Correspondence SectionCORRESPONDENCE CITYOF CH H SE 690 CiO, Ce, ret D~i~,e, PO Box I ~7 Cha,h,~sse,, Mhmesota 55317 Pl,o,e 612.93Z 1900 O,eM Ezx 612.93Z 5739 ~,gi,eeri,g ~x 612 93Z 9152 P~b/ic S,~'O, ~x 612. 93( 2524 llC~b tt,u,z~:ci., h,m/,a.cre,, m,. us June 9,2000 Mr. Jim Theis 6400 Chanhassen Road Chanhassen. MN 55317 Dear Jim: I want to pass along a special thanks for your involvement in repairing the tennis court at the Recreation Center. The "sinking" court was a pain in my side for a long time. With the school district unxvilling or unable to participate financially in a comprehensive repair project, I was running out of options. Your idea to install the drain system provided an inexpensive interim solution. Please pass my thanks on to anyone else that worked on this project. Great work! Sincerely. Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns C~ Scott Botcher. City Manager City Council ~q'ark and Recreation Commission Personnel Files G:\park~th\theisltr CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CiO, Ce,ret Drive. PO Box 147 C/;at~hasse,. ?d i,,esot,~ 55317 ?/;o,e 612. 93,~ 1900 (;~',eml ~3~.v 612 93~ 5739 E,[(i,ecri~ t:;~x 6 I2.937. 9152 P,b/i~' 5~'O, E~.¥ 612.934.252~ June 9,2000 Mr. Dale Gregory 7091 Redman Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dale: I want to pass along a special thanks for your involvement in repairing the tennis court at the Recreation Center. The "sinking" court was a pain in my side for a long time. With the school district unwilling or unable to participate financially in a comprehensive repair project, I was running out of options. Your idea to install the drain system provided an inexpensive interim solution. Please pass my thanks on to anyone else that worked on this project. Great work! Sincerely. Todd Hoffinan Park and Recreation Director TI t:ns (7: Scott Botcher. City Manager City Council -Park and Recreation Commission Personnel Files G :\park\th\gregoryltr METROPOLITAN MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT METRO COUNTIES GOVERNMENT CENTER 2099 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST · ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104-3431 651-645-9149 · FAX 651-645-3246 TTY use Minnesota Relay Service May 24, 2000 Scott Botcher, Chanhassen City Manager Metropolitan Mosquito Control District Adult mosquito control RECEIVED NAY 3 0 2000 CITY 0F CHANHASSEN W.J. CAESAR Business Admin. JOSEPH F. SANZONE, BCE Director Date: To: From: Re: The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) has been working to protect public health, and make summers more enjoyable for people in your city and throuo~hout the metropolitan area for over 40 years. Mosquito control techniques have evolved throughout the years to include a number of tools. One of these tools is adult mosquito control using the materials resmethrin or permethfin. Adult mosquito control will take place from time to time within your jurisdiction when samples show a mosquito-borne disease threat, or when levels of mosquitoes interfere with public events or citizens' outdoor activities. ~MMCD operates a pre-recorded adult information line. You can call (651) 643-8383 and find out where adult mosquito control is scheduled anywhere within the metro area. This inforrnation is updated daily, and is also available through MMCD's web site: www. mmcd.org. For more information, or to discuss other notification options, calI Jim Stark at 651-643-8363. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER I~ Printed on recycled paper containing at least 15'/, post-consumer paper fibers 06/02/00 FRI 11:$9 FAX 612 975 9209 , SOURCE P~EATIVE ~OLUTION$ ....... Sign Source/TechnlPrlnt 14530 MArtiN DriVE, EDEN PrAiriE, MN 55344 001 OAGES: / /'2/~,.~ 9.~ '?-/9~ x' /~- I FAX:. 937-'-~772 DATE: ~ .-,-D .-. Q,~ VlESSAGE: ___ .... L~f~. PHONE' (612) 975-4940 ~ FAX: (612) 975-9209 FROM : Locus flrchitecture Ltd. FAX NO. : 6123745578 ~un. 19 2880 11:50AM P2 District 112 Community Education 11 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 June 16,2000 TO: FR: RE: Youth Commission Members Trisha Leck, Youth Development Coordinato June 15 Meeting Notes RECEIVED JUN 2, 0 ?000 CITY OF CHANHA$SEN Our June 15 meeting began with a celebration dinner - thank you for your efforts as a team over the past year! The dinner also represented a time to bid farewell to our graduating youth members. The problem statement draft was not available for review in the absence of Bruce Le. Mike forwarded the State High School league guidelines to Bruce for inclusion in the statement. Trisha will email the statement to the group as soon as she receives it from Bruce. Trisha reported that Mike Werner is very interested in the sportsmanship initiative, and would like to hear about the plans from YC members. Trisha will facilitate scheduling a meeting with Mike. Much of the discussion focused around formulation of the action plan. The plan for fall will include the following components: June July Aug Future Meeting with Mike Werner, CHS Athletic Director - Mike, Karin and other interested members Contacts with potential motivational speakers for parent sport nights - Mike, others Meeting with coaches for fall high school sports Meeting of the Youth Commission t8 finalize fall details Program for fall parents sport nights Newspaper articles - Kent Cable interview - 2 YC members Web page information -- Trisha Meeting with other schools - sport captains Sportsmanship Awards - Individuals/Teams Sportsmanship Scholarships Connection with Park and Rec, etc. to expand efforts to younger students Phone: 952.556.6200 Fax: 952.556.6209 E-mail: communityed@chaska.k12.mn.us Membership 2000-01 - We need to fill student positions in the following areas: Carver County, Victoria, Chanhassen, Carver, Chaska and an adult position in Victoria. Karin indicated that her sister is interested in the Chanhassen position. Marcia and Mike will also discuss membership possibilities with potential recruits. Applications may be obtained from the representative City, Carver County or from Trisha. Terms officially begin on July 1, or upon approval by the sponsoring group. Nancy Martinson will begin serving as an adult representative for Community Education in July. Our next meeting will be in early August. That date will be set following discussion with Mike Wemer. Any YC gaduates who have not left for college yet are welcome to attend the meeting and participate in discussion.