2 Coffman Devel Request SubdivCITYOF
690 CiO, Center Drive, PO Box
Cha,hassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.93Z 1900
Generd Fax 612.93,7. 52~9
E,gi,eeri,g Fax 612.93Z9152
PubSc 3)~'q b;~x 612. 934.2524
~Fb wtow. ci. cha,hasse~.,m, us
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Director
July 17. 2000
Request to subdivide a 3.4 acre parcel into 5 single family lots and
two outlots on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and
located at 6900 Minnewashta Parkway, White Oak Addition,
Coffman Development Services. Inc.
This subdivision meets park and trail requirements, however, given its relationship
to Roundhouse Park, I wanted the Commission to review it. I look forward to
hearing your comments and will pass them on to the applicant and Planning and
Engineering Departments.
The Planning Conamission reviewed this proposed subdivision on August 1, 2000.
A resident at the meeting testified that she thought it would be a good idea to install
a trail colmector to Roundhouse Park along the western boundary of Lot 5. She
noted that presently the entire neighborhood needs to walk a long way around the
perimeter of the park or choose to cut through private yards to reach the playground.
We did not have a great deal of time to discuss this in July. As I recall, the
Commission previously elected not to create a trail connector at this location as a
part of the Oaks of Minnewashta plat. I believe that some of the commissioners felt
a trail connector between houses was an invasion of privacy. I do not dispute that
trail connectors "in-between" houses creates a less than optimal solution for the
adjoining residents. However, I still hold the position that the benefits of this trail
connector would provide subjugates their position. A letter notifying residents in
the area of my recommendation to construct a trail com~ection at this location will
be mailed on August 16, 2000.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Comlnission recommend the City
Council require a 20 foot trail easement on the western boundary of Lot 5, White
Oak Addition. In consideration for this full trail fees would be waived. Park fees
would remain in force at applicable rates.
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The City of Chanhassen. A growing co,tmunit~, with c/can lakes, au,z/in, schools, a charmi~J¢ dow,tow,, thrivin{, businesses, a,d beautiful t~arks. A ~reat o/aa' to ~ire, work, and vla~
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