5 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman. Director of Parks and Recreation ,FROM:' Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager DATE: May 16, 2000 SUB J: CRC Monthly Report - April/May 2000 SUMMER REGISTRATION Staff at the Rec Center .has survived the registration boom for'summer programs. This was our last busy period as the school year winds down and the summer heats up. Participation in Rec Center fitness activities has already begun to decrease. CHILD CARE UPDATE Child Care Assistant. Brenda Larson has resigned. Tiffany Prosen and Michelle Perry vcill provide.child care over the summer months with progress toward hiring another Assistant in Fall 2000. ART EXHIBIT Artist Kay Faust concluded her art exhibit by hosting, a reception at the Rec Cent'er on May 13. Ka?s husband prepared homemade doughnuts for the event. Kay sold about half of her paintings during the exhibit! PRE-SCHOOL T-BALL Preschool T-Ball has begun with capacity enrollment of 180' children. We will consider expanding this program in Fall 2000. 5K IN MAY Joann Killian, Fitness Instructor. led our 5K in May program with 16 would be runners. All 16 ran the Bud Break at the Arboretum and all finished between 35 . and 47 minutesi Thanks to participant Dave Ryan, KDWB morning show, for the free publicity. Also, Joann did an excellent job in preparing materials, motivation and leadership for this new program. G:\PARK\CRCMonthlyRcporIsXAPR MAY00.doc