9a Park & Rec Comm InterviewsCffYOF 690 Gg Ce,ret Drive, PO Box I47 Ch~, hasse,, M.hmesota 55317 P,5o,e 612 93Z I900 O,era/ Fax 612. 932 5739 blgi, ed,g Fax 612 932 9152 ISblic.~ifi, O, Fax 61293(2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Park and Recreation Commission .~/// Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director March 21, 2000 SUB J: Commission Appointments The terms of Commissioners Franks and Moes expire on April 1, 2000. Both Mr. Franks and Mr. Moes have voiced their desire to continue serving the City and have submitted their signed applications. I have also received notification from Mr. Rich Slagle, 741 1 Fawn Hill Road, and Mr. Jim Perrone, 7729 Cone Flower Curve South, of their desire to serve the Commission If it pleases the Commission, I will forward all four of these applications to the attention of the City Council. I believe they will conduct interviews on Monday, April 3. G ,pa~k th',PRCAppsMcmo2000 City of C/m,hasse,. d ZJvu,i,f co,,n,,in, wit/; dea, lakes, auah'rv schools, a cha,,i,g dow,town, thrivine busi~esses, and beaudfid oar~,s, d ~r~'at dace to b'~e ~v,'k .,,.a ~ ~