1 Approval of MinutesCHANHASSEN PARK AND
MAY 23, 2000
Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Mike Howe, Jim Manders, David Moes, Jay Karlovich, and
Fred Berg
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffrnan, Park and Recreation Director; and Tracy Peterson,
Recreation Supervisor
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Howe moved, Moes seconded to approx~e the Minutes of the
Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 28, 2000 as prese~ed. All voted in favor
and the motion carried unanimously.
Lash: Okay under new business we have the preliminary plat for Marsh Glen.
Hoffman: I believe that Steve Kroiss, the applicant is going to be here this evening so if we just
want to skip over for a moment and Tracy can complete her items and then she has another
meeting to go to up at the Middle School.
Lash: Okay, Tracy.
2000 Summer Programs.
Peterson: I guess the first one would just be an overview of summer programs and this is just
kind of an FYI. I think the most critical one would be the playground program. We're going to
have to look at making some adjustments to that program in 2001. Some of our sites are filling
up immediately and I think we're going to have to either add additional days or kind of rearrange
that program a little to try to meet those needs so, I think we'll get by this summer with what
we're doing but ! think for 2001 we're going to have to make some adjustments at a few sites
because we just, we're having way too many kids which is a great thing. But at Sunset Ridge and
Stone Creek, you know to have 80-90 plus kids at one site in a 2 hour time span is probably not
real good so we'll look at that and maybe have to do 2 days or like I said, somehow split up the
age groups. If we do that, that might be a little different look at the budget and I'm not sure how
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
that will fly so, but we'll have to do it. I think we can make it work this year so it's a good
problem but we'll try to make some changes for it in the summer.
Lash: That's a pretty much break even operation, isn't it?
Peterson: It tends to lose money. It never does make money and it probably never will make
money. We raised the fees a little bit and it still probably won't, it will do better but it won't
cover all the costs. So I think as long as we can get that supported by the Council, that's
probably how it will. I hate to raise the fees too high.
Lash: What are the fees at now?
Peterson: $25.00. And so that's for 7 times so that's you know $3.00 something a time, which I
think is pretty reasonable.
Lash: Do you bring your kids up there?
Howe: I think they're doing some of the other things.
Lash: Okay, but not that?
Howe: Not that.
Lash: Dave, how about your's?
Moes: Not these, no.
Lash: Jay, do your kids do this? You have little kids, right? Do they participate in that summer
Totlot Dynamites program?
Karlovich: No, they don't.
Lash: Okay. My kids did and I thought it was great but I guess, I had no idea it was not breaking
even. Do you know how much it would have to be raised for it to break even? Because I mean
that would just, if you could accommodate more people and they're willing to pay for it.
Peterson: Oh, I think people would pay for it. I don't think, we're definitely not priced out. I
mean I think we'd have to raise it substantially.
Lash: Oh you would?
Peterson: Yeah, into the 30's. To break even. I mean we've not losing a ton but we are, you
know at where we're at, and that price hadn't been raised for quite a few years so.
Moes: How many hours do they get, you said they get 7.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Peterson: They're just getting 2 hours.
Moes: Each session.
Peterson: Right. So the other alternative kind of, you know what a lot of people have been
asking too is for a longer period of time. You know well rather than our child going 1 day a
week, you know how about 2 days a week or 3 days a week. You know from a 9:00 to noon or a
1:00 to 4:00, so there's been some requests for that. Not enough yet I think to warrant changing
the whole program, but I think there is that group that would like those extended hours.
Berg: And I don't know why I'm being suspicious here but do you think they're wanting to
increase the time because it's a real value to their kids or because it provides a nice daycare?
Peterson: The second one.
Lash: Exactly.
Berg: So I'd be hesitant about.
Peterson: Well that is solely what it is for; yep.
Berg: But I'd really want to look at that long and hard before we...
Peterson: Like I said, we've only gotten a few every, I think last summer we maybe got halfa
Karlovich: And what are the 2 hour time slots again?
Peterson: 9:30 to 11:30 or 1:00 to 3:00.
Karlovich: So they get 14 hours for $25.00.
Peterson: Yes.
Lash: That's less than $2.00 an hour.
Moes: I think a price assessment would be appropriate.
Lash: Well I would like to, if it was a break even operation we could just easily expand it and as
a parent and as a teacher too I would prefer that there be more options open with fewer children
and being able to accommodate larger numbers by having fewer in the group so they have a
higher quality experience. But you'd have to break even to be able to do that.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Peterson: I think if we do expand we'll try to do it as break even as possible but that is the true
need is to add more sites and to lessen the number of kids that we're supervising at one site at a
Lash: And then you'll probably have to increase the pay too. If you're going to expand it, you're
never going to get enough people to.
Peterson: Right, and increase the number of staff.
Lash: Yes.
Peterson Yes.
Lash: So to increase your staff, you have to increase the pay which then again will increase the
cost of the whole program.
Peterson: And we've had to do that a little bit over the last couple of years. Pick up some staff:
As everybody knows, it's not getting easier to find staff.
Moes: I guess looking at different programs that, I mean I've got Matthew in Explorer's Club
this summer and I've got a week off and I was looking at putting him in different programs and
you know one program granted was a basketball program but it was $100 for the week, 2 hours a
day. So I mean that's $20 an hour. $10 an hour, I take that back. So it's, I mean for a program
like this ! think it's very reasonably priced and ! think the way.
Peterson: And that's probably the only one in the city that we run that's of that nature. Except
you know for a special events. Everything else is either break even or it makes money so that's
the one program that we do have.
Moes: I think we need a point where we need to move it into that arena?
Lash: I think for next year, yeah. I mean that'd be a good project over the winter to kind of look
Peterson: I agree.
Lash: Work the bugs out on that. Anything else on that Tracy? Okay, thanks Tracy.
B. 4th of July Celebration.
Peterson: The next one is the 4th of July is obviously coming up and we have, I don't know if
anybody has any questions with the schedule. Tentative schedule is on the back. And we've
added a few things on the 3rd and at least for another year we'll keep things relatively the same on
the 4th until I can see reason to try and make that work with the parade and everything going on
and the fireworks. That day gets a little difficult so we've kept it the same and we did a good job
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
with it last year and we'll look at it again this year and see if we want to add on that day once
we've kind of made the adjustments with the 3rd so. That is the schedule. I don't know if anyone
has any questions off of that.
Lash: I have just a couple quick ones and I know you know here will be my dip and dots
obsession one more time. Were you able to find dip and dots?
Peterson: I was not. I contacted Valley Fair, because I knew that they did it. And there's
nobody that does it. That will come out and do it.
Lash: Because the first time ! had them was at Art on the Lake. The art festival in Excelsior you
know and that's just a two day thing. Okay, rats. And then I had just a passing comment that a
friend has said that somebody from Victoria that she knows came to the parade last year and just
made a comment. I'm not saying how I feel about it one way or another but she just said, when
they came for the parade, and I'm quite sure it was probably very hot. It usually is. She thought
that somebody was missing the boat somewhere as far as having some kind of concessions
during the parade time. That she thought a lot of people would go buy pops or ice cream or snow
cones or something during the parade. But I think it'd be kind of hard to get a vendor in for a
short time.
Peterson: Yeah and I don't, I mean Deb Kind coordinates that and I know there was a few
things, I know somebody was selling something up by Byerly's but.
t-towe: Was it the Boy Scouts or somebody? It seemed to be pretty easy for a Boy Scout Troop
to do or something.
Peterson: Yeah, especially you're right when it's 98 degrees. Even bottled water or whatever.
So I can pass that along to Deb Kind and see what, if there are plans because I know.
Lash: CAA. They're always looking for ways to raise some money.
Pcterson: Okay. I'll pass that along. I don't know what she has on the docket for that but we
can check with her on that.
Lash: Okay, thanks. Did anybody else have anything else for 4th of July? Sounds fun. I'll be
there. With my t-shirt on.
C. Easter Egg Candy Hunt Evaluation.
Peterson: And then my last item was the evaluation from the Easter Egg Candy Hunt and I think
the only comments that I have on that, a couple changes that I had made that I thought I guess
were successful. I changed the age groupings a little bit. The ages and I thought that went well.
And then also since we call it the Easter Egg Candy Hunt, I couldn't figure out why there were
not any eggs so this year we added some plastic eggs which were a huge hit and they had little
toys and candy in them. So if you look on the back of the budget side, obviously you can see
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
there's an expense for that but I think it's well worth the change. It's just kind of a, I couldn't
figure it out and it was a nice added attraction for the kids. Kind of a surprise idea to it so that's
what I added with that.
Howe: That was a wonderful event. You did a good job. I always like going to that. See other
people in town. All the kids. You know all the kids run out there. It's like it mayhem but it's
Peterson: It's chaotic and will probably always be. But those were kind of the two changes that I
had made and I don't know if any of you that were there saw anything else that needed to be
Moes: You know I think the eggs are definitely a great idea because the kids spent more time
opening them up looking what was in them than anything else. I think the one good thing you
did as well as the second age group. What was it?
Peterson: 5 to.
Moes: Yeah, where you specifically said over the speaker, no parents allowed.
Peterson: That's right, I did do that with the last two.
Moes: But with the younger age group, I swear, I couldn't tell if parents were actually putting
them in their pockets or not.
Peterson: You're right. That did make a big difference and I think that alleviated a lot of
problems so that was a good, that was an idea that I just, I just figured with that many people, the
parents end up picking up the candy versus the kids so. If a kid needed help, we had volunteers
to help or we could let the parent come out after it was kind of underway but that was another
change I had made so those three things.
Moes: Otherwise I thought it was great. It was just funny looking at the entire area full of all
this stuff and 5 minutes later it's like nothing.
Lash: I guess I would, the suggestion here of possibly adding the coloring contest for 2 and 3
year olds.
Moes: I've seen 2 and 3 year olds coloring.
Peterson: We just thought a little part, because half of the 4 year old category we get are below
that so we just.
Howe: Really?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Peterson: Yeah we do. Actually half of the 4 year old pictures were 2 and 3 year olds so we just
put them up together with that and we just thought if they get a little prize or, as long as we have
them up.
Lash: They get a ribbon they're happy. Yeah. You know as soon as there's a major prize
involved...the parents will be doing it and they'll be doing glitter and, I mean I know.
Peterson: Well, we do it anyway.
Lash: You know the kid is happy with the way...
Peterson: We went for the abstract choices this year. Nothing that was colored in the lines this
time. We went for different ones so that was our change this year.
Lash: Keep them on their toes. Okay, thanks Tracy. I think we'll move back up under our new
business for the preliminary plat of Marsh Glen.
Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item.
Lash: Todd, 1 have one quick question for you. On the next page. Not the one, not the drawing
one but the next one. Where it shows Outlot A, which is along 101 and then it appears that there
are three, are they lots or what are those things that are between 101 and Outlot A?
Hoffman: Correct. Those are three existing lots which were, one is currently, has already been
acquired by the city. All three will be acquired by either the city or the county for the
reconstruction of 101.
Lash: Okay.
Hoffman: And then where the street dead ends there, that will come out onto the new 101.
Lash: So ultimately this will have access out to 101.
ltoffinan: Yes.
Karlovich: Is Outlot A for 101 also then or what's?
ttoffman: Yes. And that's a part of your development, isn't it? Outlot A? Outlot A is a part of
Steve Kroiss: Yes, it's part of mine.
Hoffman: ...been dedicated.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Is there anyone else, Jim. Why don't we start down at your end Jim. Do you have any
questions for either Todd or Mr. Kroiss?
Manders: Not right now.
Lash: Okay. Jay do you have anything?
Karlovich: The only thing I want to tell you Mr. Kroiss is that I represent a lot of developers and
also act as a city attorney on the other side and I just, I feel for you. It looks as though you've
been through this process. Had a multi-family development get turned down. Now you're back
in on a single family. The only comment I had is, when you go to plat it appears that everyone's
in your pocket for dedications but we have a very small budget and to pay for those easements
means, we wouldn't be able to put up a swing set somewhere else and due to the fact that we
don't legally have to pay you for those at this time, that's why I brought it up but I do want you to
know that at least professionally I feel for what you're going through.
Steve Kroiss: Thank you for that. Appreciate that. Thank you.
Lash: Fred, do you have anything?
Berg: No, not at this time.
Lash: Okay. And I would kind of echo Jay's comments and, I guess I would just want to make
sure that when you are selling this or having this laid out for potential homebuyers, that they are
fully aware of this easement trail going between 3 and 4 so that we don't have the people in 3 and
4 coming in here.
Steve Kroiss: No, you won't have that problem.
Lash: Okay. That would be wonderful.
Steve Kroiss: Yeah, we want to work with the city. If this is the desire of the city, and ! want to
make it as successful for my people as well... I'd just like to make sure it comes through at about
this place, I think everybody will be able to use it. Get maximum use out of it.
Lash: Yeah, and I think it will make a nice addition to your development. But again people
don't like surprises so once they buy their lot and the thing goes in and.
Steve Kroiss: Our people, the way we operate, our people, everybody will know about this trail.
Lash: Okay, great. Thanks. Do you have anything Dave?
Moes: Nothing now, no.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Okay, Mike.
Moes: No.
too, right?
I'm just trying to mentally picture this. This will butt up to the Mission Hills people
And obviously they're going to all be able to take this so fine, thank you. I have no
Lash: Okay. Hearing no other comments, do you have anything you want to share with us?
Steve Kroiss: No. Actually I want to try to get over to the school to send... Thank you very
much. We do want to work xvith the city. It's going to be a win/win for everybody.
Lash: Okay. Hearing none, would someone like to make a motion regarding this?
Karlovich: I'll make a motion that we approve the recommendation of staff with, at least
deleting the second sentence there that the City will compensate the applicant for this easement
in the amount determined by an agreed upon appraiser. Due to the fact that there's a logical
nexus between the easement and the request for the dedication and it will actually benefit the
homeowners in this Marsh Glen development and connect them to the trails and get them to Rice
Marsh Lake Park and to Lake Susan.
Lash: Okay, is there a second to that?
Berg: Second.
Karlovich moved, Berg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City Council require the following conditions of approval regarding parks and
trails for Marsh Glen:
1. Collection of full park and trail fees per city ordinance.
The applicant dedicate an easement for the purpose of constructing the trail designated on
the attached map.
3. The City will construct the trail.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Lash: Does anybody have question or comments about any of those programs?
Hoffman: Has anybody been to Lake Ann to see the new trail access? To the ballpark.
Lash: No.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Hoffman: Very nice.
Lash: So can you just explain, because I'm having trouble picturing how that's going.
Hoffman: The 6 ballfield layout and then from the last parking lot that comes out and loops
around and goes back up on the west side from Eckankar. They put inbetween the two ballfields,
laid out in that area.
Lash: Okay, so the one in the bottom now, is that the one that's closest to the lake. Or the
launch, okay.
Hoffman: This is 4. This is 5. And then the building's up here. People always used to try to
walk through that area right through there so we completed a trail from the parking lot down
through the ballfields, around the dug out area and then over to the shelter. And there have been
some dramatic improvements in here. We had to fill in a swale and this mass hole across here
and make a nice spectator area. Field number 4 will be dedicated Lion's Ballpark with a little
sign in the future because of their contributions so this whole area has dramatically improved.
The ball players and it's very praising with their comments about that little project. And that was
undertaken by the...in the interest of getting that work completed so.
Lash: And that's, it goes up kind of a steep hill doesn't it? When you go up to the shelter.
Hoffrnan: Well it would have but they filled that all in.
Lash: Oh they did.
Hoffman: Yep. So they filled in that beach swale there. We had one broken ankle there you
know trying to go down and up the other side and so they filled that in and leveled it off. The
Lion's committed $100,000. They only made it to 50 and if you can imagine the membership
meeting after meeting after year. We never got an recognition you know. Well we only made it
halfway but still, so the field will be, a sign will be put up that the Lion's are going to pay for that
and they have made a commitment to go ahead and plug away at this thing, $5,000 or $10,000 at
a time until they fill their $100,000 so they won't do it through pull tabs. They'll do it through
Christmas Tree and pancake sales and just take a little bit longer to establish it. So neat
improvements at Lake Ann for the ballparks.
Lash: Okay, under the Rec Center monthly report. Did anybody have questions or comments
about any of those things?
Howe: I was impressed with the art that I've been seeing there. The fact that a lot of it's selling.
It's a great idea.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Moes: Just a quick question. Does anyone remember when we were going to get like the next
child care update? Was that in August? I was trying to think through that.
Lash: I was thinking it rolls around in September, wasn't it? But I could be wrong.
Hoffman: We'll make sure we're on track with that.
Lash: Okay, Senior Center report. Sounds like she's keeping them out of trouble.
Hoflbnan: One thing. This time of year the crew is not at full force. Most of the seasonals come
on after school is out so ! take daily complaints on grass mowing, weed whipping, those type of
issues and it's just something we live with and when we get them we send them right out to that
location and get that one taken care of and, the old squeaky wheel syndrome. And the other areas
that people are...we get to those when we can. We have, let's see one of our lawn mower folks
is close to 80 years old so we have some retired people that are coming in and going back to
work for us. And then we have the other spectrum, the high school so, but we're a long ways, we
only have 3 people mowing grass right now and they are not full time staff. Full time staff is still
getting things up and running and they're out at the Rec Center doing some capital work on the
drainage so busy time of the year and employment issues are as prevalent here as they are in
many other locations so.
Howe: Who bought the Lake Ann shack?
Hoffman: An individual from Shakopee. His name is Tony Perron and they've done a very nice
job taking 5t down and it's just about complete. We met out there today and the new shed looks
very nice. Also as a part of that there will be most likely a Waconia Ridgeview Ambulance bay
put onto that. Appreciate their location up at the west fire station but it's not, it does not serve
them to the best of their needs. So Lake Ann will be much more centrally located and once the
frontage road goes through, yeah it's good anybody in the downtown area Chanhassen area. It's
also very good for the park if you think about it.
Lash: Yeah, absolutely.
Hoffman: Those people are stationed there 24 hours a day. Not only will they respond to
emergencies very quickly but they'll also be a 24 hour presence on the maintenance facility and
the park so.
Berg: That's great, Wonderful.
Lash: Okay. So we've got, really both of Dale's things here so.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Hoffman: If you, anyone cares to go.
those folks.
Lash: It's on the 24th.
Howe: Tomorrow night.
Lash: Oh gosh.
Hoffman: June's on the way.
We've got the Metro Council park meeting. Were you looking for someone else to go?
I need to send one or two individuals. I can be one of
Lash: I have a retirement tomorrow night to go to. Anyone?
Howe: I'd like to go but I cannot make it tomorrow night.
Lash: Anyone else?
Berg: Me neither.
Moes: I've got a baseball practice.
Hoffinan: You know I see Marty every night at daycare when he picks up his son and he's
asking me'well who's going to be there? I said well I have two baseball games I'm supposed to
be at but we'll get something...
Lash: Yeah, he should pick a different month. A park and rec guy should know May is not a
good month to have a meeting.
Hoffman: Yeah, Met Council picks them. They don't, Met Council's up here... I'll attend and
I'll bring you a report back and let you know what they talked about.
Lash: Okay. And it looks like we're happy to congratulate Rod and David on their
Hoffman: And Mr. Slagel, I think that's his third go around so hang tough.
Berg: Maybe we can expand the commission by one.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Tell him he could just meet us after.
Hoffman: He'll be back.
Lash: We've got the Skate Park expansion. It looks like City Council agreed with our
recommendations. Were there comments there regarding the hockey boards?
Hoffman: Comments regarding the skate park were overwhelmingly positive. Council is
amazed at the number of participants at the facility. They see it all the time, as most people in
town do if you're driving anywhere near city hall. In an attempt to maintain the level of hockey
in the city they talked about if we really need to we could put temporary boards up here at just
about at any location in City Center Park. On grass during the winter. But they also looked to
Bandimere. You can put up boards in the park facilities down at Bandimere Park to
accommodate future hockey. But I don't know that the pressing need is going to drain itself...so
outdoor ice is, it's 54 days. $29,000 to make that happen so it's expensive and itjust does not
provide the same level of service that indoor ice does. The additional improvements that we're
talking about, basically a fence around a portion of that facility. It may be a 6 foot fence on the
east side, inbetween the fire station and the skate park. And that is meant to alleviate issues with
the cross traffic between the fire station and the skate park. Mainly it's a safety concern with the
bikes that are coming through the berm, flying through the pine trees and then entering the
parking lot and these firemen come in for fire calls at a very rapid pace, and then there's just the
physical park in itself. There's been some conflict between the skate park participants with their
vehicles and then fire calls coming in and people not being willing to move and so firemen have
been very patient. We had a meeting with the City Manager and the Fire Chief and we talked
about some of the improvements that we could make. It was a timely meeting. We were in with
the council the very next evening and I asked for additional dollars to make those improvements.
A fence will go along the north side up by the school as well and then over on the south side a
little bit more to contain in the skate park with directing all traffic towards the City Hall parking
lot. I was not successful in mandating that people, employees not park in that lot to leave room
for the skate park but what I think we'll be successful in posting a halfa dozen spots at that end
of the parking lot for skate park so we'll have some signs. We have 20 signs at the fire station
that say no skate park parking. We'll try to get 6 down here that say skate park parking so we
can accommodate those people. And other than that I'll be sending this off to about 4 different
vendors and will be asking, it's getting more highly competitive because more of them are
coming on line. We'll be asking for a half pike. Some ground level grind rails so they want
some of those grind rails right on the asphalt to accommodate more kids, and then probably some
more of these boxes where theyjump up and off of the boxes with their inline skates and their
skateboards as well. So it should expand the park and with the other skate parks coming on line.
Shorewood is looking at it and Chaska is confirmed. Excelsior, Hopkins and then Eden Prairie
are all looking at them so the use should probably mellow out a little bit. We sent somebody up,
two employees up there every morning, the first part of their shift just to pick up garbage...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Berg: So we were ahead of the curve.
Hoffman: Yes.
Manders: Any feedback from the community on?
Hoffman: Any feedback I've heard on it...positive. These kids still, they still spend part of their
time downtown because there's certain areas in town where they do certain tricks and they group
up and they go from one area to the next. There's one at the movie theater. One at Byerly's and
of course the skate park's the main arena so. Parents have been participants and you get the
observers as well so. In my opinion there's more positives than... He's upstairs in the office.
There's more positive peer influence taking place out there than negatives so.
Lash: Okay. And then we've got the Memorial Program Committee.
Hoffman: It's a note to let you know that council approved the formation of a committee and the
first meeting will be scheduled for June. They threw in just about one of everybody. They talked
about that committee, including somebody from the Arboretum who had dealt with these
memorial programs in the past.
Lash: If you could avoid Thursday the 29th.
Hoffman: Okay.
Lash: Okay. Anybody have anything else you want to say about anything else? Items? Okay.
Lash: Any committees? Michael?
Howe: Thank you. I had been to a race committee meeting earlier this evening. Things are
coming along very well. We saw a prototype of the first shirt with kind of a neat fall like orange
design on it. We recommended some changes because there were soccer players on it and we
didn't really like that. So we're going to get rid of the figures. That new bike shop is going to let
us have a top grade mountain bike, at their cost, for the grand prize drawing. We're starting to
get some interest from some pretty good runners. People are starting to send in some
applications. We talked to the Boy Scouts tonight. Jerry's been working I know very hard on
this getting Satellite bathrooms and tents. A lot of the businesses in town are donating money to
pay for certain of these amenities. The banks. It amazes me how these businesses are actually
calling up the Americlnn people saying what can we do. So things are looking very strong.
We'll meet again next month but we're starting to get to the point where the details, the t's are
being crossed and the I's are being dotted.
Lash: So when will it be advertised to the point where people would then start planning up?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Howe: Well we talked about that. It's going out in race packets now. In fact probably in the
next two weeks we'll start having the applications at some if the fitness clubs and some of the
runner stores in the area. And we're going to, Jerry was, one of his tasks, one of his many tasks
is to talk to the paper and see about you know once a month or once every 2 weeks get something
in there about the race. But Coldwell Realty, they're pledging 50 people. Americlnn, Houlihan's
are 25 or 50. They're going to buy that many spots for their runners so we're probably looking at
350 to 400 now. Somebody's going to pay for all the shirts. It's one company is going to pay for
all the shirts so, it's been very gratifying. I hope it works well when we get it off.
Karlovich: So my understanding, it's not going to look like that shirt.
Howe: No. It's a long sleeve. It's about this color. Start training. You have 3 months...he says
he'll be there though.
Manders: You've got some press in the paper here.
Howe: A lot. I've met the reporter and she's starting to run and she's very into the race.
Lash: Are they going to put a big thing in the paper about this?
Howe: Oh something. I don't want to do it too early. We want to make people know that, make
sure people know that, keep that September 16th date open. We're going to do sides of buses.
The bus company has offered to let us have the sides of their buses. But I think it's a little bit too
early yet. You want to manage people's expectations I guess. I'm no PR guy but.
Manders: They want to enjoy the summer first. Not talk about the fall.
Howe: Yeah, that's right. But we'll make sure people know...It's coming along very well.
Lash: Good. Thanks Mike. Do you have anything Dave?
Moes: Nothing.
Lash: I have nothing. Fred?
Berg: No, not really. I still have my request for some preliminary costs for signs.
Lash: Jim? Do you have any committee reports?
Manders: No.
Lash: Jim, committee. Are you on any committee?
Manders: I'm not on a committee.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Okay, do we have any presentations?
Berg: I had a request to get more basketballs down at Meadow Green with the repaving of the
basketball court. If we can get the lines put back on.
Hoffman: Okay.
Manders: I have a question on rail trails. Who's responsible for maintaining those or how is that
Hoffman: The two that we have in town?
Manders: Right. To Victoria and the one to Chaska.
Hoffman: Yeah, Hennepin County, Hennepin Parks.
Manders: So is there any communication or encouragement? To me they seem to really be
deteriorating. I mean they're running down. They're getting like Luce Line and that dust. Dust
hole and these are getting there.
Hoffman: I'll talk to him.
Lash: Okay, anybody have a? are you done Jim?
Manders: Yeah.
Lash: Okay. In the administrative packet.
Howe: Can I ask one question? How's Frank Scott?
Hoffman: Seems to be better. I believe he's going to come home this week.
Lash: Do you have anything Dave? No? I had a couple of things from the administrative packet
I guess ! just wanted a little more information on. The first one is the Sheriff's memo from
Officer Potts. Or Sheriff Potts or whatever you call him. Deputy Potts. And my question, and I
know I have asked this before, and I think I know the answer but again I'm looking for
clarification. If someone is walking through the park on some portion of connector trail with a
dog on a leash, are they allowed to do that?
Hoffman: By current written ordinance, no. By what Park Department has published in all of
it's brochures, you can walk on trails with your dog leashed...practice. So I've had
conversations with Deputy Potts. He would want, he wants me to clarify that because deputies
get upset. Either you're going to tell me to tell people to get out of the parks or we're going to
tell them you know here's what we got going on. Because it just complicates their j ob.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: So what are we going to do? Because the next time I get stopped I want to have a copy of
the ordinance in my pocket. Because I've gotten into it and so I'm probably one of the ones
who's causing discomfort for the deputies. But my understanding is that that is allowed and so
when they come in and they start yelling at me that I can't have my dog there.
Hoffman: It's not in the ordinance. By ordinance it says parks are excluded from, or pets are
excluded from parks.
Lash: And even if you're walking through on the trail?
Hoffman: Correct. And then, but by practice what we've published and if you look at the last
newsletter, I published that pets are allowed on trails as long as they're leashed and you can walk
your bikes on trails as long as you're going from Point A to Point B. Sgt Potts published no pets
in the park so we talked about that and he said well, let's clarify that one way or the other with
the ordinance. And there are so many issues with pets in the city. You know there's no pooper
scooper ordinance. We get called on that constantly. You know pets in the parks. If we have,
who's going to enforce it and those type of things. On the trails, leash law. No leash law. So
we'll take another stab at pet rules and...
Lash: Well you know if we're publishing to people in all of our brochures that they can walk
with their pets on a leash through the park, then we need to make, then we need to change the
ordinance so when the officers, so then the officers aren't saying things to people if they're on the
trail. Now if they're running all over in the ballfields and they're unleashed and all of that, I
understand that that would be in violation but, it does make it confusing so ifI can't figure it out,
Berg: The ordinary person can't either.
Lash: Thal's right. I didn't want to say it like that, but that's what I was thinking. I never quite,
when somebody starts challenging me, I never quite say excuse me but I happen to know. I think
I can do this.
Berg: Do you know who I am?
Lash: My friend wanted to share that but ! out vote her.
Hoffman: You know that's part of the distance between City Hall and Public Safety.
Lash: Well he actually got to the point of being rather rude so. He said I could impound the dog
and write you a citation or you could consider it as a friendly reminder... I said nothing. I said
thank you very much officer. I'll remember in the future. I did. I didn't want a ticket. Okay.
And then on the letter to Superintendent Stofferahn.
Berg: Stofferahn. I wanted to ask about that one too.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Yeah. That was just kind of curious as to what's.
Hoffman: Prompted that letter?
Lash: Well yeah.
Berg: Yeah, and are we getting anywhere with it?
Hoffman: No. Jerry's involved. He's down there tonight. He's involved with the task force on
the middle school redevelopment and this is simply a reminder that we want to be invited and
involved in these meetings when we talk about scheduling district facilities. We did attend a
meeting last, Jerry and I attended a meeting between the cities of Chaska, Chanhassen and the
School District last week so there's work in this area. What needs to be considered is that during
the winter we are in a pretty good position to acquire space, just like anyone else because in the
winter about 95% of the facilities are operated by the school district and reserved through the
school district. We have one gym. Chaska has two gyms. That's it. The rest are district
facilities. During the summer, we schedule the school district facilities located in Chanhassen,
but Chaska schedules everything in Chaska. So during the summer it's more difficult to go
ahead and be first in line or second in line for the outdoor space. They schedule, Chaska, City of
schedules the high school, middle school. All of the schools for the outdoor space in Chaska.
Berg: They don't technically have any more right to it than we do, do they?
Hoffman: No. Well but, but as a facility scheduler, the first thing you're going to do is fill up
your space and then you're going to say alright, here's what's left. That just, that's part of the
realities of when the school district enters into these agreements with cities and we're a
benefactor of it here in Chanhassen and we have, we do not have a facilities here in Chanhassen
as Chaska. City of Chaska. And I get calls on it.
Lash: I don't necessarily want to open up a major discussion on this issue but this kind of leads
into it ! guess. If they're still continuing discussions at the City Council level on trying to have
some kind of a cooperative effort with the school district in locating another school in the city of
Chanhassen. I look at it as a benefit to the city for recreational value, as well as lots of other
things too but ! think as a commission it would be maybe not out of line for us to either send
endorsements or just encouragement or a recommendation to the City Council that they continue
to pursue this, some kind of a joint venture in earnest. In the end we would be the benefiters of
more fields and more gymnasium space and more meeting spaces and every other kind of thing
that we can have there. So you know I'd open that up I guess for anyone who'd like to comment
or if you have an opposing opinion on that. I know I would encourage them to do that but I don't
know how others feel. And I don't necessarily mean in a financial vein. I'm just saying to
pursue joint.
Berg: Opportunity.
Lash: Yeah.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Karlovich: I would have to agree that a school in the city of Chanhassen would not be a bad
thing for the parks and recreation commission. If the numbers work out somehow for the city,
that it's worth while and I think we should endorse it from our point of view.
Lash: I think if we also remember that one of the sites that we had hoped to preserve for open
space in the future was the Degler Farm, you know we don't have enough money to do that
anymore I don't think but considering that that's one of the possibilities that they're looking at, I
wouldn't even object to seeing what we end up with left over for open space money to help in
that being especially if there was some particular area on that site that is wooded or nice ponding
area that could be a wildlife or a natural.
Howe: Aren't there some wetlands on that property, aren't there? Isn't there, I think there's a
fair amount.
Lash: I think there's a couple different opportunities.
Howe: Well I would support that. If the numbers work, I would definitely agree. It'd be a great
thing to happen.
Manders: Based on our meeting here with council, isn't that the suggestion that they're looking
into that now?
Hoffman: They are. The decision from our understanding is going to be made on Thursday
night...pass along feelings, I would suggest you either attend that meeting. Send a letter to the
council or call a council member at this point.
Lash: Too late?
Hoffman: Well too late for a formal, yeah for any more formal recommendations to reach the
City Council and then get back down to the school board so, we're in the final hour.
Lash: Okay. Well too little, too late. Anybody else have anything?
Berg: Well, the district's growing. I mean it might be the final hour for this one, but there's a
Lash: Well I don't really see that a couple years down the road there would be any sites left
available in the city of Chanhassen.
Karlovich: They'll probably be more expensive too.
Berg: Does the property that the school board was referring to in a very vague way, along
Highway 5, was that Eckankar?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Hoffman: Eckankar or Gorra. But Eckankar has been more recently talked about.
Karlovich: Last thing, I'll give you one of my business cards. It has my e-mail address on it.
Hoffman: Great, thank you.
Lash: I was worried about you .lay. I thought ifI had e-mail, I thought everyone in the world had
e-mail and you didn't have it.
Karlovich: ! have it.
Lash: I'll have new numbers beginning next fall but I'll share that with you then.
Hoffman: Anybody else which to check their's and get it updated.
Lash: Okay, anybody have anything else for tonight? Anyone interested in a field trip
Berg: I was thinking that just the other day. We haven't, it's that season.
Lash: It is. I believe it was just about exactly a year ago when we went on our driving field trip.
Berg: Nothing helps us out much more.
Hoffman: New projects, right? That's what you want to look at.
Lash: Yeah. You know like...well no, actually we went there last time...
Berg: The new trail through the wetlands there.
Lash: ...something about a tree. Maple. Sugar maple. It's always kind of fun to see how
things are holding up. Or things that maybe aren't holding up that we should see. Maybe we
need to think of as priorities.
Manders: Like Lake Ann trail.
Hoffman: Jim's project. How about the road?
Manders: And the golf course. That was in the paper too.
Berg: That's a bone. We're not going to let go of that puppy. We're going to start using the R
word pretty soon.
Hoffman: Chaska wants to build another one.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting - May 23, 2000
Lash: Okay, if there's nothing else, is there a motion to adjourn?
Moes moved, Karlovich seconded to adjourn the Park and Recreation Commission
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim