6 Senior Center UpdateCITYOF
690 Ci~7 Center Drive, PO Box I47
Chanhassen, gghmesota 55317
Phone 612Y37. l YO0
General ~x 6IZ 932 5Z~9
E~gineerittg ~x 612. 932 9i 52
/~ubSc .~afi? t'~x 612.934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: July 19, 2000
Senior Center Report
Currently I am working on special activities for the fall. Activities include Saturday
Night Specials (arranging caters & entertainers), Men's and Women's club speakers and
outings, and finalizing all fine details for the upcoming winter trip schedule.
On Monday, July 3~d the Senior Center hosted an Open House from 5:00pm - 7:00pm.
The attendance was great! There were several seniors who attended the Open House
who had never visited the Senior Center before. The Woodcarving Club and Stamping
Club had a booth displaying some of their projects. This was a great eye catcher for all
of the visitors who attended!
Listed below are the averages for each daily activity for the month of June.
Approximately 735 visits were recorded for the month of June.
Daily Activities - Average Attendance
Bridge - 36 people
Men's Club - 8 men
Woodcarving ~ 10 peqple
Stamping Club - 10 p¥Ople
Golfing Club - 17 people
Women's Club - 21 women
Book Club - 8 people
Bingo - 22 people
Card Club ~ 40 people
Footcare Clinic - 3 people
Trips - Upcoming trips include; Orchestra Hall 7/27/2000, Austin Trip 8/07/2000 and
Science Museum 8/23/2000 (Southwest Metro Transit will be providing the
transportation free of charge).
Special Programs - The Senior Center will be hosting a 4 Hour Defensive Driving Class
on Tuesday, August 8th from 9:00am - 2:00pm. "Footworks" will be providing their
second footcare clinic at the Senior Center on Friday, July 28tl~ from 1:00pm - 4:00pm.
Miscellaneous - Currently the Senior Center has 34 people signed up for the 9 day
Bi[oxi / New Orleans tour in October. Meals on Wheels is looking for additional
volunteers to deliver meals. Selda Heinlein, a former Senior Commission member of 10
years, passed away on July 4th. A total of 180 seniors attended the Pancake Breakfast at
St. Hubert's on July 4th.
g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 7.19.2000
The City of Chanhassen. A ~rowing community with clean lakes, aua/in, sd,ooIs, a chamtine doumtott,n, thrivin¢ businesses, and beautiful ~ark*. A vreat ~/ace to/it,e, u,m'k, and day.