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6 Skate Park Phase II Acquisit
CITYOF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoflqnan, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: June 22, 2000 SUB J: Skate Park Phase II Acquisition On May 31. 2000, the attached request for proposals was mailed to lbur skate park manufacturers. Three of those companies; Ramp Tech, Spohn Ranch, and True Ride chose to submit proposals. Spohn Ranch did not meet our pricing limitations and as such, was eliminated from consideration. The proposals fi'om Ramp Tech and True Ride are similar in design, but differ in their specifications. A comparison of Ramp Tech's proposal and True Ride's Option III (preferred option) clearly identifies True Ride as the superior performer. Their half pipe is 18' wide versus Ramp Tech's 16' width. The length of the half differs fi'om True Ride's 41' to Ramp Tech's 22'. Ramp Tech proposes two "boxes," but they are only 8' long. The small size would lead to constant reconfiguration by users and they could easily be stolen fi'om the site. True Ride only offers one "box," but at a dimension of 6' x 17' provides more aggregate material and a sturdier product. Ramp Tech's rail is straight and 20' long. True Ride's is kinked and 24' long. True Ride specifies 2 x 6 construction on 8" centers. Ramp Tech also specifies 8" centers but does not identil~, if the construction members are 2 x 6 or 2 x 4. Ramp Tech offers a 5-year warranty versus True Rides 2 year warranty. The Ramp Tech warranty is more restrictive than that of True Ride. RECOMMENDATION Both proposals demonstrate a quality effort to meet the request of the City. However, True Ride's proposal is superior to that of Ramp Tech and it is staff's recommendation to accept the True Ride Option III proposal at a cost of $14,996.66. lhe (:itt, of Ch,.th~me.. ,~ ~. ~vwi. e co,mm,i~, wizh dea, l,~kcs, amdin, sd, oo/s, ~ :/,,m,i,r dow.tom., tl, riH.r h.4,e:~'s. ,md heaz~tiE~/ .arb. ,4 oreat ~D:e m/i~,~' .,m'h. .,,,d H,n~ CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, Ce,ret Drive, PO Box 14,7 Cha,hasse,, 3li,,csota 55317 Pho,e 612.937. I900 Ge,e~d F,~x 612 937. 5739 E,[(i,ccri,g ~x 612.937. 9I 52 5~h/ic 5~'5' t':~x 612.934.2524 May 31, 2000 <<Company>> ((Address 1 >> (<City>> Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Chanhassen opened Phase I of our skate park in September of 1999. Response to the facility has been overwhelming. This being thc case, the city council has elected to postpone construction ora set of hockey boards. In lieu of this, they have elected to seek proposals for the construction and installation ora second phase for the skate park. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for this xvork, please review the enclosed materials and reply by June 20. Sincerely. Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TH:grab C: File Ra-559 g:\t>ark\th\RFPSkateParkPhaselI REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF CHANHASSEN SKATE PARK PHASE II Owner: City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Contact: Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director 952-937-1900, ext. 121 Submit cover letter, equipment specification(s), plan sheet(s), and warranty information for Phase II, valued at $15,000 including tax, delivery, and installation. Preferred equipment list includes a half pipe, fun box, and surface mounted grind rail(s). Other equipment may be specified at the discretion of the vendor. Proposals must include a half pipe aud any combination of other apparatus. Height may not exceed 3 feet. Award will be made based upon an analysis of the quantity, quality, and reputation of equipment specified. Proposals xvill be reviewed by the city's Park and Recreation Commission. Public comment will be welcomed. Proposals must be received by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 20, 2000. Award xvill be made on Tuesday, June 27, 2000. Delivery and installation must be guaranteed by Ih'ida3', August 25. 2000. Ramptech Inc. 14855 Persistence Drive Woodbridge, VA 22191 Phone: 703 492-2378 Fax: 703 492-1023 Online: www. ramptech.com June 15,2000 City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. 690 City Cen~r Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: CITY OF CHANHASSEN SKATEPARK PHASE II Dear Park and Recreation Commission, Thank you for the invitation to bid on the second phase of the City of Chanhassen Skatepark. Enclosed you will find our company literature which involves pictures and dimensions of all the ramps that we manufacture, insurance and leasing information, reference list, and warranty information. Please refer to our "Suggestive Comprehensive Qualifications and Specifications" to learn about the methods and materials we use to construct our ramps. Ramptech, Inc. is the oldest and largest manufacturer of skatepark terrain in the world. Not only do we fabricate and install skateparks, we are also the proud designers and builders of the Vans Shoes "Triple Crown of Skateboarding World Championships" for the past 5 years. The owner and principal of this company has been building ramps for the past 25 years, and has worked as a deck framer and builder enhancing his building knowledge. All our ramps are fabricated in a controlled environment in our own manufacturing facility. The proposal we are submitting involves all exterior grade lumber and hardware including the weatherproof riding surface called Skatelite. Ail our ramps that we are proposing will carry our Ramptech 5-Year Limited Warranty and is enclosed for your review. I also made individual color copies of each ramp/rail that we are proposing as well as a suggestive layout including Phase II. This bid is being submitted as a turnkey installation and the estimated installation time for your project is 2/8-hour days. We currently have about 80% of this equipment in stock, which could lead to a fast delivery and installation of your skatepark. So the delivery and installation guarantee by Friday, August 25, 2000 seems feasible. One again I would like to thank you for the opportunity to bid on the second phase of the Chanhassen Skatepark, and if you have any questions or concerns regarding this bid, please contact me @ (703) 492-2378. Thank you, Brian Moore Sales Manager · Page 2 Ramptech, Inc. 14855 Persistence Drive Woodbridge, VA 22191 Phone: 703-492-2378 Fax: 703-492-1023 www.ramr~tech.com Skatepark Estimate NAME/ADDRESS Parks & Recs. Dept. of Chanhassen 690 City, Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 TERMS DUE DATE REP Proposal # DATE 50% up 50% due ... 6/7/2000 BLM 6/7/2000 535 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE TOTAL 3' Half-pipe - 3~ x 16' W x 22' L (Exterior) 2' Launch Ramp - 2~ x 4'W x 5q~ (Exterior) 3' Launch Ramp - 3I-t x 4'W x 6% (Exterior) Low Box - 1~ x 4'W x 8'L (Exterior) Fun Grind Box - 18" H x 4'W x 8~ (Exterior) Straight Rail - 18"H x 4"W x 20' L Freight & Installation This estimate was configured as a turnkey installation performed by Ramptech, Inc. All Ramps/rails will carry, our 5-Year Limited Warranty. All exterior equipment is constructed of pressure-treated lumber and plywoods, exterior adhesives, galvanized hardware, steel coping, and skate-lite surfacing with 1 Iga. steel plating, All rails are solid steel, primed with exterior enamel coating and rubberized bottoms· Pre-fabricated Ramps / Skatelite Riding Surface I 5,674.00 1 551.00 I 619.00 1 631.00 1 645.00 1 289.00 I 6,533.33 TOTAL [$14,942.33 5,674.00 551.00 619.00 631.00 645.00 289.00 6,533.33 Ramptech Inc. 14855 Persistence Drive Woodbddge, VA 22191 Phone: 703 492-2378 Fax: 703 492-1023 Online: www.ramptech.com RAMPTECH, INC. SUGGESTED COMPREHENSIVE QUALIFICATIONS and SPECIFICATIONS Company and Design Qualifications *All Companies or Individuals bidding on and/or performing work or labor on this project shall meet or exceed these minimum standards: -must be an officially organized business (proprietorship, partnership, or corporation) in good standing with the state in which it resides; and -must have been in business manufacturing skatepark equipment for a minimum of(8) years; and -must be intimately familiar with the sport of Skateboarding, preferably with a company principal who has participated in the sport on a professional level; and -must possess detailed experience in the planning, design, and associated construction of skateparks; and -must Frovide a list of references to include a minimum of (10) customers similar to the application being currently bid and/or constructed; and -must provide a Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum orS1,000,000 of currently in-force Liability Insurance; and -must show proof of coverage of Workmans' Comp. Insurance for all workers to be involved in on-site installation or construction. *All ramps proposed or sold for this project must have been installed in other parks and shown to be of sound engineering and safe construction. Material Specifications - wood construction - interior application *All lumber shall be construction grade #2 or higher SPF type. *All plywood shall be ½" or 3A" standard construction grade. *All fasteners shall be of steel construction. *All adhesives shall be a specially formulated, petroleum based, weatherproof grade capable of penetrating wet, frozen or treated lumber. *All steel plating used with ramps shall be constructed of(11) ga_uge steel, bolted to the structure with ¼" bolts every 16", with 3" and 6" wood strips bolted to the plates. *All grind rails shall be constructed of schedule (40) steel (or better) with 3M rubberized tape installed on underside of feet. *All pipe and tubing shall be schedule (40) or better.*All angle iron shall be ¼" steel or better.*All X-bracing shall be galvanized tubbing (scaffold type).*All metal primers shall be red oxide.*All wood primers shall be latex based.*All paint used for metal or wooden surfaces shall be silathane enamel.*All skating surfaces shall be covered by ¼" SKATELITE ~ a long-lasting phenolic fiber laminate that is waterproof and wear resistant. Material Specifications - wood construction - exterior application *All lumber shall be wolmanized and pressure treated. *All plywood shall be 'A" or 3A" wolmanized and pressure treated. *All fasteners shall be of galvanized or stainless steel construction. *All adhesives shall be a specially formulated, petroleum based, weatherproof grade capable of penetrating wet, frozen or treated lumber. *All steel plating used with ramps shall be constructed of (11) gauge steel, bolted using W' bors every 16", with 3" and 6" wood strips bolted to the plate. *All grind rails shall be constructed of schedule (40) steel (or better) with 3M rubberized tape installed on underside of feet. *All pipe and tubing shall be schedule (40) or better. *Pdl angle iron shall be ¼' or better. *All X-bracing shall be galvanized tubing (scaffold type). *All .metal primers shall be red oxide. *All wood primers shall be latex based. *All paint used for metal or wooden surfaces shall be silathane enamel. ' *All skating surfaces shall be covered by ¼" SKATELITE m, a long-lasting phenolic fiber laminate that is waterproof and wear resistant. Manufacturing and Construction Specifications - wood construction - pre-assembled - interior or exterior *All manufacturing of ramps shall be accomplished in a controlled manufacturing facility which complies with all OSHA Safety Standards. *Skatepark equipment shall be manufactured according to all material and safety specifications and pre-assembled at the factory by trained assembly personnel for shipment to jobsite. *All quarterpipes shall be designed and manufactured using the triangulated radius method which allows for efficient testing, shipping, installation, and servicing. *All wood-to-wood surfaces shall be glued with an approved adhesive prior to being nailed, screwed or bored together. · Page 2 *All curved plywood surfaces shall be constructed of two (2) layers of ½" plywood; straight surfaces shall be a single layer of 3A'' plywood. *Joist spacing on all curved ramps shall be 8" O.C., with (2), 3" screws in each joist end.*Joist spacing on all straight ramps shall be 12" O.C., with (2), 3" screws in each joist end. An exception shall be 16" O.C. on High Banks. *All overhanging plywood and skating surfaces shall be trimmed to be flush with sidewalls of ramps. *All exposed wood surfaces shall be sanded, prepped, primed and painted.*All post systems shall be strengthened and squared using specified X-braces.*All support posts shall be blocked with ledger blocks bolted to the posts.*Welded ~A" X 4" allthread shall be used to motmt coping (2" pipe).*All ramps are to be constructed in such a way as to ensure proper ventilation to the underside in order to enhance proper drying of wood. to prevent premature rotting. Manufacturing and Construction Specifications - wood construction - kit form- interior or exterior *All manufacturing of ramp components shall be accomplished in a controlled manufacturing facility which complies with all OSHA Safety Standards. *Kits will be manufactured, packaged and shipped ready to be sanded, finished, painted and assembled at the jobsite. A minimum of cutting and fitting may be required byjobsite labor. *All kits shall come complete with a bill of materials included in the kit and a full set of blueprints and instructions for assembly. *Materials and construction specs for kits shall be identical to materials for pre-assembled products, both interior and exterior grade. *All necessary construction and assembly materials will be included in each kit. Only tools will need to be supplied by the buyer. Safety Specifications - all products *All hand rails shall be 42" safety height. *Heads of all screws and nails on skating and other exposed surfaces shall be flush or countersunk to avoid injury to users. *The ends of all nails, screws and other fasteners used in construction shall be cut flush with the surface to avoid injury to users, *All edges and non-skating outside surfaces of exterior ramps shall be sanded smooth, prepped, primed and painted with an oil-based paint to prevent splinters or other potential contact with chemicals used to treat lumber. *SKATEL1TE ~or equal shall be used on all skating surfaces to ensure a non-slick, durable and waterproof surface on which to skate. *SKATELITE m skating surface shall be fastened to its plywood subdeck with countersunk screws in an 8" X 12" pattern to ensure a secure surface. · Page 3 ! LO'v,,/BOX- I pI'L 4wv,, ~'L Ramptech Inc. 14855 Persistence Ddve Woodbddge, VA 22191 Phone: 703 492-2378 Fax: 703 492-1023 Online: www. ramptech.com RAMPTECH, INC. LIMITED WARRANTY 1. STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTY AND AVAILABLE REMEDIES. RAMPTECH, INC. offers a LIMITED WARANTY for 5 YEARS from date of delivery that its skatepark equipment has no defects in matedal and workmanship. RAMPTECH has no responsibility for installation of the equipment, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express, implied and statutory, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or suitability or fitness for a particular purpose. If purchaser believes RAMPTECH has breached this warranty, it will notify RAMPTECH, and RAMPTECH, at its sole election, shall repair or replace the defective equipment, at no charge, freight prepaid by purchaser. The foregoing sets forth the sole and exclusive remedy of purchaser. 2. DISCLAIMER OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, RAMPTECH shall not be liable to purchaser, purchaser's customers, or other users of the skatepark equipment, or anyone else for any incidental, consequential, or any other indirect loss or damage or for lost profits or revenues of any kind, at any time and for any reason, arising out of this agreement or any obligation resulting herefrom, whether in any action for or arising out of breach of contract, tort, fraud, or otherwise. 3. EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTY. Cracks, chips, and warping of safety railings are a normal development as wood weathers and equipment id used. They are not a defect and are not covered in this warranty. This warranty does not apply where repairs have been made or attempted by others not affiliated with or authorized by RAMPTECH, INC. Repairs required by normal wear, neglect, abuse, accident, vandalism, use of products other than the intended purpose, use by bicycles, and acts of nature or God are not warranted. This warranty does not apply when the suggested maintenance is neglected by purchaser in any way that diminishes the integrity of the product. The warranty is also void if products are assembled or disassembled improperly by purchaser, or if they are moved after initial installation, or if anything is added to or removed form the equipment without express written permission of RAMPTECH. 4. OTHER WARRANTY ISSUES. This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights which may vary from state to state. This warranty is not transferable to another party if equipment is sold by the original purchaser. 5. SAFETY. The safety of the skatepark equipment is everyone's responsibility. RAMPTECH manufactures its equipment using the finest in material and workmanship, and has designed and engineered the equipment with safety of its users foremost in mind. RAMPTECH offers a vadety of equipment for a vadety of skill levels. Purchasers are responsible for ordedng equipment appropriate to the level of the users expected to patronize the park and to ensure that the equipment is arranged in a safe manner. Operators must be aware that the equipment should be inspected weekly and routine maintenance performed to ensure that all screws, nuts, bolts, and nails are firmly in place. In addition, rules for using the equipment should be posted by the operator, and play on the equipment should be supervised with vigorous enforcement of the rules and safety regulations. · Page 2 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABI P. ~,R~JCER (310)473-2522 : Gelfand, Neva~an, Wasserman 11500 W. Olympic Blvd., #404 Los Angel es, CA 90064 (310)478-8392 INSU~u Ramptech Inc 14855 Persistence Drive Woodbridge, VA 22191 LITY INSURANCE os/22/2ooo THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POEClES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A: RLI Insurance INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. GEUE~L UAaLrn' RGL0127245 04/28/2000 04/28/2001 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,00o X COMMERCIAL GENERAL FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) S EXCLUDED LIABILITY I CLAIMS MADE I-~ OCCUR MED EXP(Anyo~leperson) $ EXCLUDED PERSO.AL & ^DV ~"JURY S 1,000,000 X $2,500 DEDUCTIBLE GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000, OO GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS- COMPIOP AGG i $ 2,000,000 I POLICY ~']PRO' JECT ~ LOC AUTOMO~LE UABIUTY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ANY AUTO (EM ~dent) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per ~dent) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per aC~dent) GARAGE EABIEI'~ AUTO ONLY - F_A ACCIDENT $ ANYAUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC; $ AUTO ONLY: AGGI $ EXCESS UABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE I OCCUR [~ CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE S $ k I DEDUCTIBLE REllE~ON $ $ EMPLOYERS' UABI UTY EL. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L- DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERAT1ONSYLOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLLISIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECLaJ. PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I AOOillON~L INSURED; INSURER ~ ~ l eR: TO WHOfl 13' MAY CONCERN TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE ACORD 25-S (7/97) CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE C _ANCELLED BEFORE THE EXmRATIOR OATE 'mEREOF THEISSUmNG COMPANY)MLL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL /-- 30 .DAYS~, WRIT~N NOTICE/TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT F~JLURE TQ.~L SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMP(~ E NO OBLIGATION OR UABIUTY / OF,ANYJ~ND UPON THE COMPANY, I~ AGENTS/OR / REPRES~A~. 198U ORD. PRODUCER Battlefield Insurance Agency Inc. 10759-A Ambassador Dr. ~nassas VA 20109 PhooeNo. 703-361-8209 EaxNo. 703-368-8145 INSURED CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CSR sc : ::...:: ..... ::., :: : iRAMPT-1 ::'~ 08/19/99 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIRCATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Travelers Ind~ity Company Ra~ptech Design & Construction Inc. 14855 Persistence Rd. Woodbridge VA 22191 COMPANY B American States Insurance Co. COMPANY C COMPANY D COVERAGES :: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO POliCY EFFECI~VE POUCY EXPIRATION UMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POMCY NUMBER DATE (MM/OD/YYI DATE (MM/DD/YYI ..................... ~ENERAL'~GREGATE $ i~ERAL UABILrTY .... ]MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY i OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOBILE LIABIUTY ~ ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS I SCHEDULED AUTOS X~ HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY ~_~ ANY AUTO EXCESS UABILITY i UMBRELL~ FORM ~ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND A B B EMPLOYERS' LIABlUTY THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL OTHER Property Transportation 01BA38831510 6JUB448X784398 01CE434298-10 01CE434298-10 08/25/99 08/25/00 08/18/99 08/25/99 08/25/99 o8/18/oo 08/25/00 08/25/00 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG PERSONAL & ADV INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE {Any one fire) MED EXP (Any one person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1000000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ {Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE WC STATU- i OTH- X ! TORY LIMITS j ER EL EACH AC~CIOENT [-[ ~.00; 000 EL DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT i $ 500, 000 EL DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE ! $100,000 Equipment $19,000 Trans Coy $10,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATEHOLDER Ramptech Design Construction FOR BID PURPOSES ACORD 2R-R ~1/951 RAMPTEC ;ANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POMCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAI1 10 DAYS WRIT~ EN NOTICE TO THE CERT1F3CATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHAll IMPOSE NO OBEGATION OR UABIUTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Skateboarding is bigger than ever. For you, th~s means a demand for the highly specialized skateboard terrain that keeps skateboarding challenging and fun. However, skateboard ramps are technically complicated structures, and only the finest skating terrain will maintain its integrity. Ramptech, Inc. is the largest custom fabricator of skateboard terrain, worldwide, over 2o years experience building and riding our own ramps have allowed us to perfect the various techniques required to construct a solid, durable, Iow-maintenance skateboard structure. With a quality ramp, designed and built by the specialists at Ramptech, you can focus on skating. With the Kicker ramp and the grindrail, your shop can now deliver portable terrain for your skaters, so they can all have something to skate, without being harassed. If you are interested in having Ramptech build a skate facility for you or your group, fill out our request form to get started. We will process your request and contact you with further details. From the Kicker ramp to full scale skateparks, Ramptech can provide the terrain to suit any demand, l'oday's top skateboard- ers prefer Ramptech, so will the skaters in your community. 06/21/00 WED 19:35 FAX ~002 ' Skate Park Design &. Construction June 16,2000 Todd Holt%an Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dc, pt. 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 · World,a4de Events Dear Todd, Thank you for giving TmeRide Inc the oppommity to work w/th you and the City of Chanhassen on Phase II of your Tier One Skate Park project. Working off of Layout 1 Option 1, by eliminating a section coming off the back of Mini Ramp and by using Skatelite as the skating surface, we were able to add the new "Huges Box" to the Layout to create option ~J_[. Design: TmeRide is dedicated to building state of the art skate park equipment that is safe, durable, and fun to ride. Our equipment is over-built to eliminate ~ilure and ensure safety. We build our ramps in 6' sections using only high quality materials to increase the overall longevity of each attraction. Final skating surface, Skatelite. TmeRide inc. offers a two-year structuragone-year surf-ace warranty on all products from the date of completion. ]'tts urtln ce : TrueRJde Inc. carries product liability insurance of 2 million dolhrs. TrueRide Inc. requires 50% down payment to begin Reminder due within 15 days fi:om the date of completion. construction of equipment. Delivery: TrueRide Inc. will deliver and install ali equipme~ at your skate park location. Delivery and installation will be completed on or before Friday, August 25, 2000. I rl?ueRide Inc. · 578. Berquisr Rd. ' Duluth, M_N 55804 ° 218-525-2625 ° fax 218-525-2850 ° www. rrueride.com Skate Park Design & Construction · Worldwide Events June 16, 2000 Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Cky of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Todd, Thank you for giving TrueRide Inc the opportunity to work wkh you and the City of Chanhassen on Phase II of your Tier One Skate Park project. Working off of the preferred equipment list and the existing phase I, we designed phase II. We also kept in mind that there might be additional phases added to the Skate Park in the future and we designed the Mini Half Pipe keeping that in mind. I have included 3D AutoCAD drawings of both Skate Park Phases as well as individual equipment drawings with dimensions. I have also included another option to consider, Phase II, Option II. This option adds to your existing Phase I Street Course area and would also work nicely for additional project phasing in the future. Either option would be a great addition to Phase I of the City of Chanhassen Skate Park. Design: TrueRide is dedicated to building state of the art skate park equipment that is safe, durable, and fun to ride. Our equipment is over-built to eliminate failure and ensure safety. We build our ramps in 6' sections using only high quality materials to increase the overall longevity of each attraction. Final skating surface, Skatelite Pro. Warranty: TrueRide Inc. offers a two-year structural/one-year surface warranty on all products from the date of completion. Insurance: TrueRide Inc. carries product liability insurance of 2 million dollars. Terms: TrueRide Inc. requires 50% down payment to begin construction Remainder due within 15 days from the date of completion. of equipment. Delivery: TrueRide Inc. will deliver and install all equipment at your skate park location. Delivery and installation will be completed on or before Friday, August 25, 2000. TrueRide Inc. ° 5781 Berquist Rd. ° Duluth, MN 55804 ° 218-525-2625 · fhx 218-525-2850 · www. trueride.com ] TrueRide Inc. Skate Park Bid for the Ci_ty of Chanhassen Phase II -Skate Park Layout I, Option I 1. One 3' Tall x 18' Wide Half Pipe (Mini Ramp) with Bank and Quarters. 2. One 24' Long Kinked Grind Rail Delivery and Installation $12,464.05 $650.00 $1,850.00 Total: $14,964.05 Phase II -Skate Park Layout II, Option II 1. One 3' Tall x 18' Wide Piano with Quarter 2. One 2' Tall x 14' Wide Fun Box 3. One 3' Tall x 18' Wide Quarter Bank Delivery and Installation $4,563.00 $4,627.17 $3,956.49 $1,850.00 Total: $14,996.66 Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, / David J. Benson CFO TmeRide Inc. TrueRide Inc. is dedicated to building safe solid ramps that are true to ride! C) ~0 ~ X c" ~~0 0 06/21/00 WED 19:35 F~ ~004 06/21/00 WED 19:38 FAX ~005 06/21/00 ~ED 19:36 FA~ ~006 06/21/00 ~¥ED 19:36 FAX ~007 06/21/00 WED 19:36 FAX ~008 I Eauioment Construction Soecification l Transitions: Transitions are framed in 6' sections with ~" Marine Tec treated plywood_ Transitions are assembled using 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 8" on center. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Transitions sheeted with two layers of ½" CCX pressure treated plywood, fastened with 2"coarse thread galvan ired exterior screws. Liquid Nail exterior construction adhesive is applied on studs to adhere to plywood. Galvanized ½" carriage bolts, washers and double nuts are used to fasten units together. 30 weight tarpaper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatelite. Final surface layer is ¼' Skatelite fastened with 2 ~" Deck Mate course thread exterior screws. 96 screws per 4'x8' sheet of Skatetite. Billlks-' Banks are framed in 6' sections with ~, Marille Tec treat, t~l plywood. Banks are assembled using 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 8" on center. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Banks are sheeted with %" Mar{ne Tec treated plywood, fastened with 2' galvanized course screws. Liquid Nail exterior construction adhesive is applied on studs to adhere to plywood_ Galvlmized ½" carriage bolts, washers and double nuts are used to fasten units together. 30 weight tat-paper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatelite. Final surface layer is I/2' Skatelite fastened with 2 V," Deck Mate course thread exterior screws. 96 screws per 4'x8' sheet of Skatelite. Decks: Decks are flamed with 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 12" on center. Becks are sheeted with %" Marine Tee treated plywood, fastened with 2" galvanized coarse thread screws. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Decks are secured to slructure with slx 3 ~h' Galvanized lag screws with washers. Decks supported with 4x4 pressure treated posts. Secured with 6" Galvan/zed W' carriage bolts, washers & double nuts, 30 weight tarpaper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatellte. Final surface layer is ¼" Skateiite fastened with 2 i/2' Deck Mate exterior course thread screws. Railings: Railing height 42" above deck. 6' maximum railing span per 6' of ramp. l O' maximum horizontal space. Railings are a Steel Cup and Galvanized Post System. 4 2" 10 gauge post per 6'sextion inserted into welded steel cups t2 3 1/W' Galvanized lag bolts with washers are used for fastening railing to 4 x 4 posts. Coping: Schedule 40, 2 ¼' diameter black pipe_ 2"x 2" square tubular steel. 31/2" rectangular steel. Joints are welded and ground smooth. Fastened to ramp every 24" with #12 3 1/2" stainless steel sheet metal screws. Thresholds: 8 Gauge Galvanized Steel thresholds from lY'- 22" widths are used at the bottom of each ramp. Fastened to ramp every 24' with 21/2" #l 2 stainless steel sheet metal screws. 06/21/00 WED 19:35 FAX ~003 TrueRide Inc. Skate Park Bid for the City of Chanhassen Phase H -Skate Park Layout I, Option HI 1. One 3' Tall x 18' Wide x 41' Long Half Pipe (Mini Ramp) with Bank and Quarter. 2. One 24' Long Kink~ Grind Rail 3. One 1' Tall x 6' Wide x 17' Long Huges Box Delivery and Installation Total: $10,264.55 $650.00 $1,932.65 $2,150.00 $14,997.20 Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, David J. Benson CFO TrueRide Inc. TrueRide Ina is dedicated to building safe solid ramps that are true to ride! Two Year W, arran~ TrueRide Inc. products are warranted against structural failure for two years and for one year on Skatelite skating surface for one year from date of purchase. TrueRide Inc. will repair, without charge, any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship. This warranty does not apply where repairs-have been made or attempted by others not affiliated with or authorized by TrueRide Inc. Repair required by normal ware, neglect, abuse, accident, use of products for other than the intended purpose, and acts of Nature or God are not warranted. This warranty does not apply when the suggested maintenance is neglected by purchaser in a way that diminishes the integrity of the product. The warranty is also void if products are assembled or disassembled improperly by purchaser. This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights which may vary from state to state. This warranty is not transferable to another party if equipment is sold by the original purchaser. / Eauinment Construction Snecification J Transitions: Transitions are framed in 6' sections with 3A" Marine Tec treated plywood. Transitions are assembled using 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 8" on center. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Transitions sheeted with two layers of ½" CCX pressure treated plywood, fastened with 2"coarse thread galvanized exterior screws. Liquid Nail exterior construction adhesive is applied on studs to adhere to plywood. Galvanized ½" carriage bolts, washers and double nuts are used to fasten units together. 30 weight tarpaper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatelite Pro. Final surface layer is W' Skatelite Pro fastened with 2 ½" Deck Mate course thread exterior screws. 96 screws per 4'x8' sheet of Skatelite Pro. Banks: Banks are framed in 6' sections with W' Marine Tec treated plywood. Banks are assembled using 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 8" on center. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Banks are sheeted with 3A" Marine Tec treated plywood, fastened with 2" galvanized course screws. Liquid Nail exterior construction adhesive is applied on studs to adhere to plywood. Galvanized ½" carriage bolts, washers and double nuts are used to fasten units together. 30 weight tarpaper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatelite Pro. Final surface layer is W' Skatelite Pro fastened with 2 ½" Deck Mate course thread exterior screws. 96 screws per 4'x8' sheet of Skatelite Pro. Decks: Decks are framed with 2x6 CCX pressure treated lumber spaced 12" on center. Decks are sheeted with W' Marine Tec treated plywood, fastened with 2" galvanized coarse thread screws. 3" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws are used for assembly of structure. Decks are secured to structure with six 3 ½" Galvanized lag screws with washers. Decks supported with 4x4 pressure treated posts. Secured with 6" Galvanized V2" carriage bolts, washers & double nuts. 30 weight tarpaper vapor barrier stapled to surface before application of Skatelite Pro. Final surface layer is I/4" Skatelite Pro fastened with 2 l/2" Deck Mate exterior course thread screws. Railings: Railing height 42" above deck. 6' maximum railing span per 6' of ramp. 10" maximum horizontal space. Railings are a Steel Cup and Galvanized Post System. 4 2" 10 gauge post per 6'sextion inserted into welded steel cups 12 3 1/2" Galvanized lag bolts with washers are used for fastening railing to 4 x 4 posts. Coping: Schedule 40, 2 I/2" diameter black pipe. 2"x 2" square tubular steel. 31/2" rectangular steel. Joints are welded and ground smooth. Fastened to ramp every 24" with #12 3 1/2" stainless steel sheet metal screws. Thresholds: 8 Gauge Galvanized Steel thresholds from 15"- 22" widths are used at the bottom of each ramp. Fastened to ramp every 24" with 21/2" # 12 stainless steel sheet metal screws. TrueRide Inc. Equipment Construction Resume City of Brooklyn Park - Brooklyn Park, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Chaska - Chaska, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of' Coon Rapids - Coon Rapids, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City o£ Hopkins - Hopkins, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation United States Government - Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City o£ Hartford - Hartford, South Dakota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Monticello - Monticello, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Alpena - Alpena, Michigan Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City 'of Mason City - Mason City, Iowa Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Town of Oak Island- Oak Island, North Carolina Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Eastlake - Eastlake, Ohio Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Genoa - Genoa, Ohio 6' Half Pipe Design, Construction and Installation City of Boulder City - Boulder City, Nevada Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Township of Barnegat - Barnegat, New Jersey Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Chanhassen- Chanhassen, Minnesota Tier One Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Boca Raton - Boca Raton, Florida Quarter Pipe Design, Construction and Installation Club Med- Port St. Lucie, Florida 12' Half Pipe Design, Construction and Installation City of Waverly - Waverly, Iowa Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Village of GraysLake- Grayslake, Illinois Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Cloquet - Cloquet, Minnesota Tier One Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Village of Lake In The Hills - Lake In The Hills, Illinois Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Sun and Ski Sports - San Antonio, Texas 4' Half Pipe and Hot Box - Design, Construction and Installation City of Maple Grove- Maple Grove, Minnesota TrueRide Mobile Skate Park - Design, Construction, Installation and Operation City of Shoreview - Shoreview, Minnesota Tier One Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Town of Seymour - Seymour, Connecticut Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation ESPN Xtrials - Louisville, Kentucky & Richmond, Virginia ! 999 Skateboard Street Course Design, Construction and Installation Club Med - Port St. Lucie, Florida Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation United States Government - Yokota Air Force Base, Japan Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Ramp-N-Roll Skate Park - Warner Robins, Georgia 12'Half Pipe, Beef Box, Pyramid- Design, Construction and Installation City of Lawrence - Lawrence, Kansas 5' Half Pipe Design, Construction and Installation City ofNorthfield - Northfield, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation City of Toledo - Toledo, Ohio 6' Half Pipe Design, Construction and Installation TrueRide Portable Skate Park Program Skate Park Design, Construction, Installation and Operation City of Robbinsdale, Minnesota City City City Cky of St. Louis Park, Minnesota of Golden Valley, Minnesota of Crystal, Minnesota of Maple Grove, Minnesota Pepsi, Mountain Dew National Sales Conference- Kona, Hawaii Street Course Equipment Design, Construction and Installation John Rose Oval - Roseville, Minnesota Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Rollerblade, Inc.- Minneapolis, Minnesota Test Facility Skate Park Design, Construction and Installation Blade School University Equipment Design and Construction Ultimate In-Line Challenge Equipment Design and Construction Blade Jam Equipment Design and Construction Camp Rollerblade Equipment Design and Construction TrueRide Inc. is dedicated to building safe, solid equipment that is true to ride! TrueRide Inc. Clients/References Jerry Haffeman City of Shoreview, MN, Park & Rec. Director 651-490-4751 Bruce Thieland City of Coon Rapids, MN, Park & Rec. Director 612-767-6578 Tina Pritchard Town of Oak Island, NC, Park & Rec. Director 910-278-5518 Ray Vogtman City of Hopkins, MN, Superintendent or Rec. 612-939-1372 Darrell Blennis Village of Grayslake, IL, Administrative Assistant 847-223-8515 Sheryl Holman City of Cloquet, MN, Director of Park & Rec. 218-394-8456 Mike Hamilton Direct Skate Shop, Alpena, MI, Owner 517-354-7758 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN, Park & Rec. Director 612-937-1900 Jennifer Squires Malmstrom Air Force Base, Contract Admin. 406-731-4033 Barbra Cohen Ramp-N-Roll Skate Park, Owner 912-329-8787 Gayla Carrigan Yokota, Japan. United States Air Force 011-81-3117559949 Brian Woessner Town of Hartford, SD, Park & Rec. Dept. 605-528-3427 Kitty Baltos City of Monticello, MN, Director of Com. Ctr. 612-271-3268 Karina MacLaren Sun and Ski Sports, General Manager 210-494-0429 Patty Sullivan City of Boulder City, NV, Recreation Coordinator 702-294-0335