Correspondence SectionAdministrative Section Memo To: Todd Hoffman From: Dave Potts Date: 3/23/00 Re: City Park Rules Signs Todd, The city parks have a rules sign at the entrances. The problem is they are dark brown signs, not well lit, with small writing. Deputies working the overnight shift continually find people in the parks after 10pm who claim they didn't notice the sign. Deputies don't feel right about charging people when the signage isn't very good. I agree on the signage problem. Here are a couple suggestions for your consideration: Replace the brown signs with larger signs, using a highly visible color contrast stating something similar to .... Park Ordinances Enforced by Police +CLOSED 10:00prn-6:00am+ No pets allowed. Alcohol Limited to canned beer only. Vehicle operation on designated roadways only. Parking in designated area only. No vehicles left in park after 10:00pm Or, if that would not be feasible, an additional sign, standard white and black, that would highlight the closed hours. T' I ffYOF 690 CiO, Ce, ter Dfive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Mi,nesota 55317 Phone 6]2.937.1900 Ge,eral £ax 612937.5739 E,ginectq,g Fax ~12.937.9152 ]~blic Sari7 ~x 612 934.2524 lt3b ww~ci, cha,hasse,. March 24, 2000 Ms. Bev Stofferahn ISD 112 Administrative Offices 11 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Ms. Stofferahn: The City of Chanhassen appreciates the value of the cooperative agreements we hold with the district. The natural progression of partnering with cities to manage school sites is a sound practice. However, the majority oflSD 112 school campuses are located in Chaska. This being the case, I am often approached concerning the equity, or lack thereof, in the area of scheduling district facilities. The citizens of Chanhassen and our elected and appointed officials xvant to ensure that access policies are fair. To this end, I am requesting that the City of Chanhassen be invited as a participant in meetings conducted by the district pertaining to this subject. IfI am kept up to date, I can better inforn~ and educate those making inquiries of my office. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: Scott Botcher, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager Mayor and City Council '-."?ark and Recreation Commission Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager g:\park\th\stofferahnltr.doc CIT OF CHAN EN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box' 147 Cha~hasse,, Minnesota 55317 £hone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 £~gin-e eri~g Fax 612.937.9152 I~tb /ic SafeO, £ax 612.934.2524 I¥3b u ,~,u; cl. cra nl~assen. ~,n. us March 24, 2000 Mr. Gary Boyle 7214 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Gary: Thank you for contacting me regarding the Lions Club desire to continue supporting the Lake Ann ballfield lighting project. With your most recent cash contribution, the club has surpassed the half-way point of the original pledge. Under our agreement, the club is not obligated to meet the full pledge xvith the discontinuation of your charitable gaming operation. However, we welcome any additional contributions. I suggest that the city host a ceremony dedicating field #4 as Lions Ballfield on Wednesday, May 31 at 5:45 p.m. Appropriate signage recognizing this event would be permanently mounted at this location. Please contact me if this is acceptable to the club and I will seek the necessary approvals. Thank you again for you continued service to the city. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C.' Scott Botcher, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager Mayor and City Council ~l~ark & Recreation Commission Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent g:\park\th\boyleltr.doc ffYOF 690 C/0, O,tcr Drive. PO Box 147 Ch,tahoe,, Mi, ,esota 55317 ?/,o,e 612.93L 1900 G'~a'~d Fax 612.93,~ 5739 ]:,/~i,~'c;q,~ ~.x' 612.937.9152 ]',b/ic S,~'~' ]~.x' 612. 93-i. 2524 April 19, 2000 Mr. Jeff Junkermeier President Tonka United Soccer Association 18326 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, MN 55391 Dear Mr. Junkermeier: On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council, I would like to thank you for your $2500 contribution to the city's Park and Recreation Department. The City Council officially accepted your gift at their April 10 meeting. The Mayor and City Council members wanted me to let you know they sincerely appreciate the good work your organization does. Good luck with your season. Call anytime ifI can be of service. Again, thank you for the contribution. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Commission TH:ns C: Mayor and City Council qSark and Recreation Commission Scott Botcher, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Asst. City Manager Bruce DeJong, Finance Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Chanhassen Villager g:\park\th\lonkaunitedsoccerthku.doc Present: Don King: Jim Parsons/ Dean Elstad: SOUTHWEST LRT TRAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES April 13, 2000 Jerry Hudlow, City of Deephaven; Sandy Langley, Cities of Deephaven/Greenwood; Dean Elstad, Colleen Klingelhutz, Craig Sinclair, and Jeff Sebenaler, City of Minnetonka; Ray Vogtman, Jim Parsons, City of Hopkins, Craig Dawson, City of Excelsior; Todd Hoffman, City of Chanhassen, John Tripp, Hennepin County Railroad Authority, Jeannie Bowers-Stead, Resident of Greenwood; Karen Bowen, Ron DeValk, Del Miller, Mike St. John, Don King, and Joe! Walinski, Hennepin Parks. Don reported on the progress of the St. Louis Park Hutchinson spur extension which will be a 10' paved trail. The Hopkins to Minneapolis LRT extension is almost complete. It has been used by hikers and bikers ever since the asphalt was put down. Concerns were expressed about crossing Excelsior Boulevard. Ray Vogtman: Jim reported on the Hopkins depot property. The coffee house trailhead is already becoming quite successful. Landscaping and volleyball courts will be installed soon. Hennepin Parks installed a temporary gravel parking lot last fall. Ray Vogtman discussed the new Hopkins skate park, "The Overpass," which will open June 15 and is located immediately south of the tracks. Dean reminded everyone that the Highway 101 tunnel ribbon cutting event will be held May 4, 2000, at 3 p.m. The underpass was built to ensure a safe crossing at the busy intersection. Hennepin County designed the tunnel; Hennepin Parks will maintain it. Funding was provided by Hennepin Parks, the County, and Hopkins-Minnetonka. Minnetonka will be using "Burma Shave"-type signage throughout the city trails system--signs will be at each location for one day only and then moved to a new location. They work well with kids; some will address etiquette on multi-use trails. June 3 is Millennium Trail Day. Dean asked ifHennepin Parks was planning to observe the day in some way. Information can be obtained on the following website address: www.millenniumtrails.org, or by calling toll free 1-877-MIL-TRLS. John Tripp: The Railroad Authority and Hennepin Parks received a request from a private marina (Cochran's) on St. Alban's Bay to expand the property's driveway and parking lot. This expansion would push the trail back toward Minnetonka Boulevard. The new trail will be installed first so that use will not be interrupted. The Railroad Authority would like to partner "adopt-a-trail" segments. John brought sample signage. The Railroad Authority has had many boundary encroachment issues and may use Twin Cities Tree Trust staff to sign right-of-way boundaries this summer. Jeannie Bowers-Stead: The new contact person for the City of Greenwood is Julie Eckland. Jeannie reported a serious erosion problem on the LRT--so severe that one bench has been removed and, as such, requested that a retaining wall be built. Hennepin Parks and the City are discussing funding. The question was raised about the correct procedure for contacting a Hennepin Parks ranger. Mike St. John said contact can be made by calling 911 and asking specifically for a Park Ranger. Ifa ranger is not available, the South Lake Police may respond. Karen Bowen: Hennepin Parks manages the LRT for three seasons--spring, summer, and fall, with individual communities responsible from November 15 through March 31. During the winter months, each community is responsible for signage and enforcing activities listed on its winter permit fi'om Hennepin Parks. One major change in the 1999-2000 season was the elimination of snowmobiling and addition of horseback riding on Shorewood's portion of trail. In the areas where snowplowing for winter walking occurs, surface repairs may to be needed. Karen reported that the winter permit applications and insurance certificates are not as forthcoming as they could be. Discussion followed concerning the times of the year various communities renew their insurance and whether the Park District could get blanket coverage through League of Minnesota Cities. Todd Hoffman said Chanhassen is not a member. Karen will investigate the matter. As a reminder, the limit of coverage has been raised to $1,000.000. Del Miller: The realignment of Highway 7 in Excelsior has been pushed back to 2001. During construction, part of the LRT trail will be closed and trolley service will be disrupted. Discussed Highway 212 construction through Minnetonka/Eden Prairie. Old trunk highway 5 will become 212. The LRT will be bypassed all summer, until 2001. The trail underpass will be a great improvement. Our bypass signs by Miller Park are being moved by the contractors. Hennepi_n Parks is currently working on a new LRT map, but Karen said current maps are available to take back to communities. Sandy Langley: A section of Greenwood's LRT has a culvert that needs cleaning. The pond is too high; John Tripp will have it checked out. Jerry Hudlow: Inquired about whose responsibility it is to paint xing signs on the LRT trail. Joel replied that it's usually a joint venture between Hennepin Parks and individual communities. There are 46 cross walks, and 20 are usually done each year. Hennepin Parks paints them from September through October. It's less expensive for the cities to include the LRT when they are doing their street crossings. Oh l/lrt/sw trail mtg rmnutes.4.13.00 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Ci0, Co,er Ddt,e, PO Box I47 Cb~,h~sse,, Mi,,e~ot~ 55317 Pho,e 612.93,~ 1900 G',eM ~x 612 937.5739 E, gi,a'd,g ~.v 612 932 9152 l>~hS,' 5,~30' ~.~' ~12.934.2524 April 24, 2000 Mr. Mike Howe and Family 2169 Stone Creek Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mike and family: Thank you for collecting trash along the Bluff Creek trail. Volunteering to spend a good part of your Easter weekend doing community service is commendable. The park maintenance crew will haul away and dispose of the trash you collected. Call us anytime to repo~l that you were out collecting again! Mike, thank you again for your citizenship! Sincerely, Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C: City Council Park and Recreation Commission g: ,piu k ,th',howcfimfilythku.doc CITYOF CHAN SE 690 Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612937.1900 General £ax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safe{y Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us April 20, 2000 Mr. Frank Scott, Administrator Chanhassen Athletic Association 2450 Island Drive, #124 Spring Park, MN 55384 Dear Frank: Enclosed is the agreement between the City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Athletic Association governing the provision of advertising signs. As you know, this was approved by the City Council at their April 10, 2000 meeting. Please execute both copies and return one for our records. Good luck with the program. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:grnb Scott Botcher, City Manager ,~k and Recreation Commission File: new RA file g:~park~lh~CAAAdvenisingSignProgram AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND THE CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION GOVERNING THE PROVISION OF ADVERTISING SIGNS 1. Signage shall be placed on the outfield fences ofballfields #1 and #2 at Lake Ann Park. 2. Signs shall be of a uniform size and color scheme. 3. Signs shall be allowed to be in place from April through October. 4. Sponsorship, promotion, and management of the program shall be the sole responsibility of the CAA. 5. The signs shall be maintained during the season and stored during the off-season by the CAA. 6. Any damage to the park property caused by the sign program shall be paid for by the CAA. 7. For each advertisement sign, the City shall receive $150 in payment for the first year, and $300 in payment every subsequent year. 8. Payments shall be made to the City on June 1 and November 1 of each year. 9. This contract expires on December 31, 2000 and is renewable upon consent by each party. CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION By President By Administrator Date CITY OF CHANHASSEN Nancy K. Mai~cin~, Mayor S~ott~/~.-Botcher, City Manager Date \\cfs I \vol2\park\th\caa&cityagreement.doc CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center D~qve, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ?hone 612.937.1900 Ge,eral Fax' 512937.5739 E,gi,eeri,g Fax 612.93Z9152 Public SagO, Fax 612 934.2524 May 1, 2000 Ms. Joan Wright 6640 Lotus Trail Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Ms. Wright: While on a walk in your neighborhood this morning, I noticed a dock has been installed in fi'ont of your home. The presence of this dock on public lakeshore was "gq'andfathered" by the City for use during the time when Gordon and Mennon Tock resided at 6640 Lotus Trail. I understand you are their daughter, hoxvever, the dock rights do not transfer with the property. Please remove the dock and any other personal effects from the park property at your earliest convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions in this regard. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gnnb C: Scott Botcher, City Manager g:' pmklh \VrighlDockLcttcr 0 0 ~ 0~< ~ 0 0 (D 0 ~< 0 c~ 0 0 ~r D ~2 ® ? 0 0 O G cr 0 0 · 0 O ~ D 0 0 0 0 ~ e 0 The Village Builder The Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Copyright ~1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA Used by permission. All rights reserved. May 2000 As children growing up in South Minneapolis, my neighborhood pals and I were thankful that we lived on one of the few blocks that had an empty lot on the corner. The streets oflrvingAvenue were lined with houses, tightly planted every twelve feet. Twelve lots to a street with an alley running the length behind the houses. By some twist of fate, however, some rare good fortune,just one lot over from my house, there sat an empty space, uninhabited and perfect for wiffie ball. With a street fi~ll of boys, the rule was that whenever supper ceasec~ we were to meet at the corner for a game. We didn't call. We didn't hunt anyone down. We just showed up, because we knew the game was on. If four showed up, we played two on two. If fourteen came down we divided up the older kids and filled in with theyoung. The field was never mowec~ so we made a dian~ond by wearing down the grass. If the ball got lost in the deep stuff, it was a ground rule double. Anything over the street and past the Rutt's sidewalk was an automatic homerun. We played for keeps, kept statistics and memorialized fantastic catches. It was 'sandlot' at it's best. When I think of our children today, I wonder if they have the same opportunities to create ~oig league' memories. 1 wonder if we haven't so'organized' them, that they no longer create their own places of communi- ty. It seems to me that whether itbe sports or dance, school or music lessons, we do everything to such an extreme that precious little time is left to make it up on their own. l've heard it sai~ that where ever two or three children are gatherec~ there is an adult in their midst to organize them. I am afraid it might be true. This past season, my two oldest boys played basketball in the 'traveling' program. It involved practicing as many as four times a week and playing games on weekends, including many Sunday mornings. They each played around fortygames over the course of 12 weekends. We traveled from Monticello to lnver Grove Heights, gaining a new appreciation for the metro transit system. We sat in gyms where as many as five games were going at the same time, with two referees, a timekeeper and a scorekeeper at each. There were countless adults working at every tournament, assuring that everything ran smoothly and no schedule mix-ups occurred. As we found oursdves rushing every weekend from one place to the next, eating in the car, another cheese- burger special, I began to ask myself what in the world we were doing. I wondered what would be the net effect on the kids. Are we creating harriec~ anxious people who won't ever have time to sit down for a meal? Are we depiqving them of their childlike imaginations that create wonderful memories when left to their own doing? Will they learn how to build community on their own, if we always organize it for them? I often hear parents say that it's good to keep children busy to keep them out of trouble. What makes us think that they'll choose trouble when left to their own decisions. I have a sense that most children will choose playing together, building friendships and creating community when given the chance. 1 have a sense that chil- ch'eh are meant to make things up as theygo along. I have a sense that God designed us also for fl'ce time and leisure, not for organized activities along. As summer approaches, we at Mount Calvary offer opportunities for children to partidpate in building community together. We hope our gatherings offer time to be creative together, time to build friendships and time to play before God. We encourage families not to schedule an entire summer of activities, but to allow for ajourney through boredom and into something creative and new. Let the children come to me, Jesus said~ and I believe he meant, let the children be children, for it is to peo- ple like them that the kingdom of heaven belongs. Be more like a child yourself and you'll know God better. Be more like a child yourself and you'll allow the same in your children. Make it up as you go along. You'll be amazed what comes. Pastor Paul Pettersen CITYOF 690 City Ce,zer Drive, PO Box' 14)' Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612937. I900 011em! Fix' 612.93Z5739 E,gi~eeE,g Fax 612.937.9152 &~b/ic $,~ty £ax 612.93(2524 May 8, 2000 Mr. Dale Gregory 7091 Redman Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dale: Iarn writing to commend you on a job well done at the Lake Arm Park ballfields. The ability the crew displayed in working together is second to none. Each employee was called upon to complete work which matched their skills and job responsibilities. As a unit, you were able to complete a large project which provides a significant benefit to the city. Thank you for doing your part! I feel a great deal of pride for being associated xvith such a capable group of people. Thanks again for all you do for the city! Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C.' Scott Botcher, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Personnel File g: ,park'th parkmainstaffitr.doc 015/08/00 IION 15:46 05/0B/200~ B2: ~l~ FAX 6125566109 G51-773-01 B3 ISD #112 DISTRICT OFFICE BLU£ .c~(y TRAVEL SCHOOL DISTRICT/~ 112 RANDOM SAMPLE COlVIMUN1TY SURVEY I-IX! THIS IS . I ANi C~LLING ON B~-IALF OF yOUR SCHOOl. DISTRICT, VI 12. I HAVE A FEW SHORT QUESTIONS ABOUT I}{P. IR CUP-.R~NT SCHOOL BUILDING PLANS, DO HAVE TWO OR THINE ivlINUTF. S TO tLIi$1~OND. OF COURSB, ALL ANSWERS ARE CONFIDENTIAL. 1. How long have you Uvecl h~ school diztriot #1127 2. Do you h~v¢ any s~hool age children a(~zndln~ ~ohool tu district 1127 3. Do you have any pr~-school children llvi~g a~ homc? l~OW I'D ~ TO EXPLAIN AN ISSUE FACING THE SCHOOL BOARD la~ ~fe~n~m. ~hey ~d go purchase a s~e ~ t~ ~W of Chanhassen and al~o purchas~ o~ sl~s in the d~ for fut~ but~ng n~. $in~ ~ reftrtn~m ~ed l~d eost~ In Chanha~sen have double~ making The School ~oard i~ tell ~th mo cho~es: One - buy l~nd for tht ne~ middle school in Chanha~s~n onl~ or Two - buy t~s e~cpensive la~d in CAaskafor tat middl~ school n~xt ~o ~t cur~'~nt high school antipu~Aase tandfor future building silts. PLEASE TELL ~ IF YOU STRONGLY AGREE, AGP. EE, DISAGILEE OR STRoNoLY DISAOF. EE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMI/NTS; (ACCEPT DON'T KNOW, BUT DON'T OFFER AS A CHOICE) 4. Building schools in the diff~ent cities that make up t~e ~chool dis~ict is more important than iht cost of the l~d. $. The school district slid cities should combi~o financial re$oun:es when possibl~ to create fac~fias tkat b~nefit sWclcnts m'~d the cornmtmjty. 6, ~e .School Bo~ should put ~ide ~ame oftb~ mon-y approved in thc i~t referendum ~ purch~c ~m~ school ?. It is ~onable ~ spend all of the ~f~ndum doll,s dg~igna~d for cu~nt and future school building sit~ on ~d for th~ 9i ~c mi~l~ school in Ch~hassen. 8. Placing ~ scb~ls ~ ci~ other ~n Chaska should be a pdorlw of thc School Boad. 9. h is imp~t that cve~ ciW ha~ a school butld~g. 10. ~cn ~ school board ~ f~ed wbh two chokes t~ locating a a~ school, ii should ~e ~c less expe~iw choice. Earlfer thls yeav th~ School Board d~ded tm bund the n~t elementa~ s~aol on a Sif~ ~ated ~o' the school ~l~e of cha~ge by the Ci~ of Ch~km The $c~ol ~aard also ~urchased lnnd for a~mr~ e~menta~ SCHOOL BOARD WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU STRONGLY AGP,~E, AOR2EE, DISA(2tKEE OR MTRONGLY DISAGREE WITH .,, 12. i~ decision ~o build a new ~lem~ntary building in Ch~sk~. 13. ~ do Fou feel that way? TYFE tN ANSWER. US~IG THE, FOLLOWING GROUPINGS AS POSSIBLE ANSWEP, S: BKOK.EN PROMISE SHOULD BE IN VICTORIA CHASKA. II/kS ENOUGH SCHOOLS SA'v-ES MOI~Y GOOD FINANCIAL DECISION WlSB PLANNXNO LEAVE BI.A_NK IF THE DON'T KNOW OR REFUSE 14. Gender Fram obseofatian. Janet Lash, Chair 4/89 - 4/02 7001 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-474-1272 Work: 952-447-4139 Fax: 952-447-4159 e-mail: jlash~priorlake-savage.K12.mn.us Fred Berg 1/92 - 4/01 6910 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-474-8394 Work: 952-361-5470 Fax: 952-448-8627 e-mail: BergF~Chaska.K12.mn.us Pepsi 11972@AOL.com James Manders 1/93 - 4/01 6791 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-470-9983 Work: 763-519-4633 Fax: 763-519-4591 e-mail: Jim. Manders@Fingerhut.com Rod Franks 4/97 - 4/2000 8694 Mary Jane Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-949-2903 Work: 612-348-3780 Fax: 612-348-6332 Tues - Fri e-mail: Roderick. Franks@co,hennepin.mn.us Michael Howe 4/96 - 4/02 2169 Stone Creek Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-474-7270 Work: 612-673-1803 Fax: 612-673-1850 e-mail: mhowe~rwbaird.com David Moes 2/98 - 4/2000 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: 952-470-1699 Work: 952-838-2984 Fax: 952-838-2990 (h) e-mail: dmoes~analysts.com Jay Karlovich 4/99 - 4/02 1910 Whitetail Ridge Court Excelsior, MN 55331 Home: 952-470-3946 Work: 651-451-1831 Fax: 651-450-7384