8b Commission AppointmentsCITYOF 690 Ci0, Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 Ge, ami Fax 612.937.5739 E,gineeri,g Fax 612.937.9152 Public Sari.O, Fa.¥ 612.934.2524 Web zcww. d.d,~,h,~ssen, mn. us May 1 O, 2000 Mr. Rod Franks 8694 Mary Jane Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Rod: Congratulations! On Monday, May 8, the City Council acted to re-appoint you to the Park and Recreation Commission for another 3 year term. You have faithfully served the commission and our residents in the past and 1 look forward to your continued service. I'll see you on Monday night at 8:00 p.m. when we meet with the members of the City Council. Again, congratulations on your re-appointment! Sincerely, Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TH:~nb C~ Scott Botcher, City Manager City Council Park and Recreation Commission file: RA- 172 g:',park ,th PRCAppoint mom FrankQO00 C OF 690 O~ Center Drive, PO Box' 147 Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. 2900 Gtneral Fax' ~12. 93 7. 5 73~ ~5~gi,eeri,g Fax' 6129329152 &tblic Sago, F~' 612.93(2524 ltDb ~,wu~dcl,,~,hasse,.m,.us May 10, 2000 Mr. David Moes 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear David: Congn'atulations! On Monday, May 8, the City Council acted to re-appoint you to the Park and Recreation Commission for another 3 year tenn. You have faithfully served the commission and our residents in the past and I look forward to your continued service. I'll see you on Monday night at 8:00 p.m. when we meet with the members of the City Council. Again, congn'atulations on your re-appointment! Sincerely, Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TH:grab C' Scott Botcher, City Manager City Council Park and Recreation Commission file: RA-172 g:\park~,th' PRCAppoim ment Moe~000 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Cig Center Dfive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 Ge~eraI ?~r 612.937.5739 E~gi~eeri~g Fax 612 93 ~ 9152 P, blic &~O' Fax 612.934,2524 May 1 1, 2000 Mr. Rich Slagle 7411 Fawn Hill Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Rich: On Monday, May 8, the City Council acted to appoint incumbents Rod Franks and David Moes to the Park and Recreation Commission. The City Council asked that I express their sincere appreciation to you for your interest in serving the city. They encourage you to apply again next spring. In many of these appointment processes, it seems perseverance is the most rewarding quality. Again, thank you for responding to our call for applications. I look forward to hearing fi'om you again! Sincerely, Todd Hoffman ?ark and Recreation Director TH :ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council d"ark and Recreation Commission g:',park\th\slaglethku.doc CITYOF 690 Cig Center Drive, ?O Box 147 Chanhassan, Minnesota 55317 ?hone 612937.1900 Ge,eral £ax 612 937.5739 E, gi, ering £a.\' 612937.9152 ?nb/it Safe7 £ax 612.93(2524 Web ww~:ci, cl~anl,a~en.,m, us May I 1, 2000 Mr. Jim Perrone 7729 Conefiower Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jim: On Monday, May 8, the City Council acted to appoint incumbents Rod Franks and David Moes to the Park and Recreation Commission. The City Council asked that I express their sincere appreciation to you for your interest in serving the city. They encourage you to apply again next spring. In many of these appointment processes, it seems perseverance is the most rewarding quality. Again, thank you for responding to our call for applications. I look forward to hearing from you again! Sincerely, _ / Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council ,Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th~slaglethku.doc