Correspondence SectionCorrespondence
690 Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
General ]ax 612. 93 7. 5739
£ngineering Fax 612937.9152
Public SafeO, Fax 612.934.2524
Web www.£i, chanhassen,
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendem
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
March 14, 2000
Chanhassen Recreation Center Tennis Courts
In past conversations, we have discussed options for repairing the tennis courts at
the Recreation Center.
With spring and summer approaching, it is important that the corrections are
completed as we plan to schedule the courts for spring and summer lessons and
activities. For our schedules, it would be ideal if the repairs could be completed by
May 15.
Please stop by my office if you have any questions or concerns.
Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation
Tracy Petersen, Recreation Supervisor
Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
g:.' pa rk'je n2/~,C RCTennisCourO. i emo
Welcome to the first issue of Chan
Rec Fitness, a quarterly newsletter
created for you by Rec Center fitness
staff. This newsletter will provide you
with information about Rec Center
group fitness, personal training and
other fitness events. We hope you
enjoy it and find it helpful, and we
appreciate any feedback and
suggestions you may have about this
publication and our fitness programs!
I,side ~his Hewsle~er!
Group Fitness News
Fitness Q & A
3 5K Training Registration
]GrOup Fitness News -I j
v' April Jam.~.-,,-, -* .,.'.
Join us for a demonstration of the many
group fitness classes offered at the Rec. -.-
Center. We're holding a free group
fitness class on Saturday, April 8 from
8:15 to 9:45 am. Rec Center fitness
instructors will lead you through a
cardiovascular workout of the various
classes we offer, along with
strength/endurance exercises. We'll also
be drawing for a free 20-punch card, a
Rec Center T-shirt, and a one hour
fitness evaluation with a personal
trainer. Class size will be limited to 2'0
participants, and you must be present to
win prizes.
/ Free Workshop
H ow do i get certified? What kind of
music do I use to lead a class? How is
choreography created? If you would like
answers to these and other questions
about group fitness instruction, join us
at our free workshop! Certified Rec
center fitness instructors will supply you
with basic information about
certification, music, and choreography.
If you've ever wondered what it takes to
get started, this is the workshop for you!
Group Fitness Instructor
Informational Workshop
Saturday, April 29, 2:00-3:30 pm
Please Register at the front desk by
Sunday, April 23
Code No: 2000.275 FREE
/' Class Schedule Changes
Effective Monday, March 6, the 6:00
am MondavANednesdav Step class will
be canceled until further notice.
Effective March 20, Basic Traininq will
be canceled. The last class is Thursday,
March 16.
Rec Center Fitness.~..':-'....
All of our. group fitness instructors are
certified to teach th'r~Ugh hatior~j ~'
organizations and must acquire
continuing education credits to keep the
certifications current. They also must
maintain current CPR certification.
Ann EIIwood: NDEITA and AFAA
Catherine Torntore: ND EITA
Deb Miller: NDEITA
Joanne Killian: NDEITA
Mike Nyberg: NDE[TA
Susan Marek: NDEITA and ACE
Susan S chweitzer: N D E
Wendy Pekarek: NDEITA and ACE '
· / Group Fitness Schedule
9:30 am H i/Low
5:40 pm Step
7:00 pm H i/Low
5:40 am Body Sculpt
8:15 am Combo
9:30 am Step
9:30 am Kickbox
5:40 pm Step
7:00 pm H i/Low
5:40 am Body Sculpt
8:15 am Combo
9:30 am Step
9:30 am Combo
8:15 am ' Inst. choice
10:00 am Combo
4:00 pm Kickbox
~ Fitness Q & A
Q: How I~ng do ! have ~o r~ain~in'~n
aerobic workout befor~ I start burning~;
A: Not long at all. Your body is
constantly burning fats and - -. -
carbohydrates, but you can increase the
amount of fat you burn by raisin~ your
intensity. If you keep your heart rate Iow
(55 to 65 percent of your maximum)
and exercise for 45 to 60 minutes, you'll
burn 60 percent fat and 40 percent
carbs. Boost your heart rate to 75 to 80
percent of your maximum, and that
ratio shifts to :30 percent fat and 70
percent carbs, but you burn more
calories and overall more fat_ If your
9oal is weight loss, it's the total calories
you burn, not percentage of fat, that
~ WEB Site of the Month
www. shapeup, org
This sitewas launched by Dr. C.
Everett Koop in 1996 with the goal of
providing free lnternet coverage on
physical activity, obesity and nutrition.
A key feature of this award-winning site
involves helping visitors to learn their
Body Mass Index (BMI). Height and
weight measurements are converted to a
personalized BM[ number, and a course
of diet and exercise is provided. The
newest feature on the site is the Fitness
Center which rates a person's fitness,
flexibility and strength, prescribes a
fitness program and calculates how
many calories will be burned. (Fit, April
Ret:: Center Manacler
Susan Marek
Group Fitness Coordinator
Catherine Torntore
Personal Traininq Coordinator
Ann EIIwood
l~id gou ever Want to run a ~-~
recreational race? Take the chailengel
Chtr 6 week' Proc_Faro will prepare the
novice trainer for a ~ race in Mag.'.
I'1 Mag F-gK Bud Break at the'
Join eoa
· b, ainir~, motivation aha ~.:~]i~i~j.
You can ao id
A~es I$ aha uT'
Tue_.s,t.ags & Thm"..~lags, 6:30.-7:.30 pm
March 25 - Mag 4 .r
A regisl~afion {o~m for o~ 6 week
proc_Faro i~ a~cached to f/~ newsletter.
P, egL~afion material~ for the race~
will be available a~ the Rec Center,
however you rnu~ r~ and pay
for f_he raceg ~ratelg from
Looking Goodl
High quality cotton T-shirts and crop
tops printed with the Rec Center's
name are available for purchase at
the front desk. T-shirts come in sizes
M-L-XL and crop tops in S-M-L. At
$10. they're a deal!
,~ Feedback Counts!
We welcome your comments, questions
and suggestions about our fitness
programming. Please feel free to fill out a
comment card, available at the front desk.
We value your input!
Rec Center Fitness
/ Personal Training
Working with one of the Rec Center's
certified personal trainers can help you
develop a fitness regiment that fits your
busy lifestyle!
l~J&llgaS~llrt~: For those wanting to
begin a new program or improve their
current fitness level. The first hour session
is a complete fitness evaluation including
a detailed health history, skinfold
measurement, blood pressure,
cardiovascular endurance test, flexibility
test, upper body endurance, upper and
lower body strength, and mid-section
endurance. The second and third sessions
will review the results and go through
the fitness program. A complete printout
of results and the program are included in
this package.
One to One: Geared for the individual
looking to train on-going with a certified
trainer. The program includes a complete
fitness evaluation on the first session, then
a complete body workout appropriaSe to
meet your established fitness goals on
consecutive sessions.
,. :'.9i':! '... , .
For a complimentary conSUltation or for
more information about the personal
training program, please call the Rec
Center at 474-0641 and leave your name
and number for a returned phone call.·
Rec Center Personal Trainers
Ann Ellwood
Wendy Pekarek
Tom Knowles
Meg Surbrook
5K Run in May
Our 6 week program will prepare the novice runner for a 5K race in May. Join our running
coach and other beginner runners for training, motivation, and socializing. You can do it!
Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 28 - May 4,6:30 - 7:30pm
Ages 18 and up
$28 - Code No. 4000.108
Registration materials for the following races in May will be available at the Recreation Center.
5K Bud Break - May 7 .f .~.?.: ~ _ Race for tile Cure - May 14
at the U of M Arboretum ~ 5K, Southdale
Payment is due with registration-checks, cash, Visa/MasterCard are accepted. Make checks payable to the City of Chanhassen.
Fax, mail, or drop off your registration form to:
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-474-0641, Fax: 612-474-0651; or
City of Chanhassen, 690 City Center Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, Phone: 612-937-1900, Fax: 612-937-5739.
For more information, contact the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641 or the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 144.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Registration Form
Home Phone: Alternative Phone:
Payment: [] Cash 1-1 Check [] Visa/MasterCard No. Exp. Date:
Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee
I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above
mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered
by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of
Charthassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general
public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below.
Tennessen Statemenl: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You/your child's name, sex, birthdate, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you/your child from participating in the program.
Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature:
Transportation · Civil · Structural · Environmental · Planning · Traffic, Landscape Architecture · Parking
January 15, 2000
Chanhassen City Hall
Kurvers Point Neighborhood Association (26 homes represented)
Anita Benson, City of Chanhassen
Roger Gustafson, Carver County
David Juliff, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Tim Phenow, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
January 28, 2000 (Revised February 9, 2000)
Anita Benson began the meeting at 10:40 a.m. by introducing the Project Management
Team members in attendance and indicating that a number of documents were available
at the front of the room. She also stated that the Chanhassen City Council had eliminated
Concepts 5 and 6 from further discussion, and that no additional engineering had been
completed since the previous Public Open Houses in September. The purpose of the
meeting was not to select an alternative, but to answer specific questions regarding the
various concepts and to find out what the major concerns are to the residents.
Comments in italics were added from minutes taken by the Kurvers Point Homeowner's
Association representative.
The Homeowners Association representative indicated that there are five points that they
have collectively agreed to and want conveyed to the Chanhassen City Council, and those
points are as follows:
Maintain the current configuration (number of lanes, etc.) of Highway 101
· Repair the roadway (not just an overlay if an overlay is not appropriate)
· Install signals at Valley View Road and Pleasantview Road
· Proceed immediately with minimum impact trail - minimum construction, no
additional right of way or easements, minimum tree and vegetation removal
· Proceed expeditiously - this is a high priority.
One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443
Telephone (612) 475-0010 · Fax (612) 475-2429 · http://www,
Highway 101 Project/Kurvers Point
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 2 - February 9, 2000
Roger Gustafson noted that this corridor is currently planned as a regional trail corridor in
the Carver County Comprehensive Plan. The neighborhood representative indicated that
they do not want a regional trail; they stated that they wanted a minimal impact trail or
nothing at all. Mr. Juliff explained that in the four concepts being considered at this
point, the impact to the existing berm on the west side of Highway 101 in the vicinity of
the Kurvers Point neighborhood would be on the order of a three- to six-foot cut. This
means that the height of the berm would be reduced between three and six feet. He also
explained that where the cut would be six feet, the roadway profile is proposed to be
lowered by three feet. Therefore, the net effect would be a lowering of the berm (relative
to the roadway) of three feet in this area. In addition, with the use of retaining walls in
this area, it is likely that impacts to the berm could be reduced. However, the residents
indicated that they would prefer not to lose the vegetation on this berm and want the trail
constructed within the existing right of way where possible.
A resident expressed concern that the drawings did not show the current easements.
Concepts 2, 3 and 4 show a green line indicating construction limits that would move the
berm back and destroy all the existing vegetation from the swimming pool along the
entire length of the neighborhood. Residents felt this wouM destroy the rural character
and would not be acceptable.
There were a number of questions regarding the use of Turnback Funds for the project
and also the process of Turnback. Mr. Gustafson explained that currently Hennepin
County has entered in to an agreement with MN/DOT for maintenance of Highway 101,
while Carver County still has not done so. There are a number of reasons for this, one of
which is the cost of maintenance. Carver County has not been willing to accept all of
Highway 101 through Chanhassen due to the amount of additional money that Carver
County may have to spend on maintenance of the roadway in its present poor condition.
Mr. Gustafson also stated that Carver County is trying to negotiate with MN/DOT to
obtain a maintenance understanding about the roadway before turnback. This
disagreement on maintenance issues is a main reason that Carver County and MN/DOT
have not signed a Highway 101 turnback agreement. If the decision is made to overlay
the existing roadway, Carver County may decide not to accept the roadway and
maintenance would remain in MN/DOT's control. He noted that MN/DOT has not and
probably will not maintain the roadway to any higher level than exists today. In addition,
he noted that there are complications to constructing a trail within the existing corridor.
The main complication is that MN/DOT still owns the westerly portion of the Highway
101 corridor, and that MN/DOT has the ability to deny a request to construct such a trail
within their right of way. It was suggested by a resident that the maintenance costs would
be lower for a two lane roadway than for another "494". It was also suggested that the
roadway be left in the current configuration, but to improve the base/structure of the
Frustration was expressed by residents that we paid development fees for a trail, and
paid increased taxes for a trail referendum, and still we are disconnected from the city of
Chanhassen. The trail is not sbnply a recreational issue, but is vital to the safety of our
Highway 101 Project/Kurvers Point
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 3 - February 9, 2000
There was also concern regarding the Eden Prairie Director of Public Works' statement at
previous meetings that Dell Road would not be used as an arterial, and that the City of
Chanhassen had not taken the same position for Highway 101. Some residents in
attendance stated that the City Council and City Officials will be held accountable for
their actions on this project, and that the role of the City Council and Ms. Benson is to
give the people what they want. Residents expressed the overwhelming sentiment of the
people attending last fall's Open House was for a two lane road. City officials shouM get
the message loud and clear that the taxpayers do not want our tax money spent on a
project that negatively impacts our property values and quality of living.
Ms. Benson noted that one of her primary roles as City Engineer is to help ensure the
safety of the public and to make recommendations to the City Council based on
engineering judgement. She went on to explain that Dell Road is classified as a collector
in the Eden Prairie Comprehensive Plan, while Highway 101 is designated a minor
arterial in the Comprehensive Transportation Plans for Chanhassen, Carver County,
Hennepin County and Eden Prairie. Within the term "minor arterial", there are different
design standards and ways to design the roadway to slow down traffic and make the road
safer without turning it into a commuter expressway.
A comment was made by a resident that Highway 101 in Minnetonka and Wayzata is also
classified as a minor arterial and that those segments are only two-lane sections.
Therefore, the resident concluded, Highway 101 in Chanhassen/gden Prairie should be a
two-lane roadway. The new 101 bridge in Wayzata is being built as a two lane bridge,
and the sharp s-curve is remaining. Minnetonka improved Hwy 101 between Hwy 62 and
Hwy 7 this year by repaving a two lane roadway, add#~g a trail and a stoplight.
Residents questioned that even though their traffic count was higher than ottr stretch of
road, these improvements were made without widening those roadways. Residents felt
that these communities listened to their constituents who did not want a change in the
current configuration of the road, and Chanhassen should give its residents the same
Ms. Benson indicated that she would like to understand what issues are important to the
neighborhood regarding any reconstruction of Highway 101. The concerns of the
neighborhood were increased noise, increased traffic, loss of berms and landscaping,
potential increases in speed on the roadway, the safety of the users of the roadway as well
as a desire to create a safe connection for pedestrians and bicyclists, negative changes to
the neighborhoods due to the character of the roadway, negative impacts to property
values and taxes. The residents of this area would like to have the character of their
neighborhood preserved.
A number of questions were raised towards the end of the meeting regarding the process
for Highway 101, whether money was available to construct a trail in 2000, and what the
next steps should be. Mr. Senn indicated that funds are not in the current budget to
construct a trail in the year 2000, but it is in the 2001-2002 budget. He indicated that this
could be changed to construct a trail in 2000, but another concern is the ability to use
Highway 101 Project/Kurvers Point
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
4 February 9, 2000
MN/DOT right of way to construct a trail. He also stated that the reason that funding for
this trail was not in the 2000 budget was because the Council did not want to give a false
impression that the trail would be constructed in 2000. As for the process, Ms. Benson
noted that the Chanhassen City Council had instructed her to proceed as quickly as
possible with the neighborhood meetings to facilitate a Council decision on a preferred
concept in March.' However, she stated this is unlikely given that many of the
neighborhood meetings are not scheduled until the end of February, as well as the need
for additional Open Houses/Public Meetings. She said that June was probably a more
realistic goal. Other comments by residents included that it was not necessary to design
the roadway to "projected traffic" as these are only guesses, not reality; with the idea that
"if you build it, they will come," and you will create more traffic by widening the road,
not necessarily making the existing road safer, the fiscal issUe regarding maintenance of
the roadway is not important to the neighborhood, but the character of the roadway is
important; (the neighborhood disagrees that the statement was made by residents that
the fiscal issue was not important) it was expressed that the road should not be built to a
higher level than necessary simply because turnback funds exist, and we as taxpayers
were willing to pay for hnprovements as needed in the fi~ture; the neighborhood is asking
the engineers to support their view; residents chose to live in our neighborhood, and are
telling you "We don't want this. We don't need this. Support our views in your
engineering recommendations," responses to the questions from the neighborhood
meetings were skewed. In addition, Mr. Senn stated that he has not heard from a single
person that wants more than a two-lane roadway that does not change the existing
character of the roadway.
In closing, the neighborhood representatives stated that they do not want to continue tiffs
process any longer - they already know the issues and do not want to spend any
additional time studying the corridor. The request is to give them what they want as
conveyed at the beginning of the meeting by thefive points:
· Maintain the current configuration (number of lanes, etc.) of Highway .lO1
· Repair the roadway (not just an overlay if an overlay is not appropriate)
· install signals at Valley View Road and Pleasantview Road
· Proceed immediately with minimum impact trail - minimum construction, no
additional right of way or easements, minimum tree and vegetation removal
· Proceed expeditiously - this is a high priority
The above represents SRF Consulting Group's interpretation of the Highway 101
Reconstruction/Kurvers Point Neighborhood Meeting held on January 15, 2000.
Jim Grube, Hennepin County
Gene Dietz, City of Eden Prairie
Highway 101 Project/Near Mountain
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
February 18, 2000
(Near Mountain Neighborhood)
February 2, 2000
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Chanhassen Community Center
Anita Benson, City of Chanhassen
Roger Gustafson, Carver County
David Juliff, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Tim Phenow, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
(Resident attendees on attached sign-in list)
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
February 18, 2000
Anita Benson began the meeting at 8:10 p.m. by introducing the Project Management
Team members in attendance and indicating that a number of documents were available
at the back of the room. She also stated that the Chanhassen City Council had eliminated
Concepts 5 and 6 from further discussion, and that no additional engineering had been
completed on the current concepts since the previous Public Open Houses in September.
The purpose of the meeting was not to select an alternative, but to answer specific
questions regarding the various concepts and to find out what the major concerns are to
the residents. The following is a summary of the meeting. Text in italics represents
responses from Project Management Team in attendance.
· Resident at 83 Castle Ridge Court indicated that she understands the desire to use
Turn-back funds for the project, but it appears to her that she will lose the berm
between her home and the road. This is unacceptable to her. Ms. Ben,son noted that
as part of the Em,ironmental Assessment Worksheet, retaining walls and other
options will be explored to minimize the impacts to properties throughout the
· Another resident who lives near the intersection of Town Line Road and Vinehill
Road expressed concern over the noise from heavy vehicles. It is difficult to sleep
during the summer with the windows open. It was explained that based on the noise
monitorh~g that was done, the current noise levels exceed the State Standards for
noise during the nighttime hours. Landscaping, berms, fencing and other options will
Highway 101 Project/Near Mountain
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
2 February 18, 2000
be explored for noise mitigation during the environmental documentation. Noise
levels will be modeled once a concept is selected, It was explained that as traffic
volumes increase and if the roadway is moved closer to the existing homes, an
increase in the noise levels can be expected. Based on similar projects and the
projected traffic volumes, it is anticipated that noise levels will increase on the order
o fl to 3 decibels.
· What happens to the homes on the south end of the project? This is an extremely
difficult location. It is expected that high retaining walls and a frontage road will be
necessary to maintain access for the majority of these residents.
· What happens next? How do we get to a final plan? Why not use Dell Road as the
Town Line Road extension? Concepts 5 and 6 have been eliminated from further
discussion by the Chanhassen City Council based on con?~ents fi'om the public and
the impacts of those concepts. Neighborhood meetings are being held in Chanhassen
through the end of February, and additional Open Houses are expected later this
spring. All comments will be submitted to Council for review, andfinally a Public
Hearing will be held with the preferred concept.
· How does the funding fit in to the picture? Mr. Gustafson explained that Co~cept l is
not popular with the County as it does not address the structural deficiency of the
roadway, nor does it address the inadequacies of the sight distances, clear zones, and
drainage. The one-time turn-back fimds may be able to be used for a Concept 1
construction project, but both Counties would need to agree to accept the roadway in
that condition. On the clay that the County accepted the roadway, the roadway would
in essence be obsolete. The County is in the business of moving traffic - the question
is what is the minimum roadway condition that the County would be willing to
accept? Mr. Gustafson explained that he may be willing to accept something between
Concept 2 and Concept 4. The residents want something between Concept 1 and
Concept 2 - do something about the structural adequacy of the roadway and add turn
· There is concern over changing the character of the community. Highway 101 is
simply an extension of Town Line Road, and that is not what we want. We do not
xvant to encourage the use of Highway 101. Listen to what we want. "Build it and
they will come". Is this copyrighted? Do we need to get permission from Kevin
Costner? Maybe we should have a royalty box along with the comment box for
every time someone says this?
· There were three residents in attendance that indicated they did not.agree with the
previous comments. They are concerned about their safety. The traffic is already on
this roadway- we need signals at the intersection of Pleasantview and Highway 101.
Ms. Benson explained that the intersection does not meet the warrants required for
the installation of the signal at this time. It is expected that this intersection would
meet warrants in the next 5 years. She also stated that there are many intersections
in the metropolitan area which meet warrants but do not have funding available for
their installation.
· Two Chestnut Ridge residents indicated that they consider themselves to be
Chanhassen residents, yet feel disconnected from the City. They would like the
roadway to be constructed to a standard that makes sense. A two-lane rural roadway
Highway 101 Project/Near Mountain
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 3 - February 18, 2000
is unacceptable - it is not the "future" of Chanhassen. The money is available to
build it now, and City residents will be stuck with the bill to reconstruct in the future
if it is not done properly now. The roadway needs to be an urban 3-lane or 4-lane
· What is the width of the trail shown on the layouts? lO feet wide on the west side,
and 8feet wide on the east side. The reason that the trail shown on the west side is
because the Carver County co~nprehensive plan indicates that this is a regional trail
corridor. In other meetings, it has been expressed by many residents that this corridor
should not be considered for a regional trail.
· A resident questioned the need for a trail north of Pleasantview. Could you cross at
Pleasantview into Eden Prairie instead? Trail on the outside of the curve seems
unsafe. Would also like to have the neighborhoods along Highway 101 connected
with a trail, with an adequate separation between the trail and the roadway. What is
the separation between the curb and the trail on Town Line Road? Do not know the
distance between trail and curb on Town Line Road, but it does vary somewhat.
· Is the road substandard because of the vertical curves, or is it because of the speeds
that people drive? If the roadway is widened and flattened, the speeds will only
increase. We don't need a four-lane roadway - we need a traffic signal at
Pleasantview Road. We don't want to live on a freeway. The concepts presented are
unacceptable to the residents. We want something between Concept 1 and Concept 2.
· Could Highway 101 be posted with weight restrictions? Roadway is posted with
weight restrictions during the spring. However, it may take a change in the law as
Highway lOl is currently a Trunk Highway and is expected to become a County State
Aid Highway. l/Ve don't know if this (restricting traffic on a trunk highway or state
aid highwa)9 has ever been done before.
· Could the trail be eliminated on one side of the roadway and shift the roadway to the
east to minimize impacts to the west? Is the trail connected to anything? The trail
would connect to downtown Chanhassen and the regional trail over Highway 5. It
should also be noted that on Concept 1 and Concept 2 the trail is shown separated
fitrther from the roadway to accommodate potential fimtre expansion of the roadway.
Kurver's Point Neighborhood recommends a minimum impact trail of approximately
4 feet in width.
· The Kurver's Point residents reiterated their demands to: repair the surface and
subsurface, maintain the same roadway configuration, install the signals at Valley
View Road and Pleasantview Raod, install a minimum impact trail, act immediately,
and do not alter the character of the neighborhood.
· Is Eden Prairie still interested in closing Pleasantview Road between Dell Road and
Highway 1017 ~e do not know.
· Residents requested Council Members and Mayor be at future neighborhood meetings
and at Open Houses, and want notification of when the information would be
presented to Council. Ms. Benson noted that Council had previously declined to
attend previous neighborhood meetings, but expects that Council will be at Open
· A lefi-turu lane into Fox Hollow and traffic signals are critical to this project.
Highway 101 Project/Near Mountain
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 4 - February 18, 2000
· Three residents requested that roadway should be at least 3 lanes, and would also be
agreeable to four lanes.
· Has anyone been out to see if there is an example of what you like, to say that this is
what we want? No, we are not engineer's so we don't know what we need. We want
a safer road, but bigger is not better. A larger roadway will attract "induced growth".
· Why wasn't Dell Road constructed as a four lane roadway? Who funded the
construction of Dell Road? Were State Aid funds used for that construction?
Couldn't we close Eden Prairie's access to Highway 101 and force traffic down Dell
Road? We don't know who funded the construction of Dell Road. The decision to
construct Dell Road as a two-lane road was made by the City of Eden Prairie based
on their comprehensive transportation plan. This plan is based on a hierarchy of
roadway functional classification. Closing access to Highway 1 O1 from Eden Prairie
would be difficult since the access points to the east half of the roadway lie within
Eden Prairie.
· Will people be compensated for damage to property? We are concerned about our
inability to sell our home. Some of us have children we need to send to college and
our home is our largest investment. Who will pay? Who will do the appraisal? I
want to be compensated for giving up something for the good of Chanhassen.
Appraisals will be prepared by people who are knowledgeable of property values and
who routinely do appraisals. If there is property value loss, homeowners will be
compensated for it. The funding for this compensation will likely come from the turn-
back funds.
· Can you take a preferred alternate to Council to which the majority can agree? We
need to have direction from the City Council.
The above represents SRF Consulting Group's interpretation of the Highway
Reconstruction/Near Mountain Neighborhood Meeting held on February 2, 2000.
Jim Grube, Hennepin County
Gene Dietz, City of Eden Prairie
Highway 101 Project/Fox Hollow
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
February 17, 2000
(Fox Hollow Neighborhood)
February 2, 2000
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Chanhassen Community Center
Anita Benson, City of Chanhassen
Roger Gustafson, Carver County
David Juliff, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Tim Phenow, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
(Resident attendees on attached sign-in list)
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
February 16, 2000
Anita Benson began the meeting at 6 p.m. by introducing the Project Management Team
members in attendance and indicating that a nmnber of documents were available at the
back of the room. She also stated that the Chanhassen City Council had eliminated
Concepts 5 and 6 from further discussion, and that no additionai engineering had been
completed on the current concepts since the previous Public Open Houses in September.
The purpose of the meeting was not to select an alternative, but to answer specific
questions regarding the various concepts and to find out what the major concerns are to
the residents. The following is a summary of the meeting. Text in italics represents
responses from Project Management Team in attendance.
Fox Hollow residents do not feel that the concepts under consideration represent the
desires of the community. The residents want: minimum impact trail, retain the
current surface configuration, improve the roadway structure, install signals at Valley
View Road and Pleasantview Road, proceed expeditiously.
Residents want something done. When will the decision be made, and who is going
to make that decision? Will the process be delayed if parties cannot agree? Is there
some point when a decision is triggered? The City Councils and the County Boards
will decide what direction the project takes. As for tinling, because of four entities
involved in the project it is difficult to say how long it will be before a decision as
made. All the parties involved have to agree on what to do. It was ~oted that the
fitnding for this project, if turnback funds are to be used, can only be used one time.
Highway 1 O1 Project/Fox Hollow
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 2 - February 17, 2000
Since the Counties will be maintaining the roadway following a turnback project, it is
their desire to accept a facility in the best condition possible.
· What is the purpose of constructing Highway 101 as a four lane roadway? Is it just an
extension of the Crosstown? Highway 101 immediately north and south of this
segment are only two lanes. Why not make Dell Road the extension of Crosstown?
Also, why are trails shown on both sides of Highway 101 on the layouts? The trail on
the east side of Highway 101 is shown for the benefit of Eden Prairie - Eden Prairie
officials have not made a decision on whether or not to construct a trail.
· Anita, you'may be a City employee and not an elected official, but everyone will be
held accountable for the results of this project, including City staff. Ms. Benson
stated that her role as City Engineer is to provide guidance to the City Council using
engineering judgement. The City Council makes policy decisions based on the
recommendations and desires of the residents and staff.
· A resident who lives near the intersection of Highway 101 and Pleasantview Road
expressed his concern over the loss of full access to Highway 101 - his access will
become a right in/right out if signal, turn lanes and medians are constructed. He also
stated that he also believes that the roadway structure needs to be improved. He went
on to say that the roadway should be a minimum of two lanes with curb and gutter.
This would eliminate the standing water and debris in the ditches adjacent to his
property. Currently the ditch area is not usable space to him anyway. He indicated
that when developments were constructed around him, he had to deal with the
additional sediment in the ditches and on his property because of the developments.
The roadway is unsafe in this location - he has seen a number of accidents and
believes that the roadway profile needs to be improved here. He would like to have
the Council talk with the people who live directly on Highway 101 as they are the
ones who will be directly impacted. He also questioned the logic of those afraid that
traffic will increase on the highway - the traffic is already there. Concept 2 is the
minimum that should be constructed.
· Why was Concept 1 presented as an option? Why does it not address the issue of the
poor roadway structure? The intent of Concept 1 is maintenance on the roadway
only. Any improvement beyond a simple resu~facing of the roadway would require
the roadway geometrics to meet the current State Aid standards (lane width, sight
distance, clear zones, etc.). It may be that the Department of Transportation would
allow a roadway to be constructed that does not meet the current standards since
Mn/DOT would no longer have jurisdiction over the roadway once the turnback
agreement is complete. However, the Counties would have to be willing to accept the
roadway in that condition as well as any additional liabilio~ associated with the
· Is the entire roadway under the jurisdiction of Carver County? Who will get more say
on the outcome of the project? Mr. Gustafson indicated that Cam,er County currently
does not control any portion of Highway 101 along this segment. Hennepin County
has jurisdiction over the east half of the roadway and Mn/DOT has jurisdiction over
the west half. Each City Council and County Board listens to its constituents. Both
Carver County and Hennepin County will have to agree on a project and present the
plan for approval by the two City Councils.
Highway 101 Project/Fox Hollow
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
February 17, 2000
· What kind of communication has occurred between the Cities and Counties? Since
both sides of the corridor are fairly well developed, from where is the additional
traffic coming? Why do we need such a wide roadway? Staff from the counties and
cities have met periodically to discuss the corridor. Neighborhood meetings are
planned for all of the Chanhassen corridor residents, and Eden Prairie has offered to
hold neighborhood meetings for those residents that desire meetings. In response to
the second question, the area is growing rapidly and there is more traffic on all roads
in all directions (with the exception of the local neighborhood streets,). The cities and
counties are trying to develop a good hierarchy of roads to carry this additional
· The immediate area is developed. TH 5 should be expanded to a freeway and
Highway 101 should be left as a quaint neighborhood street.
· What is the current traffic volume? 13,000 to 14,000 vehicles per day.
· Why is the left turn lane into Fox Hollow striped out under Concept 2? Resident
would also like to have the connection made between Pleasantview and the park in
Fox Hollow so that traffic does not cut through Fox Hollow neighborhood. Also
concerned about safety - nearly rear-ended several times. Even though posted speed
limit is 45 mph, most drive the roadway at speeds above 45 mph. How is speed limit
determined? Mn/DOT does a speed study of the corridor and posts the roadway for
the speed that the majority of the public is driving. If you build a 4-lane roadway, the
speed will increase. Enforcement can control the speed.
· Improving the roadway will increase traffic, speeds and the number of accidents. The
vertical curves provide a natural traffic calming. Installation of traffic signals will
allow people the to get in and out of their neighborhoods. Speak up and tell the
engineers what you want. People should be concerned about their lives and their
· A four lane roadway with curb and gutter will help to contain the accidents within the
roadway. A neighbor recounted his experience in another community in which over a
period of time the roadway was constructed from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane
roadway to a five-lane facility. The resident noted that he recalled a dramatic
decrease in the number of accidents. Ms. Benson stated that the traffic projections for
this segment of the roadway show a need for a four-lane roadway within the 20 year
design life of the road.
· What is the availability of funds for this project? When will decisions be made? Mr.
Gustafson indicated that staff is currently working to reserve funds for this project.
Once those funds are allocated, they would need to be spent within a specific time
period. The City of Chanhassen wants to proceed with a decision as soon as
possible. Public meetings will likely cause the decision to be pushed to June or later,
unless the City Council changes the public involvement process.
· A resident indicated the desire to construct turn-lanes (left and right). Safety is the
most important factor, and same resident stated that they did not have a preference of
one concept over another.
· Have any of the concepts been developed further based on public comment to date?
At the direction of Councils, this has not been done.
Highway 101 Project/Fox Hollow
Neighborhood Meeting Summary
- 4 - February 17, 2000
· What is the traffic history for the corridor? 1990 - 10,000; 1994 - 11,500. Frank
Mendez requested the dates of the traffic counts. Those dates were not readily
available at the. meeting. He also wanted to know whether the latest traffic counts
were taken on Highway 101 before or after the completion of Town Line Road.
· Residents stated that none of the concepts presented are acceptable. They reiterated a
desire for the reconstruction of the roadway in the existing configuration with
improvements to the subgrade of the roadway and construction of a "minimum impact
trail". Will we get signals at Valley View and Pleasantview regardless of the project
that is constructed? The intersection of Highway 101 and Pleasantview is extremely
dangerous - make construction of Highway 101 a priority. The neighborhoods cannot
wait any longer.
· Mn/DOT is not maintaining the roadway. "Road-kill" is not regularly picked up.
What can residents do to help County ask Mn/DOT to improve and maintain the
roadway. Send in comment cards, e-mails, correspondence.
· How long has the project been studied? What other meetings have occurred? The
first time that the concepts were presented to the public was last September. The
Council struggled with the decision to either go to the public with nothing or to
present the various concepts. The concepts are actually quite rough - a lot of the
detail engineering has not occurred awaiting the decision to study one concept
· What happened to the volumes, traffic accidents, and property values after
construction on Town Line Road? That information was not readily available at this
· How do you acquire right of way? Is it on an individual basis? The acquisition of
right of way must occur according to State Law. If necessary, the government does
have the ability to condemn p~wperty. If you want to hold up the project, "don't sell."
· Why is this segment of Highway 101 being singled out for reconstruction? Nothing is
being planned in Minnetonka/Wayzata. The Gray's Bay Bridge is being designed as a
two-lane facility. Wait on this segment until the adjacent areas reconstruct, and then
we will connect up to them.
The above represents SRF Consulting Group's interpretation of the Highway 101
Reconstruction/Fox Hollow Neighborhood Meeting held on February 2, 2000.
Jim Grube, Hennepin County
Gene Dietz, City of Eden Prairie
~90 Cio, Center Drhv. PO Box' 147
Chad, assm, Mi, neso~a 55317
Plw,e 612.937.1900
Ge,eral tax' 612.937.5739
£,gineed~g Fax 612.937.9152
l',b/ic S,~'O' Fax 612. 934.2524
1t% u'u'~:ci.d~,ml,asscn,
Febmaw 22, 2000
Mr. Barry Deach, Toumament Director
84th PGA Champmnsmp Office
720 Pioneer Trail
Chaska, MN 55318
Dear Barry:
Thank vou l;?r >our letter dated FeNuary 8, .::0 30 wherein you request each city
Io designate a represen!ative io serve on the Community Relations Committee.
To d'.is end. I am apt;oh~tin.'.2 Mr. Bruce DeJong. Finance Director for the City of
Cimnhassen as our municipal ~eprcscmalive on the Community Relations
Committee. ! have enclosed a copy of his business card fbr your use.
Ob¥iously. irt have an3 questions myself, t can always contact you directiy, and
~ you Imve any questions thai x-c~u ~,eeu to ta!k to me directly about, please avail
x-eurse!f x~ ifii ibc opportunity.
Again, we look lBnvard to working with you in approp:'iate manne:'s Io £aciliiaie
Sc~ 5';!ncere]*i 5 ours.
CiLv Manager
Mayor and City Council
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Bruce DeJong, Finance Director
Anita Bens. on, City Engineer
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Kine Aanenson, Community Development Director
Sgt. Dave Ports, Chanhassen Supervisor
~,~ 361-3009
Mark Bernhardson, Bloomington
Gene Winstead, Bloomington
Scott Botcher. Chanhassen
Nancy Mancino, Chanhassen
Dave Pokomey. Chaska
Robert Roepke, Chaska
Chris Enger, Eden Prairie
Jean Harris, Eden Prairie
Jon Brekke, Shakopee
Mark McNeil, Shakopee
Mary Meuwiason, Victoria
Bruce Eisenhauer, Waconia
Paul Johnson, Waconia
Barry Deach, Tournament Director
Steve Brzica Dave Strand
Jim Dauwalter Bill Travis
Mike Gilligan John Wilson
Al Olson
DATE: February $, 2000
Thank you for attending our luncheon on January 27th. For those of you unable to attend, I have enclosed
copies of our handouts distributed during the luncheon. The luncheon was a means of opening the doors of
dialogue between the PGA Championship and your respective cities. The partnership between the PGA of
America and Hazeltine National Golf Club depends heavily on the successful relationship with our neighbors. So
in order to promote and introduce the PGA Championship to each of our neighbors, we are recommending the
We are asking each city to designate a representative to serve on our Community Relations Committee, or CRC
committee. This committee will provide a forum to keep each of your cities aware of the current happenings
within the PGA Championship, while helping us, and you share that information which is important to your
respective citizens.
We know this will provide your offices with the necessary tools to better answer questions or concerns on the
event's impact on your communities. The meetings will not require a lot of personal time outside of attending
committee meetings by your designee's behalf. The committee's purpose is to act more as a conduit by which
information may be dispersed, and rumors dispelled. A timeline of scheduled meetings will be established this
spring upon hearing from your designated representative. We hope you will join us in taking this proactive step
in sharing the PGA Championship with your communities, with the State of Minnesota, and the world.
At your earliest convenience, please have your designated city representative to the CRC committee send their
business contact information and business card to my attention at the 2002 PGA Championship Office, 7:20
Pioneer Trail, Chaska, MN 5531 $. Again, thank you for attending our introductory luncheon, and we look
forward to our continuing relations in preparing for the $4th PGA Championshipl
P.S. For those who attended the luncheon, an invoice is enclosed if you are so required to reimburse for such
expenses. Please write checks to Hazeltine National Goff Club, and return with an invoice copy in the self-
addressed enclosed envelope. Thank you.
The 84th PGA Championship is pleased to officially welcome you to the beginnings of what is sure to be a
spectacular week in August 2002. The official week of the 2002 PGA Championship is August 12~h-z8m' some 34
months away! The relationship between Hazeltine National Golf Club and The PGA of America goes back many
years, which culminated into the announcement of the 2002 PGA Championship being awarded to Hazeltine
National in 1996.
Championship golf has grown immeasurably over the recent decade. Through the popularity of game, and from the
popularity of Tiger Woods and other young touring professionals, the game of golf has been elevated on the stage
of world sports. This growth has brought a greater windfall for area communities where worldwide sporting events
are staged. The PGA Championship is no exception.
Many variables are taken into account when awarding a PGA Championships to clubs like Hazeltine National, and
one of them is always the community and state support for such an event, it is our hope to continue the support
and excitement that is characteristic with Minnesota and local communities like yours when previous major
championships have been hosted here. Our second hope is to make sure each of your communities are well
informed throughout the planning and implementation process of the 84m PGA Championship. Therefore, it is our
hope to open the lines of communication and doors of opportunity for each of your communities to participate,
while diminishing, to the extent possible, the disruptions that will be felt in your communities when the worlds
greatest professional golfers step upon our stage.
Your Contacts
Barry Deach, Tournament Director
84m PGA Championship Office
720 Pioneer Trail
Chaska, MN 55318
(612) 368-2002, Tel.
(612) 361-3009, Fax
A! Olson, Government Relations
{651) 687-9080
David Strand, Traffic Chair
(612) 992-3952
Steve Brzica, Medical & Emergency Chair
[612) 622-6519
Bill Travis, General Chairman
84m PGA Championship Office
720 Pioneer Trail
Chaska, MN 55318
(612) 368-2002, Tel.
(612) 361-3009, Fax
3in Dauwalter, Parking Chair
(612) 448-3131
3ohn Wilson, Shuttle Chair
(612) 944-3595
Our Mission
To host a PGA Championship that:
~. Allows Minnesota to share a sense of pride and ownership in addition to giving back to the community by way
of charitable contributions,
2. Results in a positive perceived price/value relationship among the corporate community, attending fans,
volunteers, club members, and the community at large,
3. Provides for a positive and memorable experience for the world's greatest field of professional golfers, their
families, and the families and Officials of The PGA of America.
Community Opportunities
· Commerce (both direct and indirect) · Greater Community Exposure
· Charity & Nonprofit Benefits · Sense of Community Pride
· Resident Volunteers · Special Events
690 City Center D~qve, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.93Z I900
General tax 612937.5739
Engineering ]:ax 612. 937. 9152
&~blic SafeO, Fax' 612.93(2524
II~b www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us
February 25, 2000
Mr. Dale Dawson
2181 Stone Creek Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Dawson:
Thank you for your letter addressed to Jan Lash, chairperson of the Park and
Recreation Commission. Unfortunately, the commission does not see a way in
which to expedite the 2nd phase of the Stone Creek playground. As you know, the
expansion is scheduled for 2003 at a $20,000 level.
The commission reviexved your letter at their February 22 meeting. Upon
conclusion of the discussion that evening, Chair Lash requested that I notify you
of their finding. Commissioner Mike Howe, xvho I understand is your neighbor,
would also be happy to discuss the realities of the commission's budget
constraints with you.
Again, thank you for your letter.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Mayor and City Council
~'Park and Recreation Commission
690 Cig Center Ddve, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.93Z 1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Eax 612.937.9152
Public Safety tax 612. 934.2524
Web www. ci. chanbassen, mn. us
March 3, 2000
Ms. Robin Spevacek
1781 Ringneck Drive
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Robin:
Park and Recreation Commissioner Jay Karlovich asked that I contact you
regarding the freedoms or lack thereof that dog owners have within the city.
Currently, there are only two places that dogs can be off leash but still within their
owners control; on a public water body or on private property. Dogs are allowed
on leash on city street right-of-ways and city trails. Currently, Carver County
allows leashed pets anywhere within the boundaries of Minnewashta Regional
Park. Pets on or off leash are restricted from city parks with the exception of
walking leashed pets on trails within park boundaries.
Carver County Parks Director Marty Walsh is considering the development of a
fenced "off leash" exercise area at Minnewashta Regional Park; however, the
park's current master plan does not include such a facility. Overall the city
receives many more complaints about dog problems than complaints about the
lack of rights for dogs and their owners. The Park and Recreation Commission
has reviewed the policy of restricting dogs from city parks on a couple of
occasions over the past 10 years. In all instances, the ordinance has been upheld.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this topic, please contact me.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Mayor and City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
1999/2000 Season
12/31/99 through 2/12/00
Rec Ctr Rec Ctr
Date Hockey Hockey Rec Ctr City Ctr City Ctr Chan Round- N. Lotus N. Lotus
#1 #2 Pleasure Hockey Pleasure Hills house Hockey Pleasure
12/23 26 10 0 17 0 20 12 10 0
12/24 3 3 0 2 0 5 5 12 0
12/25 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed
12/26 11 4 3 10 0 3 22 20 4
12/27 20 35 15 20 12 5 7 29 2
12/28 20 29 2 15 15 12 22 2 8
12/29 7 0 0 6 6 0 4 4 0
12/30 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed
12/31 13 32 10 11 7 4 3 4 0
1/1 22 7 2 6 14 6 5 26 0
1/2 28 31 21 20 17 8 5 21 4
1/3 23 43 14 30 43 17 4 20 11
1/4 13 33 2 20 12 0 7 20 0
"/5 2 20 0 28 20 1 16 10 0
1/6 41 27 5 22 14 8 2 11 6
1/7 20 17 5 25 11 6 7 12 0
1/8 22 38 20 10 12 13 22 17 2
1/9 8 13 0 20 20 10 17 8 3
1/10 6 21 0 20 0 1 5 14 0
1/11 40 27 5 6 2 2 0 24 7
1 / 12 closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early closed early
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1/13 22 19 0 35 10 8 8 8 4
1/14 21 5 11 15 6 0 0 13 2
1/15 40 27 7 17 21 12 11 16 10
1/16 22 14 3 6 16 6 23 13 9
1/17 20 11 0 21 8 8 8 18 4
1/18 25 35 6 11 15 2 16 37 1
1/19 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed
1/20 11 11 0 0 4 0 9 10 0
1/21 18 13 3 12 4 0 0 15 6
1/22 44 22 2 25 10 8 4 31 4
1/23 7 12 0 10 6 0 5 12 2
1/24 12 3 2 27 14 10 4 6 0
-1/25 19 21 8 15 9 0 0 20 12
~/26 12 18 9 35 28 0 3 8 5
1/27 17 19 0 13 21 0 0 27 4
1/28 21 18 11 14 20 10 8 22 7
1/29 40 17 8 21 5 8 40 19 6
1/30 28 17 20 31 20 10 35 18 5
1/31 31 32 7 21 17 2 6 12 0
2/1 32 23 8 12 0 1 0 4 4
2/2 21 15 2 25 10 5 4 11 1
2/3 16 17 12 15 23 11 0 19 2
2/4 13 18 3 14 8 2 0 7 1
2/5 32 24 6 17 11 0 52 16 0
2/6 26 21 4 10 30 4 28 27 10
2/7 26 35 2 12 14 4 0 10 0
2/8 16 17 16 20 16 4 0 9 8
2/9 14 8 0 8 14 0 0 15 6
2/10 21 8 1 17 21 9 0 17 4
2/11 15 11 4 6 16 0 0 8 11
2/12 19 21 8 12 0 8 18 20 3
Total 960 912 267 787 602 253 492 732 178
Chanhassen Recreation Center 2,139
City Center Park 1,389
North Lotus Lake Park 900
Chanhassen Hills Park 253
Roundhouse Park 492
Southwest Metro Transit
13500 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 5§344
?hone: 612.949.2BUS (2287)
Fax: 612.974.7997
February 22, 2000
Jerry Ruegemer
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Jerry,
One of the items I buried on lny desk was your request for bus service for the David Huffinan 5K
race on Saturday, September 16. Southwest would be happy to participate and will provide bus
service for you. At this time I understand that you will need a minimum of four large buses (our
max. seated carrying capacity is 55). If you need anything else, please give me a call at 974-
Also, when the time is near to advertise, we have a rider newsletter, non-rider newsletter, web
site and bus panels you can use to promote the event.
Please contact me as the event nears so we can firm up our plans.
Thanks for thinking of Southwest.
John Kragness '
CC: Jodi Ruehle
,~eO~jwlcK Claims ManaQemerIt ~rvjces, Inc,
Pt~ Rox 13529, Deliver, Colorac~o 80201-3529
Facslm,te 303 965-3062
March 16, 2000
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, M_N 55317
Attn: Jerry Ruegemer
Re: Claim # 0002029600001
Dear Jerry,
We referred your claim to a [3 S West general contractor for consideration. U S
West engaged independent contractors to complete and/or perform the work
associated with your claim. The contract with these independent contractors states
that they are to provide the primary liability iusurance for claims for damages that
arise while working on behalf of U S West. Enclosed you will find a copy of the
"Tender of Claims" notice that we sent to the contractor notifying them of the
The contractor should contact you within the next few business days to discuss the
claim. Please direct any question or concerns you may have to the contractor.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Mark S. lhde
Claims Adjuster
800-654-2525 Ext: 806
cc: U S West Contractor
~lgwiCk: Claims Manageme~l! .~vice6, Ino.
PO Box 13529, Deover. ColoraLlO 8r22L]l-3529
Facs~rn,le 303 96~-3062
March 16, 21}00
Cit~ of Chanhas~en
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Damage is by the west patient lot.
On Kcrber Bled near City Center Dr.
Contact: Jerry Ruegemer
Ext. 126
CLAIM #: 0002029600001
DATE OF LOSS: 02/29/00
FAX n:
Conununicor I Joannie Holt
DAMAGE: Customer alleges contractor dug up a cable to do a splice when the park was being
redeveloped. The sidewalk was dug up but then replaced. Now there are cracks in 4 of the sections.
Wants the sidewalk to he repaired again.
We are writing to you with rel'erence to the above captioned claim. Under the terms and conditions
or'your contract with U S West, you will procure and maintain the liability insurance with U S West
as an additional insured.
"The Contractor assame~ full responsibility for and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company
(U S West Communications, Inc.} and its agents and employees from and against any and ali claims,
losses, actions, damage~, expenses and all other liabilities, including but not limited to co~ts and
attorney'~ fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of or failure to perform the work if
any such claim, loss, action, damage, expense or other liability is attributable to bodily injury to or
death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property, whether belonging to the Company
or to another, including the loss of such property and revenues therefrom, excepting only injury,
death, damage, or destruction to the extent it is caused by the negligence of the Company, its agents
or employees. The Company shall give reasonable notice to the Contractor of any such claim, los~,
damage, expet~e or other liability.'~
Enclosed are copies of correspondence we received t'rom the claitnant. Please immediately contact the
claimant, and acknowledge our tender of the aforementioned correspondence.
Mark S. ]?hdc
Claims Adj aster
800-654-2525 Ext. 806
Fax 303-965-3062
cc: Contract Liaison Manager, U S West Communications, Inc.
o~.u~,uu~;u t~2 tlI:~¢UbS tile. purchase
and installation of play apparatus
foran area south of Hwy. 212, and
west of Hwy. 41 in Chaska.
Residents' input is being sought
on both the location and the type
of equipment that can be erected
to serve neighborhood children.
The meeting is Thursday, April 13
at 7 p.m. at the Chaska Communi-
ty Center. Questions regarding the
meeting may be directed to Tom
Redman at 448-3176, ext. 6.
The meeting sponsor is the
Chaska Park, Recreation and Art
Gtal;:~ by JONI BERG
J lolnn mee ng discusses
us,, 2s=° c.cer-p fields
-Chaska representatives wilt host a:
meeting on Tuesday, April 4, 7:30
p.m. in the Chaska Community Cen-
ter community room to discuss a
concept plan for additional soccer
and football fields. This project was
made possible by the passage of the
November 1999 referendum. The
City will contribute $100,000 of the
approximate $350,000 District 112
It is anticipated the fields will be
utilized for school physical education
classes and after school co-curricu-
lar activities in addition to communi-
ty youth soccer and football pro-
grams. The architectural finn of KKE
will make a presentation at the meet-
ing and answer questions. Residents
who may have an interest in this
project are encouraged to attend.
Public meeting will discuss
Highway 41 upgrade
A public information meeting has
been scheduled on the proposed
Highway 41 upgrade between High-
way 212 and East Creek. The meet-
ing will be Thursday, April 6 at the
Chaska Community Center, 1661
Park Ridge Drive.
Boards depicting the project de-
sign will be on display in the Com-
munity Room from 6 to 7 p.m., with
staff present to answer questions.
At 7 o'clock a short program will be
conducted to describe the project.
It will be followed by a question/
answer period. All aspects of the
project will be open for discussion
including construction details,
schedule, and the highway detour.
If you have questions and can-
not attend the meeting, please con-
tact Bill Monk, City Engineer at 448-
2851 at your convenience.
~ I lie taClllty ~,Vlll oc il '+o-UlgW gas ttlrOlllC,
which will be used to meet peak demands. It will be
located south of the United Sugar facility, near tile Min-
nesota River.
Since 1930, Chaska's Electric Utility has pt,rchased
electricity from other generating sources. Initially. NSP
provided Chaska's wholesale electricity. Since 1995.
Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA). a coop-
erative agreement group of financial utilities, has been
Chaska's electric supply partner.
Power Plant No. 2 is a partnership between thc ('ltv
and MMPA as a means to meet the cu~ent demand
elecffic generation within this region. According h~ the
terns of a recently completed agreement, thc Citx x~
own a 43-mgw generatoL and has agreed to ~cil l~.l
percent of its capacity to MMPA over a 30.x car term
The power agency will assume responsibility fi,r mare.
tenance and other operating costs, including fl~e goM
ofpurehasing natural gas. A 30-year conm~c~ has
s~ured ~vith Minnegasco to pro~ idc nalural ~a~ Io the
site. Based on the project's estimated co,l~, tl~e MMPA
would make fixed payments lO the City o1'52 4 million.
~e facility primarily x~ ill o~'ndc a~ a "peak rog" gen-
erator, one that is nscd to meet electric demand till hieh-
~emand days throughout Ibc year. Thc generator.
Is a gas turbine manufactured in Sweden. The ABB tur-
bine was selected ~cause of its high-energy efficien-
cy, and also since its air emissions and noise level are
well below Minnesota environmental standards.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be
$28,000,000, which will be financed through the sale
%';elffctffc grogW revenue bonds by the city.'The~adv~
Examining history
Although the City of Chaska
expefienccxt economic hartl-
ship during the 1890s, it also was
entering an em ofscienti tic and tech-
nological advances. Throughout
the decade there was talk and spec-
ulation about providing electric
power to the city.
In 1893, a private company, D &
D Electric Manufacturing Company,
made an offer to bnild a power plant
in Chaska. After exmnining the terms
of the offer, the City Council decid-
ed "that no plant be built at the
present time." The cost of the ser-
vice would have been $.90 a month
for each light.
Six ye~ws later, Superior Gas Gener-
ator Company of Minneapolis submit-
ted a proposal to provide Chaskn with
electric power. The company proposed
building a plant that could provide
power for 600 lights in the community,
each with 25-watt candlepower. Before
proceeding with the project the com-
pany needed assurance that there were
sufficient customers in the communi-
ty to provide a profitable retum. Even
though the majority of residents in
Chaska wanted electric power, the City
Council decided not to accept the corn-
.il pany's proposal. Instead, a few
months later it adopted a calling for
the City to construct an "electric light
plane' for the use of its residents.
On Jan. 16, 1900, a special elec-