9 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM TO: Todd'Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Susan Marek. Recreation Center Manager DATE: June 20, 2000 SUB J: CRC Monthly Report - June 2000 RECREATION CENTER SIGNAGE The Rec Center is now marked with a sign*. The sign 'announcing our identity is located at the entrance to our parking lot and it looks great. · We hope a dash of landscaping encircling the sign will.complete the project soon. Thank you!! BABYSITTING CLINIC Babysitting Clinics will be held in June. Both clinics are at maximum enrollment. DANCE FOR FUN Our 'Dance for Fun .program held their annual dance recital May 12 .and 13 entitled "Wild x,Vild West." This was Maryann Porter's fifth year as Dance Coordinator. 230 Students participated in the recital. CHILD CARE Child Care hours have been reduced for the summer months. Child Care is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Child Care revenues year to date are $2940. Corresponding expenses were .unavailable at the time of this memo, but are estimated at $2700. A complete update will be issued in the next monthly report. 'MISCELLANEOUS During the summe~ months, Rec Center staff is assisting the Playgroufid.program by preparing some of the craft supplieS. G \parkX,crcmonthlyreport s~J une2000 Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard, Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. P-hone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651