3 Memorial ProgramCITYOF
690 Go, Center Drive, PO Box 147
Cl;an/;assen, Minnesota 55317
I>hone 612.93Z I900
Genera/Fax' 612.93Z5739
Engineering Fax 612.93Z 9152
Public S:~30, Fax 612 934.2524
W~'b ~,tvt~ci. chanhassen, mn. us
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director ,~/
DATE: March 20, 2000
Memorial Program
From time to time, the City receives inquiries from residents about memorials. In
the past, these inquiries have been handled on an individual basis. No memorial
policy currently exists to manage these requests. To date, the installation of park
benches and trees have been the most popular requests.
The establishment of a memorial program can enrich our community in a number
of ways. I am recommending that the Park and Recreation Commission team up
with the City Council and Environmental Commission to establish a memorial
tree arboretum. Potential sites for the arboretum include the land east of the
pedestrian bridge (old Ready Mix/taco shop), and Lake Susan Park. A copy of
Maple Grove's program information is attached.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City
Council, in cooperation with the Environmental Commission and the Park and
Recreation Commission, establish a Chanhassen Memorial Tree Arboretum
Program. The specifics of said program to be established by a committee of six;
two from each council/commission, with staff support from the Environmental
Resource Coordinator, Park and Recreation Director, and City Manager's office.
One or two meetings in April/May would be required to accomplish this task.
The Gt), of CT;,mhassen. A zro~vine communitl, u,i;h clean lakes, o~talii3, schooh, a cha,nin~ dou,mown, tt, rivine businesses, and brant/fid varks.
_ Ci.ty of_
Maple Grove
Parkg & Recreation Board
12951 Weaver Lake Rd. · Maple Grove, MN 5536%9409
Phone: (612)494-6200 FAX: (612)494-6454
May. 18, 1999
Mr. Jerry Ruegemer
3290 Garland Ln
Plymouth, MN 55447
Dear Jerry:
Thank you for your interest in the tree sponsorship program. Enclosed is the general information
sheet and current tree availability list. Once you review the information, call me and we can find
a time to meet at the Arboretum to review your selection options. If you like a certain type of
tree, I can show you where in the park they are planned. Or if you have a favorite part of the
park, I can show you the trees that are planned for that area.
If you are interested in sponsoring a bench, we accept donations of $200 for each bench added
along Rice Lake Trails. The benches do not have any special identification on them and the site
location is determined at the time of sponsorship.
Sorry we keep playing phone tag, but I am excited to meet with you at your convenience to
explain the sponsorship program in more detail. Please call me at 494-6204 and we can set up a
meeting time.
Patty Anderson
Admin. Management Aide
Timothy Phenow
"Serving Today; Shaping Tomorrow"
Douglas Anderson John Ferm Pat Hoffman
Board Member Board Member Board Member
Sally Mainquist
Board Member
· 105 i BLACK HILL'S SPRUCE $'~5'0~'~3o
64 5 QUAKING ASPEN $250.00
69 5 AMERICAN PLUM $250.00
70 5 NEWPORT PLUM $250.00
21 1 RIVER BIRCH $300.00
23 1 PAPER BIRCH $300.00
1113 AUSTRIAN PINE $300.00
98 3 BALSAM FIR $300.00
1155 DOUGLAS FIR $300.00
52 5 IRONWOOD $300.00
43 5 GINKGO $400.00
The Maple Grove Arboretum is a joint venture of the Arbor Committee,
Parks and Recreation Board, City and citizens of Maple Grove. The
Arboretum was started in 1985 and is located across from City Hall at 93rd
Avenue and Fernbrook Lane.
This collection of trees provides a well-planned, well-maintained natural
resource that furnishes educational opportunities, promotes the aesthetic
value of Maple Grove and enhances community pride. It enables
individuals, organizations and businesses to have the opportunity to "Give
in a Growing Way" for now and years to come.
The Arboretum is being planted with various tree species through
donations by the community. You are invited to join us and financially
support the Tree Sponsorship Program. Sponsorships may be in memory
of a friend or loved one, in honor of a retirement, anniversary, birthday,
marriage, opening of a business or other special
event. Ali trees planted are cared for by the
Parks and Recreation Board. When
completed, over 100 different species
and 300 trees will be planted.
We invite you to visit the
Arboretum and enjoy the
mile walk along beautiful
Elm Creek. Please join us
and become a part of the
Maple Grove Arboretum
- an ever growing,
lasting and beautiful .:.~
resource for ali of us.
"Give in a Growing Way"
Support the Maple Grove Arboretum
1. Funds may be given to the Arbor Committee to purchase one or more trees for the Arboretum by a family,
individual, business, school, church civic organization, scouting or fraternal group.
2. Trees may be dedicated for various occasions, for example; in memory cfa friend or loved one, in honor of
a retirement, anniversary or in celebration cfa business opening.
3. You or your group can become a Full Sponsor by contributing $250 - $400 for a tree. This sponsorship
includes the selection cfa tree from the plan an individual certificate and tree marker.
4. You or your group can become an Honor Roll Member be contributing $10 - $249. These donations then
accumulate to purchase additional trees. Each member will receive a certificate of appreciation and the
member's name will be listed on an Honor Roll published once a year.
5. Contributions are tax deductible. Trees planted will be cared for and become the property of the Maple
Grove Parks and Recreation Board.
1. Trees generally will be 2 inches in diameter, depending on variety and availability. A spring or fall planting
will be scheduled for all sponsored trees.
2. For Full Sponsor trees, an informational marker will be provided listing botanical data on the specific tree,
and information regarding sponsor and recipient.
Trees in the Arboretum will be located per the landscape planting plan. Varieties available are of locally
hardy trees.
Requests for variations of the landscape planting plan must be approved by the Arbor Committee and
Superintendent of Parks.
For further details, contact the Parks and Recreation Board, 494-6200.
Maple Grove Arboretum Tree Sponsorship Program
i Address
Telephone H# W#
! am interested in making an Honor Roll donation ($10 - $249)
$10 $25 $100 Other $
In honor of/in memory ct2
I am interested in a Full Sponsorship. Please send me a current list of available trees to sponsor ($250 - :
$400). ..