5 Memorial Program CommitteeCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Ci0, Cemer Drive, PO Box 147 Ct~anhas.~e~, :1[im2esota 55317 P/,o~e 612.9321900 Ge~e,~d ~x 612.93Z 5Z39 E;~jji~eeri~g Fax 612. 937. 9I 52 Public ~aJ2'O, E~x 612.934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director ~ DATE: June 22, 2000 SUB J: Memorial Program Committee The following individuals have been seated on the Memorial Program Committee: Mel Kurvers/Senior Commission Sue McAllister/Environmental Commission Dottie Shay/Environmental Commission Jan Lash/Park & Recreation Commission Fred Berg/Park & Recreation Commission Thank you for volunteering! Please check your July and August calendars for 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. meetings on Thursday, July 27 and Thursday, August 24. With this timeline, implementation of the program can occur on January 1,2001 or sooner. G:\parkklh~,Mcmlh'ogCommittee The Citl, of Chanhassen, A ~. ro~oi~2e commtmin, tt,ith c/c,;i~ /,~kes, aua/itr sc/~oo/c a c/~a,~m'~o dotvmmvn, thrit,i.a /mdn~'.e~. a,d he,.m'(./ ,;,,.l,¢ ,4 ,;.,,. i,l,,,.,, t,~ 3'.,, ,,,,.'h ,.,d i,/,~a,