8a TH5/W 78th Street Impr ProjCITYOF CHANHASSEN 612. 93L I900 612 9.~L MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park and Recreation Commission Todd HoftNan, Park and Recreation Director July 17, 2000 TH 5/West 78th Street Improvement Project, Funding Summary Please find attached a City Council report prepared by Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer, for Teresa Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engineer. Of special interest to you will be the proposed allocation of $115,000 from the Park and Trail Fund. This proposed expenditure is unbudgeted and has not been discussed with the Commission. I want to take the opportunity to review this funding proposal at our upcoming meeting. g:\park\th\th 5 w 78 impr. fl~nding.doc CITYO1 690 Ci~ Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 E, gi,eering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safe~ Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. cha.hasse..mn, us MEMORANDUM. TO:(C'.. < FROM: DATE: SUB J: TereSa j.. BUrgess, FuNk Works DirectOr/City Engineer Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer ~}~1[-4-~...'. ~ Pub lic Hearing for Street and Utility Improvements alOng West 78th Street/T~ Highway 5 Between Lake A~ Park and Centu~ Boulev~d; Approve Feasibility Study dated Jun~ 23, 2000 ~d Order Public ~provement ProJect No. 97-6 Att ached is the feasibility study prepared by city staff for the construction of street and utility improvements associated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation's Roadway and Utility Project for the reconstruction of TH 5. The City Council previously approved the construction plans and specifications for this project back in January 2000. The report reflects only the improvements proposed to be assessed with the project. It does not include costs for the streets, trails and bridges. I have attached a funding summary sheet dated July_6, 2000 which reflects the proposed allocation of funds to pay for the street, trail and bridge improvements, Street lighting and landscaping improvements are also not proposed along West 78th Street with this phase. The street lighting system and landscaping improvements will be installed as a separate project in the future by the City ofChanhassen. MnDOT opened bids on June 30, 2000 for this project and proposed to award a contract during the first week of August 2000. The City Council needs to approve the feasibility study and order the project prior to MnDOT awarding the project. The primary elements associated with this project are the extension W 78th SL from Lake Ann Park to Century Blvd. and trunk sanitary sewer and water main improvements. The project is scheduled to be completed within two years. The total estimated project cost (city's) for the proposed public improvements is $1,651,863.00. The feasibility study outlines primary project elements, associated cost estimate and preliminary assessment roll. The project appears to produce a net revenue of approximately $550,828.00 from the trunk sewer and water assessments. It should be noted that there are a couple of parcels of land that are in green acre status, which will impact the payback period of the assessments. If at the close of the public hearing there are no further relevant questions or- ~;.:,; ....... ~:. :...,, ......, ~.,,' ~....,.,.: ~' ..... .,~,~', {30~ concerns which require further study it is recommended that the City Council .:.- .... ~ approve the feasibility study for the Reconstruction of TH 5 and the extension of "' ............ ~ West 78th Street frontage road between Lake Ann Park and Century Boulevard i:?"~',"'-~- .----~ and order the public improvements associated with Project No. 97-6. ,77;~- ,,-,.-4.~ i:-7 O?~y Engineer i32,,D ff~-/5--~9~.~Attachments: 1. Feasibility Study. 2. Funding Summary. ~,p~tO~'~.d ~ ~ {~,111{~ g:\eng\public\97-6\public hearing.doc 5/WEST 78TH. STRE'~T:: ~ - Assessable Balance Net DRAINAGE - W.78th St. $1,265,908 $550,828 Total Cost $164,978 - SWMP Funds - MSA - TIF Balance TRAFFIC SIGNALS - (Century_, Audubon &..pOwers). $98,289 $46,689 $20,000 $0 Total Cost $75,616 - Assessable - MSA - TIF Balance $32,700 $22,916 $20,000 $o STREET IMPROVEMEMTS - (West 78th Street/Trails/Bridges) Total cost $696,189 $4,922 - West 78th Street/Galpin Blvd. $1,058 - West 78th Street/AUdubon Rd. $249,550 - West 78th Street Frontage Rd. $280,000 - Bridges (4) 2-Th 5, 2-W. 78th $535,530 plus 30% = $696,189 - Park & Trail Fund - SWMP · - MSA - TIF $115,000 $127,296 $293,893 $160,000 $0 TOTAl, PROJECT COST $1,651~863 Summary of funding Sources -Park & Trail dedication -TIF assistance - SWMP - Assessments -MSA $115,000 $200,0O0 $225,585 $1,298,608 $363,498 Total Balance NctRevenue $2,202,691 $550,828 g:'~ctq?public' 97-6' fLmding summary.doc