3a 2000 Summer ProgramsCITYOF CIt I $EN 690 Ci0' Cemer Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Mi,nesota 55317 l¥so~e 612.937.1900 Ge,eral Fax 612.937. 5739 E,gi,eeri,g fizx 612.937.9152 PubSc S,~,O, ~x 612. 934.2524 ll~'b www. d. cha,hasse,, m,.,s MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Director of Park and Recreation FROM: Tracy K. Petersen, Recreation Supervisor~) DATE: May 10, 2000 SUB J: Summer Overview Summer Recreation Brochure The summer recreation brochure was distributed to residents the week of April 24. Since its arrival, we have been busy with registrations fol' summer programs. Summer Playground Program The playground program has filled up its 4-6 year old program at both Stone Creek Park and Sunset Ridge Park. Additional sessions may be added if we have sufficient interest and the appropriate staffing level. The Roundhouse Park site will run this year for the first time and will have programs operating for both the 4-6 year olds and 7-11 year olds. I continue to struggle to find qualified staff who have strong backgrounds in working with youth. I believe this is due to the current job market status and also our lower pay scale for these positions. Other Summer Programs Again, the department will be offering Tennis Lessons, Preschool T-ball and Soccer, In-line Skating Classes, Summer Sensations, Lake Ann Adventure Camp, Safety Camp, Wednesday Wing Dings, Awesome Art Adventures, Babysitting Clinics, Sports Camps, Field Trips, Tae Kwon Do and more. I anticipate a busy and successful summer. The Cit~, o£ Chauhasseu. A erowi,¢ com,mnii7, wit/, c/ca, lakes, aua/in' scrods, a ct,am;i,~ dow,tow~J, thrivi,~ busiuesses, a,d beat,if,/,art,,. A vr~'m t,/,:ce to/i~.e. ,,orl'. a,d ,/~v