6 SeniorCenter ReportCITYOF
690 Cio, Center Drive, PO Box' I47
C/,anhassen, Minnesota 55317
Pt;one 612937.1900
Ge.e=/Fax 612.937.5739
Bl~i,eeE,g Fax 6t2.937.9152
5~b lic Sari'O, 5~x 612.934.2524
Todd Hoffinan. Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser. Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: May 17, 2000
Senior Center Report
The month of May has been a busy month for registrations and activities. Currently l am
working on extended trips and one day tours for the months of September - November.
During the month of April the Senior Center attended the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre for
"Forever Plaid," and held a Pizza Party catered by Frankies. A total of 35 and 28 seniors
attended. Listed below are thc averages for each daily activity for the month of April.
Approximately 845 visits were recorded for the mouth of April.
Daily Activities - Average Attendance
Bridge - 28 people
Men's Club- 7 men
Book Club - 7 people
Bingo - 21 people
Card Club - 40 people
Women's Club - 21 women
CHAN-o~laires - 22 people
Woodcarving - 8 people
Stamping Club - 16 people
Golfing Club - 12 people
Trips - Upcoming trips include the Ordway "Les Miserable," on 6/08/2000 and
Harmony. MN to visit the Amish country, 6/07/2000.
Special Programs ~ The Senior Center will be offering a foot care clinic on the 4~h
Friday of the month fi'om l:00pm - 4:00pm. This service will be provided by "Happy
Feet." Happy Feet will be replacing Ridgeview Medical Center. On Friday, May 12'~'
the Senior Center hosted a 4 hour defensive driving class. A total of 35 seniors attended.
Miscellaneous - A Senior Center Open House will be held on Monday, July 3~d from
5:00pm - 7:00pm. Lemonade and cookies will be served.
g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 5.17.2000
The CiO, o/'Cha,hasse,. A ~rou,i,g community with clean lakes, ~l,alitl, schools, a cham~i,g downtow~J, thrivinf businesses, and bemaifid parks. A great place w live, work,