5 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM
Todd Hoffman, park and Recreation Director
FROM:- Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
DATE: July 19, 2000
CRC' Monthly Report - July 2000
The Recreation Center will undergo annual carpet cleaning in August. This
will occur during the period of gymn~siunv'studio floor resurfacing. We have
not scheduled room rentals during this heavy Cleaning period. We look
forward to a super clean facility.
Child Care finances are looking goOd. As of June 22, 2000. revenues are
$2,965.50 and expenses are $2,428.72.
Fall programs have been determined; more yoga, babysitting clinics and
nutrition classes, along with the return of. Kids in the Kitchen and three new
preschool play day events.
Exhibits by local artists will begin again in September. We enjoyed
displaying the colorful posters created in the paint dance class.
G: ,park\CRCMonthlyReports\J uly2000
Chanhassen Recreation Center'. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 .' Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065