name (print) Name (si~ed}' > Return completed Certificate and a photo copy of your 612-937-1900 X-115 Phone 2/4/2000 Date Certification or License to the address above, attention: Scott McLellan *Incomplete Certificates will be returned for additional information* Received by: 92399C For Office Use Only Date: Complete: Yes / No CITYOF CHAN $EN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General fax 612. 937. 5739 Engineering Fax 612. 937. 9152 &~blic Safe~y £a.r 612. 934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us February 9, 2000 Mr. Frank Scott Chanhassen Athletic Association 2450 Island Drive, #124 Spring Park, MN 55384 Dear Frank: A month ago I contacted you regarding our desire to see a playground constructed at Bandimere Park. I am following up on that letter to see if you have reached a decision on my request for a financial contribution. I understand that when working with boards and advisory groups, a good amount of time is required to reach such decisions. Please do not feel rushed in your deliberations. I simply want to ensure that if the project is a go, the playground is built as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council ,,,,Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\bandimereptaygrnd.doc The City of Chanhassen. A growing communi(y with clean lakes, quality schooh, a charming downtown, thrivin¢ businesses, and beauti/~l aarkr. A er~at ~/,~, t,/i,,~. ,mrS'. r~nr] /~ CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General £ax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safety tax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us February 9, 2000 Mr. Greg Blaufuss Chan/Chaska Soccer Club 7116 Utica Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Greg: A month ago I contacted you regarding our desire to see a playground constructed at Bandimere Park. I am following up on that letter to see if you have reached a decision on my request for a financial contribution. I understand that when working with boards and advisory groups, a good amount of time is required to reach such decisions. Please do not feel rushed in your deliberations. I simply want to ensure that if the project is a go, the playground is built as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C~ Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\bandimereplaygrnd.doc The Gty of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, ttuality schools, a charmin, downtown, thrivinv businesse.t and heautif;,l ,,th, A er~,t ~/,, t,/;,,~ ,,,ar]a. and nlav. CITYOF 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General ]ax 612.937.5739 Engineering tax 612.937. 9152 Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us February 9, 2000 Ms. Kay Turner Tonka United Soccer Association 18326 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 Dear Kay: A month ago I contacted you regarding our desire to see a playground constructed at Bandimere Park. I am following up on that letter to see if you have reached a decision on my request for a financial contribution. I understand that when working with boards and advisory groups, a good amount of time is required to reach such decisions. Please do not feel rushed in your deliberations. I simply want to ensure that if the project is a go, the playground is built as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\bandimereplay=m'nd.doc The Ciff of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, qualio/ schooh, a charting downtown, thrivine businesses, and beautiful oarks. A ereat o/ace to live. work, and olar. CITYOF 690 City Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 Genemt Fax' 612.937.5739 £ngineering tax, 612.937.9152 Public SafeO, Fax' 812. 934.2524 Web wwu:ci, cban/sassen, mn. us February 3, 2000 Ms. Cathy Huffman 1531 Branford Lane Naperville, IL 60564 Dear Cathy: I would like to take a quick moment to introduce myself. My name is Jerry Ruegemer and I am the Recreation Superintendent for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department. I have been with the city for close to ten years, and had the opportunity to work with Dave while he served on the Park and Recreation Commission. The reason for this letter is to inform you of the progress that has been made regarding the 5K run. The "Dave Huffman Memorial 5K Run" is scheduled for Saturday, September 16 at 9:00 a.m. The 3.1 mile race will begin at Lake Ann Park and conclude at the Americlnn/Houlihan's complex. This is near the new St. Hubert's Church, south of Highway 5. The goal for the race is to have 200 or more runners participate. The race committee is very confident that this goal can be achieved. It is our hope that you are comfortable with the events that have transpired to this point. Dave was a very special man who left a mark in the Chanhassen community forever and it is his memory that we are honoring through our efforts for this race. The race committee consists of 9 people who have been working for over 6 months already to ensure the success of the run. At this point, the race information has been presented to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission twice, and the Chanhassen City Council once, with a second and final presentation scheduled for February 14. So far, the commission and city council have fully endorsed and supported the efforts of the race committee and I do not expect changes in their support. The race committee is very organized and at this point, many of the major components and details have been arranged and ironed out. You can feel very comforted that the race committee, sponsors, the City of Chanhassen, and Chanhassen community is very committed to making it a successful event. After the February 14 city council meeting, it is the committee's plan to start advertising the race through various media outlets. The local newspaper and radio station have already been asking to advertise and promote the race. They are very interested in being involved in such an exciting, worthwhile event. Ms. Cathy Huffman February 3, 2000 Page 2 The race committee would be very honored if you would be here in Chanhassen to start the race. Please find enclosed a copy of the race form for your review. In the near future, the race information will be advertised on the internet at www.raceberryj am.com. If you have any feedback or questions regarding the race, please feel free to contact me by phone at 612-937-1900 ext. 126 or e-mail me at chpk2~ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Thank you for allowing us to share Dave's memory with the Chanhassen community. Jerry ~,uegemer Recreation Superintendent JR:ns g:\park\jerry\chuffmanltr.doc Rue~emer, Jer~ From: Sent: To: Subject: J, J, C, & D Huffman [huffman4@flash.net] Wednesday, February 09, 2000 10:18 AM chpk2@ci .chanhassen .mn .us (no subject) To: Jerry Ruegemer Dear Jerry, Thanks for your letter. Once again the City of Chanhassen has overwhelmed me; I had no idea you were going forward with the idea of a race in memory of Dave. I thought I would get back to you before the February 14 city council meeting. I'm simply writing to let you know, again, that I'm deeply touched by this, and that I've put the date on my calendar. I will certainly try to attend, and would like to bring Jessica and Jack if at all possible. I shared your letter with them, and they were impressed that their dad was such a 'big deal', as they put it, as to merit a memorial 5K. They are currently arguing over which of them should be allowed to shoot the starter's pistol. Hopefully we'll have all that ironed out by September. Please convey my gratitude for this gesture and all the work behind it to the race committee and the city council. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Cathy Huffman MELROSE PYROTECHNICS, INC. 13255 BRADLEY BLVD. BECKER, MN 55308 T 61~.~61.~7~3 800.771.7976 January31,2000 Tracy Petersen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Tracy, Here is an overview of the fireworks display we have planned for your festivities. I hope this meets with your approval. Melrose prides itself on the size and variety of materials in its inventory. We stock one of the most diverse inventories in the country. Our inventory even boasts international products made exclusively for Melrose. This exclusive product makes our inventory unique and our shows one-of-a-kind. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me in the office at any time. Sincerely, MELROSE PYROTECHNICS, INC. Mark Hanson Event Producer Enc. vc CITY OF CHANHASSEN, JULY 4, 2000 SHELL SYNOPSIS: MAIN BODY: 84 - 3" ASSORTED COLOR SHELLS BRIGHT COLORS FLASH THROUGH THE NIGHT SKY 103 - 4" CHRYSANTHEMUM SHELLS BRILLIANT COLORS IN A PERFECTLY ROUND BURST. MOST SHELLS FEATURE RISING EFFECTS SUCH AS RISING COMET TAILS OR RISING WHISTLES 105 - 5" PEONYS, CHRYSANTHEMUMS AND SPECIAL EFFECT SHELLS THESE SHELLS ARE SELECTED FROM THE FINEST ORIENTAL MANUFACTURERS 101 - 6" ASSORTED CHRYSANTHEMUM, STROBE AND PATTERN SHELLS WATCH WHILE THESE SHELLS FORM UNUSUAL PATTERNS AND BRILLIANT COLOR BREAKS AGAINST THE NIGHT SKY 30 - 8" ASSORTED CHRYSANTHEMUM AND PEONY SHELLS A BREATHTAKING DISPLAY OF TWINKLING AND SPARKLING STAR SHELLS LIGHT UP THE NIGHT SKY 16 - 10" ASSORTED CHRYSANTHEMUM, PEONY AND SPECIAL EFFECT SHELLS VERY LARGE BREAKS OF COLORED STARS AND LONG HANGING WILLOWS ALL WITH RISING COMET TAILS FINALE: 200 - 2" SHOT COLOR WITH RISING SILVER TAILS MAGNIFICENT COLORS FLASH THROUGH THE SKY 144 - 2 ~" COLOR AND SALUTES WITH SILVER RISING TAILS BRIGHT COLORED BREAKS WITH BOOMING REPORTS 60 - 3" ASSORTED COLORED SHELLS BRILLIANT COLORS IN A PERFECTLY ROUND BURST 200 - 3" TITANIUM SALUTES WITH SILVER RISING TAILS THESE SHELLS EXPLODE WITH BRILLIANT WHITE LIGHT AND THUNDEROUS REPORTS 20 - 4" ASSORTED SPECIAL EFFECT SHELLS A VARIETY OF EFFECTS THAT INCORPORATE INTO THEIR DISPLAY BRILLIANT COLORS IN A PERFECTLY ROUND BURST 6 - 5" SPARKLING LIGHT SHELLS A VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL TWINKLING STAR SHELLS 6 - 6" VARIATIONS OF PATTERNS A VARIETY OF UNUSUAL PATTERNS FORMED AGAINST THE SKY 2 - 8" PALM TREE SHELLS A HUGE PALM TREE IMAGE WITH A VARIETY OF FORMS, ALL WITH RISING COMET TAILS 1 - 10" MAGNIFICENT KAMURO SHELL THESE SHELLS ARE FULL BODIED, HANGING IN THE SKY WITH LONG WEEPING TRAILS 2/15/99 Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission Jan Lash Chair at City Hall 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jan, As a resident of the Stone Creek subdivision I would like to express my support for moving up the completion date for Phase II of the park equipment in the neighborhood play area. While I understand that the project is in the budget for 2003, I also feel that the older children in Stone Creek would benefit from an earlier completion date. Dale~wgon 2181 Stone Creek Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317