3 Review Hwy101 No.TrailConceptCITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 CC' (.7,a,has:e,, P/,o~: 612 93E/900 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director July 17, 2000 Review Highway 101 North Trail Concept Plans The City Manager has requested that the Park and Recreation Commission be given the opportunity to review these plans. I will forward your commenls to Mr. Botcher. g:\park\th\h~vy 101 trail plans-e.doc CITYOF CHAN SEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937. I900 General Fax 612. 937. 5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: Nancy Mancino, Mayor Mark Engel, Councilman Steve Labatt, Councilman FROM: D ATE: Teresa J. Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engi.,p,~ July 1 1, 2000 SUB J: Highway 101 Trail, Review Concept Drawings Project File No. 97-12-3 Attached are the concept plans and a copy of the report completed by HTPO for the Minimal Impact Trail abutting Highway 101. These are the plans that were discussed at the July 10, 2000 Council Work-Session. Please note, the cost estimate in the report does not include costs for right of way acquisition, engineering, legal costs, administration, wetland mitigation, permit fees, or extra landscaping requested by the adjacent property owners. Engineering, legal costs, and administration are t.vpically estimated at 30% of the construction cost. Based on requests received during the public meetings, HTPO has estimated the extra landscaping at $100,000. (This is landscaping that is not required by the project, but is desired by the neighborhood. Restoration of areas disturbed by the construction is included in the cost estimate.) A ~avel surface instead of bituminous will reduce the cost of the trail by approximately $35,000, however, it will increase the annual maintenance costs and result in a less desirable trail. Using boardwalks instead of wetland fill will increase the cost of the trail by $40,000-$65,000. Large maps showing the full alignment are available in the City Engineering Office. Those maps include information and notes from the open houses as well as the alternative aliomunents that were considered and eliminated. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Staffhas begun the process to make a submittal to Mn/DOT for a Limited Use Permit. A resolution supporting the application will be placed on the July 24, 2000 City Council Agenda. C~ Mark Senn - no attachments Linda Jansen - no attachments Scott Botcher - no attachments Laurie Johnson, HTPO - no attachments G2ENG\PUB LIC597-12-3\Work Session Staff Report - 7-10.doc Preliminary Cost Estimate City of Chanhassen, MN Highway 101 Trail Concept Plans [ DEMOLITION/RELOCATIONS NO DESCRIPTION 1 Mailbox Relocation 2 Sign Relocation 3 Retaining Wail Relocation 4 Remove CMP's 5 Remove Bituminous 7 Saw Cut 8 Relocate or Adjust Valve/Hydrants 9 Move/Adjust Light Poles 10 Remove Planters [ SITE GRADING EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE 12 Each $150.00 15 Each $150.00 200 Lump Sum $20.00 300 Lin. Ft. $10.00 720 Sq. Yd. $3.50 3500 Lin. Ft. $3.00 11 Each $1,000.00 4 Each $1,000.00 1 Lump Sum $1,000.00 DEMOLITION/RELOCATIONS TOTAL TOTAL $1,8OO.OO $2,250.00 $4,OOO.OO $3,000.00 $2,520.0O $10,500.00 $11,000.00 $4,000.O0 $1,000.00 $40,07O.0O NO DESCRIPTION 11 Silt Fence 12 Co 111 lllon Excavation 13 Import Granular Fill 14 Clear and Grub Trees 15 Modular Concrete Walls 16 Fence/Rail EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE 10000 Lin. Ft. $2.50 3000 Cu. Yd. $8.00 1000 Cu. Yd. $13.00 90 Each $250.00 4500 SF $15.00 450 Lin. Ft. $37.00 SITE GRADING TOTAL TOTAL $25,000.00 $24,000.00 SI3,000.00 $22,500.00 $67,500.00 $16,650.00 $168,650.00 Highway 101 Trail Concept Plans Chanhassen, MN [ STORM SEWER ] NO DESCRIPTION 17 12"-18" CMP 18 12"-18" RCP 19 CMP Flared End Section 20 RCP Flared End Section 21 Catch Basin 22 Manhole 23 Riprap 24 Drain Tile 25 Pipe Bedding EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE 100 Lin. Ft. $30.00 1245 Lin. Ft. $40.00 5 Each $350.00 8 Each $750.00 5 Each $2,000.00 5 Each $2,000.00 75 Tons $55.00 1000 Lin. Ft. $10.00 280 Tons $10.00 STORM SEWER TOTAL TOTAL $3,000.00 $49,800.00 $1,750.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $4,125.00 $10,000.00 $2,800.00 $97,475.00 PAVEMENTS AND RESTORATION NO DESCRIPTION 26 Bituminous Curb 27 B618 Curb and Gutter 28 Traffic Control 29 Trail $ignage 30 Type 3 Barricade 31 Class 5 Aggregate Base 32 3" Bituminous Wear Course, Type 4lA 33 Sod and Topsoil 34 Seed and Topsoil 35 Wetland Seed Mix 36 Erosion Control Matting 37 Bituminous Spillways 38 Guard Rail EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE 3020 Lin. Ft. $6.00 200 Lin. Ft. $11.50 1 Lump Sum $10,000.00 I Lump Sum $2,000.00 4 Each $500.00 3000 Ton $14.00 1500 Ton $45.00 12000 Cu. Yd. $2.50 2.4 Acre $1,800.00 0.75 Acre $2,400.00 250 Sq. Yd. $10.00 2 Each $250.00 700 Lin. Ft. $35.00 PAVEMENTS AND RESTORATION TOTAL TOTAL $18,120.00 $2,3OO.O0 $10,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $42,000.00 $67,500.00 $30,00O.O0 $4,320.00 $1,800.00 $2,500.00 $500.00 $24,50O.00 $207,540.00 DEMOLITION/RELOCATIONS TOTAL SITE GRADING TOTAL STORM SEWER TOTAL PAVEMENTS AND RESTORATION TOTAL SUBTOTAL 10% CONTINGENCIES TOTAL* $40,070.00 $168,650.00 $97,475.OO $207,540.00 $513,735.00 $51,373.50 $565,108.50 *does not include costs for easement acquisition, private utility relocation, landscape replacement, wetland mitigation, design services, construction administration, staking and inspection. Highway 101 Trail Concept Plans Chanhassen, MN