4 Approve 2001 Park&Trl Acq/CIPCITYOF 690 Cit~,, Ceuter DHt,e, PO Box 1~7 Chanha;sen, Minnesota 55.317 Phone 612. 93Z i~00 6Fnera/~x 612. 93Z 5,739 3tyiueering ~x 612. 93Z 9152 h~bSc ~fi'(; ~x 612.934,2524 W~'b u,tctc, ci. c/,,u~ha~seu, m~t. us MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 7/4 FROM: Todd Hofl'man, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 16, 2000 SUB J: Approve Proposed 2001 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Plan I have reviewed the minutes of June 27, 2000, regarding the Capital Ilnprovement Plan (CIP). I will move the $20,000 Stone Creek Park Phase II Play Area fi'om 2003 to 2001. Funding for a ttwy. 101 South Connector Trail between Chanhassen ttills and Bandimere Community Park is identified in 2001. I am recommending that the Commission postpone the project and reallocate the $200,000 allocation to the t lwy. 101 North Trail Project. Funding sources previously relied upon tbr the 101 North Trail may no longer be accessible. In this event, the Park and Trail CIP should allocate resources to the north segment prior to the south. Other projects that I recommend the Commission propose for funding in 2001 include: · Marsh Glen Trail Connector (awaiting estimate) City Center Park Tennis Com't Improvement (4) 50% share · New Park Rules Signs · Recreation Center Wall Sign (Hwy. 5 side) (awaiting estimate) · Covered Shelter/Seating/Access Improvements at Skate Park · Picnic Tables · Waste Receptacles · Tree Planting $40,000 $4,000 $35,000 $4,0OO $9,000 $5,000 g:Xpark~thX,2001 cipmemo.doc The ()'t¥ of Chanhassen. A frowin~, communitr with clea~ lakes, aualin, schools, a charming dowutou,n, thriving businesses, and beauti/)d ~>arks. A ~reat ,/ace to live,