7 Park&Trl Maintenance Report'7
690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147
Chanhassen, M 3mesota 55317
?ho~e 6iZ Y37.
General F~v 612. Y3Z 5739
Esgi~eeri~g F~x 612.93Z 9152
h~bSc S~O, E,x 612. 934.2524
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
DATE: July 19. 2000
SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report
July has proven to be a very busy month. A lot of work went into getting things
ready for this year's Fourth of July celebration. Thc weather was grcat and wc had
a very large turnout of people fbr all activities. All who helped organize this year's
activitics did a great job.
We have had many complaints regarding thistles in areas of our parks that arc not
mowed. We have spent a great deal of time spraying and mowing these thistles.
We arc also in the process of mowing along all City trails for thc second time this
We have had some trouble with thc new retaining wall by ballficld #4 at Lake Ann
Park. After one of the hcaw rains this summer, thc wall started to tip over. Wc
had to dismantle thc wall, re-compact all thc soil, and install drains behind thc wall.
Thc contractor warranty for thc wall was still in affect and they were there to
rebuild it.
We arc also doing work around the BluffCrcek warming house to improve thc
appearance of thc building. Drain tile has been installed to help a watcr problem
around thc building and sod will be installcd shortly.
The City o£Cha,f~asse,. A ~.rowi~l~. communiW u, ith c/ea~z lakes, aztalirv schools, a chn~v,;i~¢ dotvntou,~, thrivi~J¢ businesses, a~Jd beautifid oarks. A ~reat vl,~vr ~ /ivr. work.