2 Amend 2000 CIP CityCenterParkCITYOF 690 City Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Min,esota 55317 Phoebe 612.937.1900 Ge,er al Fax 612.937.5739 k3~gi,eeri,g Fax 61293?. 9152 Public Sa fay Fax 612.934.2524 Web ww~c ci. d~a,hassen, m,. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: March 16, 2000 SUB J: Recommendation to Amend 2000 Capital Improvement Plan, City Center Park The 2000-2004 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan includes $30,000 in Year 2000 for a second set of hockey boards at City Center Park. The first set of boards were constructed in November 1999. Currently the "Skate Park" is operating in the location slated for construction of the second set of hockey boards. It is my recommendation that the city abandon plans for the second set of hockey boards and establish the city's first permanent Skate Park at this site. The Skate Park opened in September 1999. It remains my belief that the Skate Park will yield a higher return on our investment than any recreation service ever offered by the city. Casual observation leads one to believe that this position is accurate. A more objective analysis provides additional support. Chanhassen Skate Park 1999 2000 (To Date)* Days of Operation 80 16 Average Daily Users 35 40 Total Users 2,800 640 *Note: The Skate Park was scheduled to open on April 1, but opened a month early on March 1, 2000 Based on these tallies, an average eight month Skate Park season (adjusted for extended summer hours) will generate over 12,000 user visits. Contrasting this usage to that of our ice and hockey skating program shows the following. Chanhassen Ice Program (14 Rinks) 1999/2000 Days of Operation 48 Average Daily Users Per Rink 9 x 14 rinks = 126 daily Total Users 6,048 Flooding and maintaining our outdoor rink program requires $15,000 to $30,000 in labor annually. This equals an investment of $3.30/user visit. The Gtl, ofiCha,hasse,. A erowi,~, commu,in, with c/ea, /akes. a,a/itv schoo[v, a c/~,,,inv dou,,tou,~t, thrh,i,~ husi,e,e,, a,td hea,tiM ,arh~ A ~reat ,/,ce r,/i,.~' ,.,,'1, ,,,d ~/,~, Park & Recreation Commission March 16, 2000 Page 2 Chanhassen Summer In-Line Skating Program (4 Rinks) User numbers are not available for this program. However, due to the longer season, attendance is estimated to meet or exceed winter skating rink usage. Over the past few years, the popularity of the in-line rinks has been increasing. One thing is for sure; the model of creating dual use hockey rinks (summer/winter) through the utilization of an asphalt base is prudent. What Does All this Mean? The bottom line is that a single Skate Park site with a capital investment of approximately $55,000 (surface, lights, ramps) attracts approximately the same number of annual users as a 14 rink winter/summer skating program with a capital investment of approximately $380,000 plus annual maintenance costs of approximately $25,000. Other issues to consider include; that if a second set of hockey boards is built, the Skate Park will be confined within them. Therefore in order to flood the rink in the winter, the ramps would need to be dismantled and moved to a storage site. The ramps were constructed to allow this to occur, however, a significant effort is required. It has also become apparent that moving the Skate Park equipment from place to place jeopardizes its construction integrity and will result in a lower life expectancy for the equipment. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the popularity of the new Skate Park and the economics associated with providing a permanent Skate Park versus a second set of hockey boards, it is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission make the following recommendation to the City Council: That the City Council amend the 2000-2004 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, deleting $30,000 from Year 2000 for the construction of a second set of hockey boards at City Center Park. Further, that the City Council utilize $15,000 of this $30,000 allocation to purchase the second phase of the Chanhassen Skate Park designating the park's current location as a permanent and year-round facility. ATTACHMENTS Park & Trail Maintenance Report Ice Rink User Report CITYOF 690 G0, Ce, ter Drive, PO Box 147 Cha,hasse,, Mi,,esota 55317 ?hone 612.937.1900 Ge,era/Fax 61Z93~ 573~ h~b& S,fi'O, Fax 612934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: March 9, 2000 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report This winter's warm weather made it very difficult to maintain good, safe icc for skating. February 20th was the closing date of the skating rinks. Duc to thc warm weather, the ice could not be maintained and thc condition of thc icc was unsafe to use for skating anymore at this point. I have enclosed a report on opening and closing dates of the rinks that go back to 1982. I also enclosed a report on total cost for all skating and hockey rinks for thc 1999-2000 season. We have also completed our wood duck house cleaning and inspection. We have 29 wood duck houses in place with 18 being used last year, which is 62%. This is down a little from 1998, but it is still a fairly good percentage of usc. Enclosed you will find a wood duck inspection report that dates back to 1994. We have completed the preventive maintenance on all power mowers and tractors. We have only thc push mowers and weed whips to check out yet. Thejob of moving out of the park sheds has just begun. Pallet racks are being set up at thc Public Works Garage, and before long we will start to move all the equipment and supplies. The 6¥tl, of Cha,hmse,. A grou,i,~ commu,it¥ with c/c,,;/,~k~'s, a,~ditr sd,ooh, ,~ ch~m,i,,~ dow,tow,, thriE,~ b,si,uscs, a,d bea,ti~d ~arks. ? .~rcm v/~'e to live, work. ,,d oIa~ SKATING RINKS OPEN/CLOSE DATES YEAR OPEN CLOSE REOPEN CLOSE 1982 Dec. 17 Feb. 16, 1983 1983 Dec. 22 Feb. 21, 1984 1984 Dec. 25 Feb. 19, 1985 1985 Dec. 20 Feb. 18, 1986 1986 Dec. 18 Feb. 7, 1987 1987 Dec. 19 Feb. 15, 1988 1988 Dec. 9 March 8, 1989 1989 Dec. 16 Feb. 8, 1990 1990 Dec. 21 Feb. 2, 1991 1991 Dec. 21 Jan. 3, 1992 Jan. 13 Jan. 29 1992 Dec. 19 Feb. 12, 1993 1993 Dec. 27 Feb. 18, 1994 1994 Dec. 16 Dec. 21, 1994 Jan. 6, 1995 Feb. 17' 1995 Dec. 16 Jan. 18, 1996 Jan. 22, 1996 Feb. 19 1996 Dec. 23 Feb. 19, 1997 1997 Jan. 12 Feb. 9, 1998 1998 Dec. 26 Feb. 10, 1999 1999 Dec. 23 Feb. 20, 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 p:¥w~dale~RINKS.doc 1999-2000SKATING RINKS 1999 Regular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $ _ DALEO $ 16 $637.44 $ 637.44 DEAN 34 $ 803.08 24 $850.32 $ 1,653.40 JIM 4 $ 91.88 24 827.04 $ 918,92 'CHARLIE ~ 17 $ 333.20 25 $735.00 $ 1,068,20 BRAD 25 I JERRY 46~t $ 697.20 $~53.75 $ 1,350,95 $ 906.60, 16 $362.72 $ 1,269.32 : ROB 6~t $ 906.60 ......... 1-~ $362.72 $ 1,269.32 TOTAL 21~ $ 3,738.56 ........... 14~- $4,428.99 $ 8,167,55 2000 ......... I~D-~AN 5~ ~ ,42~.80 ~8~ $1,4~'0 ~ $ ~,8~9.00 ~JIM ~ ~0~$ --9~6~00-~ 1~ ' $~6~.05 $ ~,~2.05 ~HA~LI~~ ~ ~--E5~:50 ~ ...... ~0~ ~30.0~-~ -2,808.5~ ~BRAD 1~ $ -3~! .... ~0~ $8~.20 ~ 4~57.5~ L JERRY 128~ $ ~i~9.9~- ...... ~';~' $9~9-~ ' 3,082'.8~ L ROB 10~ ~ -~8~ ~ .... ~'~911.3~' ~ - ~,692;~ _TOTAL ~4~ TOTAL REGULAR HOURS & $: / 864J ~. $ 16,509.41 ..... ~]T~T~-$~-RW~~ ~ MA~T~NA-NCEi 4 - ~ ~;38~;~~ Page 1 1998-99 SKATING RINKS 1998 Regular Hrs. $ Overtime Hrs. $ TOTAL $ DALE 26 $ 690.56 18 $717.12 $ 1,407.68 'DEAN 57.5 $ 1,358.15 20 $708.60 $ 2,066.75 !JIM 21 $ 482.37 $ 482.37 CHARLIE 61 $ 1,195.60 27 $794.07 $ 1,989.67 BRAD 101 $ 1,760.43 12 $313.68 $ 2,074.11 JERRY. 123 $ 1,858.53 35 $793.45 $ 2,651.98 ROB 147 $ 2,221.17 16.5 $374.05 $ 2,595.22 PAT 4, $137.82 $ 137.82 DEAN 3 $58.82 $ 58.82 TOTAL 536.5 $ 9,566.81 135.5: $3,897.61 $ 13,464.42 1999 DALE 12.5 $ 332.00 0i $0.00 $ 332.00 DEAN 19 $ 448.788~ $283.44 $ 732.22 JIM 9 $ 206.73 16 $551.36 $ 758.09 CHARLIE 7 $ 137.20 10 $294.10 $ 431.30 BRAD 26 $ 375.18 18 $470.52 $ 845.70 JERRY 24.5 $ 370.2012 $272.04 $ 642.24 ROB 29 $ 438.1920.5 $464.74 $ 902.93 PAT3 $103.37 $ 103.37 TOTAL 127 $ 2,308.28 87.5 $2,439.57 $ 4,747.85 TOTAL REGULAR HOURS: 663.5 TOTAL OVERTIME HOURS: 223 TOTAL $ FOR 1998-99 RINK MAINTENANCE: $ 18,212.27 G:\PW\DALE~8-99RinkMaint$.xls Page 1 WOOD DUCK HOUSE-INSPECTION (Y=Yes N=NO .doc HOUSE NO. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000 Lake Susan Park: 1 Y Y Y Y Y N 2 Y Y Y N Y Y 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 Y Y Gone Y Y Y 5 Y Y N N Y Y 6 Y Y Y N N N 7 Y Y Y Y Y N 8 Y Y Y N Y Y Power Hill Park: 9 N N N Gone Gone Gone 10 N N Y Gone Gone Gone 11 Y Y Gone N N N 12 Y Y N Y N Sunset Ridge Park: 13 Y N Y N Y Y 14 Y N N Y Y Y Herman Field: 15 Y Y Y Y Y Y 16 Y Y Y Y Y Y 17 Y Y Y Y Y Y 18 Y N Y N N Y Curry Farms: 19 N N Gone Y Y Y 20 Y Y Gone Y Y N Bandimer Heights Park: 21 Y Y Y Y Y Y 22 Y Y Y Y Y N Lake Ann Park: 23 N N N N N N 24 N Y N Y Y N 25 Y Y N Y Y N Kerber Pond Park: 26 Y Gone Y Y 27 Y Gone Y Y 28 Y Gone N Y 29 Y Gone N N Herman Field Park: 30 Y Y Y Y 31 Y Y N Y Usage: 80% 72% 65% 52% 71% 62% ICE RINK USER TOTALS 1999~000 Season 12/31/99 through 2/12/00 Rec Ctr Rec Ctr Date Hockey Hockey Rec Ctr City Ctr City Ctr Chan Round- N. Lotus N. Lotus #1 #2 Pleasure Hockey Pleasure Hills house Hockey Pleasure 12/23 26 I0 0 17 0 20 12 10 0 12/24 3 3 0 2 0 5 5 12 0 12/25 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed 12/26 11 4 3 l0 0 3 22 20 4 12/27 20 35 15 20 12 5 7 29 2 12/28 20 29 2 15 15 12 22 2 8 12/29 7 0 0 6 6 0 4 4 0 12/30 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed 12/31 13 32 10 11 7 4 3 4 0 1/1 22 7 2 6 14 6 5 26 0 1/2 28 31 21 20 17 8 5 21 4 1/3 23 43 14 30 43 17 4 20 11 1/4 13 33 2 20 12 0 7 20 0 1/5 2 20 0 28 20 1 16 10 0 1/6 41 27 5 22 14 8 2 11 6 1/7 20 17 5 25 11 6 7 12 0 1/8 22 38 20 10 12 13 22 17 2 1/9 8 13 0 20 20 10 17 8 3 1/10 6 21 0 20 0 1 5 14 0 1/11 40 27 5 6 2 2 0 24 7 1 / 12 closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/13 22 19 0 35 10 8 8 8 4 1/14 21 5 11 15 6 0 0 13 2 1/15 40 27 7 17 21 12 11 16 10 1/16 22 14 3 6 16 6 23 13 9 1/17 20 11 0 21 8 8 8 18 4 1/18 25 35 6 11 15 2 16 37 1 1/19 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed 1/20 11 11 0 0 4 0 9 10 0 1/21 18 13 3 12 4 0 0 15 6 1/22 44 22 2 25 10 8 4 31 4 1/23 7 12 0 10 6 0 5 12 2 1/24 12 3 2 27 14 10 4 6 0 1/25 19 21 8 15 9 0 0 20 12 1/26 12 18 9 35 28 0 3 8 5 1/27 17 19 0 13 21 0 0 27 4 1/28 21 18 11 14 20 10 8 22 7 1/29 40 17 8 21 5 8 40 19 6 1/30 28 17 20 31 20 10 35 18 5 1/31 31 32 7 21 17 2 6 12 0 2/1 32 23 8 12 0 1 0 4 4 2/2 21 15 2 25 10 5 4 11 1 2/3 16 17 12 15 23 11 0 19 2 2/4 13 18 3 14 8 2 0 7 1 2/5 32 24 6 17 11 0 52 16 0 2/6 26 21 4 10 30 4 28 27 10 2/7 26 35 2 12 14 4 0 10 0 2/8 16 17 16 20 16 4 0 9 8 2/9 14 8 0 8 14 0 0 15 6 2/10 21 8 1 17 21 9 0 17 4 2/I 1 15 11 4 6 16 0 0 8 11 2/12 19 21 8 12 0 8 18 20 3 Total 960 912 267 787 602 253 492 732 178 Chanhassen Recreation Center 2,139 City Center Park 1,389 North Lotus Lake Park 900 Chanhassen Hills Park 253 Roundhouse Park 492 GRAND TOTAL 5,183