7 Senior Center July/Aug ReportCITYO 690 C/0, Center Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Pho,e 612.937.1900 General £ax 612.937.5739 E,gi,eeri,g Fax 612.93Z9152 I~btic $afeO, Fax 612. 934. 2524 I¥~'b wtuu~ ci. cha~h(~sse~, m~.~s MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator DATE: July 19, 2000 SUB J: Senior Center Report Currently I am working on special activities for the fall. Activities include Saturday Night Specials (arranging caters & entertainers), Men's and Women's club speakers and outings, and finalizing all fine details for the upcoming winter trip schedule. On Monday, July 3~a the Senior Center hosted an Open House from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. The attendance was great! There were several seniors who attended the Open House who bad never visited the Senior Center before. The Woodcarving Club and Stamping Club had a booth displaying some of their projects. This was a great eye catcher for all of the visitors ~vho attended! Listed below are the averages for each daily activity for the month of June. Approximately 735 visits were recorded for the month of June. Daily Activities - Average Attendance Bridge - 36 people Men's Club - 8 men Woodcarving - 101 peo~ple Stamping Club- 0 people Golfing Club - 17 people Women's Club - 21 women Book Club - 8 people Bingo - 22 people Card Club - 40 people Footcare Clinic - 3 people Trips - Upcoming trips include; Orchestra Hall 7/27/2000, Austin Trip 8/07/2000 and Science Museum 8/23/2000 (Southwest Metro Transit will be providing the transportation free of charge). Special Programs - The Senior Center will be hosting a 4 Hour Defensive Driving Class on Tuesday, August 8t~ from 9:00am - 2:00pm. "Footworks" will be providing their second footcare clinic at the Senior Center on Friday, July 28th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Miscellaneous - Currently the Senior Center has 34 people signed up for the 9 day Biloxi / New Orleans tour in October. Meals on Wheels is looking for additional volunteers to deliver meals. Selda Heinlein, a former Senior Commission member of 10 years, passed away on July 4th. A total of 180 seniors attended the Pancake Breakfast at St. Hubert's on July 4'~. g:\park\kara\senior ctr update 7.19.2000