4b Easter Egg Candy Hunt UpdateCITYOF
690 Ci0, Ce,ter Drive, PO Box I47
Cha,hasse~, ~Ii~mesota 55317
I%,e 612.93Z I900
(;e,e~d L~x 6i2. 93,~ 5.739
E,gi,ecri,g ~x 612.932 9152
I~blic S~3O, t3~.v 612. 934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor~__~
DATE: March 20, 2000
Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Contest
The Easter Egg Candy Hunt will be held Saturday, April 22 at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center. This year's musical entertainment will feature the Splatter
Flyers were distributed to all area schools the week of March 20. Flyers are also
available at City Hall and at the Recreation Center. I eliminated the Easter egg
coloring contest this year because the number of entries in previous years were
extremely low. The popular coloring contest is still being offered and forms were
delivered with the flyers to the area schools.
The Chanhassen Boy Scouts and Chaska High School Key Club kids will serve as
our volunteers this year. These groups will assist me in handling all the duties of
the event.
The candy hunt for all age groups will take place on the ball fields north of the
warming house. If this area is not suitable, the hockey rinks will be used as an
alternative location. The Splatter Sisters will perform at 9 a.m. with the candy
hunt taking place at the following times:
Ages 0-4:
Ages 5-8:
Ages 9-12:
10-10:15 a.m.
10:20-10:35 a.m.
10:40- 10:55 a.m.
The Cig, of Chanbasseu. A erot~,i,¢ commz~,it~, with cb~m lakes, a,~din, schoob, a ch,m,i,e dott,,tot~,,, thrivi,¢ busi,esses, a,d bem~tif,/ /~ar/,'s. A ~rea: ol, zce t(? live. ~,v:~J'. ,md oily.
'-TO: Todd Hoffma. n, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
March 20, 2000
CRC Monthly Report - March 2000
The Rec Center introduced its first issue of Rec Center Fitness, a quarterly
newsletter. Catherine Torntore, Fitness Coordinator, created this news missile. It
includes information on our upcoming Fitness Jam and 5K in May program.
Also,.we will be hosting a free workshop for peoplb interested in becoming
certified aerobic instructors.
Kay.Faust will exhibit her oil paintifigs beginning April 5. Kay is a longtime
Chanhassen resident and contributor to past city newsletters .as a cover artist. Ms.
Faust's exhibit will run through mid May.
Staff work schedules for the summer months are nearly complete.- For the second
year, Staff Work hours will bd reduced nearly 25% between Memorial Day and
Labor Day. Reduced hours at the Rec Cenfer will begin onMay 30. Summer
hours will be: Monday-Friday, 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.,
and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
CPR Tra!ning for Rec Center staff Was held in February.
Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651
690 Ci(y Center Drive, PO Box 147
Cha~hassen, Mhmesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
Get, era! Fax' 612. 932 5739
b~gi,eering 3)~x 612.93,Z9152
P~bEc S,~,9, L~x 612934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: March 22, 2000
Senior Center Report-
The month of February has been busy with various building improvements and daily
activities and trips. Currently I am working on the Senior Newsletter for the months of
May - July and organizing other activities for the fall months. Listed below are the
averages for each daily activity for the month of February. Approximately 787 visits
were recorded for the month of February.
Daily Activities - Average Attendance
Bridge - 28 people
Men's Club - 9 men
Book Club - 6 people
Bingo - 22 people
Card Club ~ 38 people
Women's Club - 21 women
CHAN-o~laires - 19 people
Woodcarving - 8 people
Bowling - 8 people
Stamping Club - 15 people
Trips_ - Upcoming trips Barbara Fairchild at the Mayer Fine Arts Center 3/31/2000 and
Chanhassen Dinner Theawes "Forever P!aid," 4/19/2000. On 2/22/2000 a group of 40
seniors departed fora 15 da5' Hawaii ~rip. Very successful!! The trip started a bit foggy
and icy (the motorcoach departing for the airport was stuck on the ice rink behind city
hall!), but everyone enjoyed! The Senior Center also sent 15 and 30 people to the Old
Log Theater "Cash On Delivery," on 3/08/2000 and the Science Museum on 2/24/2000,
_Special Programs - Carver County Social Services will be offering their last tax aide
assistance session in the Senior Center on 4/04/2000. A 4 hour defensive driving class is
organized for 5/12/2000.
Miscellaneous - The Senior Center was painted on 2/16/2000 by Ron Mielke for
$675.00. Chair rails were also installed by Park and Maintenance workers Brad Morse
and Charles Eiler. Looks great! All chairs in the Senior Center were professionally
cleaned. The Senior Advisory Board decided to discontinue the Bake Sale for July 2000.
An Open House with lemonade and cookies will be organized for July 3, 2000 from
5:00pm- 7:00pm.
gApark\kara\senior ctr update 3.22.2000